<br />' ~ if Bor-•t~stt ~!taf ~uh~s to Lender, tht Funds shad be held in an insticurion the depc+sits ur accounts of which err
<br />- insurtd ar guacaritetd by a Federa4 or stateagency tncludigg Lender if lxader is such an knst"ttutioni. Ixndtr shall appky
<br />the Funds to pax said axes,. assessments. insurance premiums. and ground rents. Lender may. nit chsrge far so hdtdtog
<br />and applying t}ae Funds, analyzirsg said acceunt or verifyit[g and compssling said assessments and bills, unlus Lender
<br />.pats 13orr~wer iu[trest o^ the Fends andapplicabie kaw permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and Lertdrr
<br />ma}' zgret in writing at the ;tmeof e~tecutign of this Deed of Trust that interest on the Funds shall be paid to Borrower,
<br />I and unless tiuch agreement is made or applicable law eYquires such intere~. to be paid., Lehder sha31 not be required
<br />to pay Borrower any interest or earnings cm the Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower:'withotrt charge, an annual
<br />amxwnting of tits Funds shawtng credits and debits ro the Funds and the purpose for which each debit to thr_ Funds was
<br />made. i ht Funds ate pkdgtd as addiaionat security far the sums secured by this Deed of T~ust~
<br />_ I€2ht amount of the Futedslreld by Le'1der, together witht~he future monthly insrallotents of Funds payable prior to
<br />she dutdates of taxes. assessments. insurance premiums andground rents, shallexceed the amouor required to nay said
<br />taxes: assessments, insurantt premiums and ground tints as they fall due. such cries ~hatl hr. at Borrower's option.
<br />_ either promptlyrep3tid ta:Bixtoweror credited to Brrtowtr on monthly installments of Funds. if the amount of the
<br />Funds held >?y Lender 5hait not bt su~citnt to pac ;axes. 35sessmen[s, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall
<br />due Borrower shall pay to Condit any amount ^eces.~n~ to make up the deficientv'in nue or more payments as Lender
<br />may re+luirc:
<br />Lpan'paytnmt in tail of ail sttmssecureG' by this Deed;ot Trust, xnder sha[I pmmptlt .cafund to Borcower any
<br />Funds held by L:cnder. If under paragraph t7 hereof ehc Property is sold or tfie Property is otherwise acquired by
<br />Lemler, Lender shall apply, nti later than imtntdiately prier to the sale cif the Property ar its acquisltidn by L,t odor, anv
<br />Funds held by Ixnder at tttetimc of apptlcarion as a credit against thesums secured bs thisiaeed of Trust-
<br />- 3- apPtlcatMs o[ Pa1Meu, UNess appiicahk taw pravidts otherwise. all paymtnts received by Lender under
<br />the Note attd paragraphs l and 2 hertafshakl fx applied by Lender first in payment ai` amounts payable-tn Lender by
<br />Borrower under puagraph Z hereof, then ra interest parable on the Note. and then to trio prencipa3 of the:Npte.
<br />4. PrfN Mw~gtr nwd Drti[ of Trvrw CLarra; Liver. Borrower shall. perform all at Borrower's obligations
<br />under anp tntartgaHe, deed 'of trust or other sectrity agreement with a lien which has priority over this L1ezd of Trust.
<br />iaduding. Borrower's=COVenaat5 to make paymenu when dt;e. Bortnver shall pas or cause 'to be paid all'taxes.
<br />assessments and other'charges, firxsanei impositions attribtuabie to the Pmpem°which tnay errata a pnority over this
<br />Deed of 2rttu. and. tcaseltoid pa7ments orgroeatsd rents.. if anv.
<br />S. Hind (>•werp_ Bcxrawer shat3 keep the impravemeats now existing itr htreatter crtcted art [he Property
<br />itrsured against koss h,y fire, beards included within the:term "cxxended carera2c". and such ether ?tazirds as Lender
<br />may ttquin a~ instult amrattttts and Exit such periods as Linder mar irqutre.
