<br />i
<br />Q _..~.
<br />_. _ ,
<br />` 82 ~"'°~ ~ ~ °~ Q ~ ~ Huffman and Frltnn & Wolt, Waifan, Ne 6R463
<br />90S-.A-Corporation Warranly Daed ~
<br />~ ENOW ALL 1'J~ BY THSSS PRESENTS, That Koooeram Co.
<br />--
<br />l
<br />a corgoratian organized and existing under and'bp virtue o4 the lairs of the 3tate`of Nebraska
<br />i:t eonsideratinn o4 One Dollar. and other valuable consderation-
<br />r~~r~.~ed rom grantees, does grant, bargain, sell concev and coxtfirxn nnt®
<br />William C. Ramsey, Trustee
<br />herein eallefl she grantee whether ane or more; the fo]lo~ing described real property in Grand Islaixd
<br />Hall Cannts, Nebraska, •
<br />I
<br />fi i.ot 9, Block 2, in Replat of
<br />1 Riverside acres, an Addition to
<br />the City of Grand Island, 3ai1
<br />County, Nebraska cTS.T MErJT AIIACHED '
<br />JUL; 22 1962'
<br />j ~ 8Y
<br />I To have aixd to held the sbare <lescrihed prrrr~ie~ ta~ether with'all tenements, hereditalnents, and agpnr-
<br />tenances thereto belangxng units the grantee ucu3 t r •ravtee's heirs and assigns forever. J,
<br />i~xxd the H=rantor "or ~ts_'r axtd tts succe~sc>s3 !saes Iteretry covenant with the grantee and with,Rrantee'®
<br />heirs axsd assigns, Chat ~~n:aLaris tawfiilty seised ~ ; .nid lxremiz;es; that the~,are freefkom encumbrance-
<br />except liens, restrictions, easements and encumbrances of. record
<br />that grsvtvr has good right snd Lawful antharitp to rnnrev the soma; sad Chat granter waxxants and will defend
<br />he tine to ,;aid prexnises against the IiiwfuLulaims of old perriaxu whaaoever.
<br />Ln svitrxeay uhereaf, granter has hereuxito reused its carl~orate seal to be affixed and these presents signed
<br />i b_v its 1're~ident.
<br />I)atei3 December 31 l.y gp _
<br />i~° `"~ ~ Kopneram Co ..........
<br />~ r~ ~'
<br />, L ~,+ y ................:................President
<br />STRTF= Jp C3FI3IIRASXFs;. j Oa this_.37.Stdayof.I?2C~irib27C:._. 19.BQ:...before me,
<br />ss.
<br />COUN`PY OF ~CiGi,''<S_.. _. __._~ the undersigned; a aiotary ?ublic in and tor. sold County
<br />-h~.rs~na:r~ cane 5~1111a1I1,C,.:?8d1IIS:t':Y-..... ...._ ......-_... ... _. , President o~
<br />i _ Koppera~-n Cf?. .. .. ... .............. .,;_...... .... ra corporal
<br />...... ,_....._. 4'ani
<br />to me persona!iy ar:o•Kn to ba the President ~ enticat person vrhose name is a#fixed to the above conv~r- 3
<br />arse, a::d 7c>:no ti:edcad the executren t,Fj~~ i'.xn:ary act and deed as such officer and the voluntary ;
<br />ac: wid dec~u cE sa.a cor,~ration and teat .sii ~~ l ct the sa.d crorporatian was thereto afkixed by its i
<br />aut7way ,! .~P '
<br />l'lxtnaas s. r h~.n ozxd 13otariezt Sec' ?~ ~ sa:d ce:~rx[y~the :.'rjty end pear last abcive written. ,
<br />. .
<br />,/
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<br />~..; ~ ___
<br />3 4 ,+~ ~ tvntary Public:
<br />M3 -
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<br />Fy Cemm:scan expires fhe..., ... ` ... ~ ~~..~. ~ ,..a.: _ .i js ..::.....
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<br />i:. t "~. ut:tateriarti ivies zdxett filed ±or .record iu i;he Rx<t;ster of 1)eed3 i~ffict' f aid s•;;afatity i3te , 1,.
<br />.. ;le.; st ................... t3......, ai.........,.» eSoek xnd.. tnfr,ut.a ... 9i.>
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