<br />TTtc insurance curter pravidtrsg the insurance chalk tae chosen b7 Barmaker subject to apprdvat by Linder: provided.
<br />that such approrat shall not. be unreasonably u~thteckl..dll insurance poftcies sod renewals 3hertot` shall he in a farm
<br />acceptable to k.cndct and stroll include a standard tttottgage clause rn laver of and rn a 17rm acccgtabke to Lender.
<br />Ls:nder sheik ?tare rile right to ixaid atte pattits axtsf renewals thetcet`, sus,gtct tti rite terms often}' morEgagr, deed of t-use
<br />vr:nhar s«anty agreement with a lien echiett haispriont}~ over thn Dt,cd of Trust:
<br />In the event ut Soss. Barrit+rershaIl ~arC promprrtotKr ri; she to+uratsec earner acrd Lender. Ltndtrmaq make lxaaf
<br />of;era:if not made ?rotnptlr t>y Borrower.
<br />U the ('roperly is a0andontd by Borr~et; br if'I3Arrcrucr ! x•I, pit rCSpond to Lxndcr rt~afhin 30days trnnr tht date
<br />trotat is n:x+lcd b, ixrNfer :v W7rrowcr t3tar tht nstsrattce c;,rner ~?rrcrs txr settle-a claim torinurance t=ettet'rts, t;eradtr is
<br />: authonud ti, ~oVltct and app{v the insuranceprtttc~.v15. at L:ttx3er'tiiapt.nart. eithtr to rx;sior.iti[:mt5r repair-.i+li the:.
<br />-Property ax ro the earns soured Mt the. Ck~tl of"Trust>'
<br />e. Praoer.otiw and 'Maiatewwe ut l'rope;rtT: I.erehoA~; C:ondomiaiuer; Plaaoed E nit i7eveiopenentx. l3car-
<br />txawrr shall keep the t'rcpcrt. ~n gax,; repair and: shall n rc .xamntst w;tstt xar permit impitrmrnt ur deteriorativniof~he:
<br />PA,pcrty and,-hail a>mpiy rah a!x praa isir~ns v3 an+icLL,c .i+ht5 S?cam ~,: lruat t3c>s..a Isaseaoicf, ltthss iJced e51.1`rust is
<br />on a ^nar +^ a condomaniurr, ,;r a ; r,.nr~ urtttd~rlvisrnent, kiorr~.•~x-s mull perfarm akk bi iicrrruHrr's ob,iigatton5 uudt;r
<br />the declaraucn ~,;r as,cnu.b ."anating t+i. ~nerni rg the ~_und..-,nii~,un: „r plunnedurstt dcvclx~pment: the by-Idws 3nd..
<br />' rtgttiaaGns of the ~-„n.iunlrr7i;aan or planned un+, .(r.c;~+pmer.t..unu r::•esno,ccr, aescuntents:
<br />,. PrMaeth~ al Leodsr's ~rcoritv.lPBom:~.cr i-,ie :o per tr_-rt :he -_ ~._q~'1::. ,n.(:;yrt;tmenn ~timatned imthts.
<br />iJeed at Trust. ,~r :f anv actron or pr.,.ertdiog „ cve~~nactkrd win r, t:atc.-,.~f <13rc;. E •n,ler"; r:. -rear ir, r?te,Prosxcts,
<br />then Ltindtr. at l.xn:er'; opeien. upgn notrct u~ Borrower ;,•,;,_~ r~.dke our_h tpt>enrarr e .+ . ,,,- ~ .uch sums rncludtng
<br />reiu+nabie attorneys' foes, ant take such ucti n xs ~ nee esar. ,:ti r n: t~.,.t . nit; ; , uc s t7 I_en:.er required mort~gagt
<br />;usurance as a condition of making :he i<ro&rt =crated ;7: .ts D-ed Trv;t. 8:.a ~ ~. , <r f::r. ~ },e p:cmwm, , equix-cd LU
<br />rmm~taia sa.::~ irscr:uxce in aHact ~aan' ,,,;s .=rnc as the .ryu;remene t•-r ;L..:...au,-a r_ ,a.ra.nates inacmrdance wtrlt
<br />Borrower's and !_eadu'c ~-eaten agreimcn. a ~,,r!irabiels-
<br />Inc amounts disbutced bt ixudcr Nrer;a ... r_. ,h,s i,ars;raGr ~. ,;tn ,r..ere5, chrreoo. at the-.'`lore ratt.shalk,
<br />become additian.ti indebteilnea`: of Porrnw~ >. ~sretii hi', `.1rr1 trf T ~ :. l_rl:e5s L''. rt-awtr and finder atp'ee to
<br />ether terms ,d pa,rocnt -u h am<w rs sna x a,ar a .r^ t ,:rm L,ern1e. t~ Borr.ru^r reyuesttng n vmenY
<br />thcreot V,r;ht-ss ~r s• r. n, ~. ~a, ak aph Na v t Lee ecr incur anc ezpease or tai. ors, -tion hereunder.
<br />it lrspectfoa '..odor mr:: ^,n;ct.. -. ca sx .~ .~.,rs+.wm -r _~mes upim std +.p ..ns of the Pruptrty:
<br />pet, dc' the ixatr ~Sa7. ~.- $~..aa_r ..... ..r ~ as}~ ssch ,nspecYtcn sties +_t>.x ~:aac,nabke cause thertfar
<br />rclatod ro Lrndcr rc nth °r F~ .v
<br />4. tiioodemnstwet. Tat ~ cd ~ la a ~ ~-r cfa,m ;err damages- reCY Arco sa-aucs-t at rn rornecttoa with
<br />a,ny : <..odcer,aa..u'r o. c ~~_ :,a,:. y, he 1'rc;x-.t., c. Cart thtrrc:f: cx'ixar eonveaaasc tr. iiNU +xi 4ondemnati<an. act".
<br />hrrrc'-y axticgr; a ..~ <it.r: ~. , ~,.. «,:a: r ...:~. . ~ _ ;;,e te'am3 oCanv~ m~ i-,gc de. ~ ~` rrxi.,r ate atner stcurap sgfiee-
<br />me ;tM~:e~;xara''.;?- t.- .. - .;crthtsIiaq.~T'c~st.
<br />itt, (~rz~wer '.'iol Reltssed: Fncbearaw< i3s i..erde[ Not a.W'u~e ,a,-;r. ,r. .,I sire „r :~-.r. parm~nf nr
<br />.~
<br />- +='SrI,..~,.an ka,.._ra..,s..±;;o...rr,.a-:.., .a_: h:.,.r t?cei:.. ra,C ..;l.: c.c ,.r I .. ~.dCCr.~ni ~ri[rCSt 9f
<br />Brit ., s.rxl -. ~'~Ytaae r :ra a.. a er i h' t 1 3.r- A b r-. a ^+, trt j
<br />ir.*<,.s. ; <..+,~. t'~aii rn ~ , ntr_v n ...n c.,~ .z. r ,,,. 3
<br />ti tit ~r otvrL'»xl>e ado.1~ ~ 2,'n nn,€ _.. .. ~.. _ _ .. ,cdW 0.: ~, c>Z h_ ~ ,. .._ .. -PY ,..-..: t*t i,k e. by titF
<br />... ar,r .. ....- r ,~~.,, ter, ~-,; :;.,_ .
<br />:l rt. nC ~ ,... _. .-. ... ~ SCtrtCdy
<br />'.sr.. r.ie:. r~..rr~-~,x~ ,~> ....._ t +i~tsi.c. ~ ~. , -. , _ -_. , t. _ ... .x42 rig7tt ;?r
<br />.. , t, '+tsc'rr-+ka~, t~ sn~ .'~.~a:gxra $e»,~~; ;nExrt err+c} ;:.e, rru! L~a.t+ikit.: ! :-n i~se ra. . .- ... - .,~
<br />a he.- ..-s'a! ..
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