<br />om
<br />tv
<br />not personally liable on the NO[e ar .„ceder this Peed of Trust, and (c) agrees th. ,..ender and any other Borrower
<br />hereunder may agree to cztend, modify, forbear; or make any othtr accommodations with regard to the terms of this
<br />Deed of Trust ar the Note, without that Borrotser's consent and without releasing that 3orrower ormodifying this Deed ~~
<br />of Trust az to that Bottower's interest in the Property.
<br />12« Notice. Except for any.notice required undo applicable law to be given in another manner, ta) any notice to
<br />Borrower provided for in this ]?eed of Trust shall. be given hydelivering it or by mailing such police by. certified mail C,11
<br />addressed to Borrower at the Property Address ar at such outer address as:Bottowex may designate by notice to Leader .~
<br />az provided:hercin, attd (b) any notice to Lender shall be given by certified mai(ta Lender's address stated: hcrsin or3o
<br />such otircr address as Lender may designatrby notice to Borrower asprovided herein. Any notice provided for in this
<br />Deed of Trust shah be deetncd to have been given to Ilortosrer or Leader when given in the tnannar designated basin,
<br />13. Gara~(es Lays Se*anb![tt~. The state and local taws applicable to this Deed'afTrust shall be tfie laws of the
<br />jurndictiomin which the Property is located. fhe fo~egoing.stntencashall not limit the applicability of Federal law:to
<br />this Dtxd of Trtut. In the event that any pmrision or clattstof this Ikal of Trust ar the NMe' cronflicts with appiicsble
<br />taw,: such conflict shalt not atteM other provisiaru of this Dtxd of Trust os the Notc which can bt,giren ef&xtwithout the
<br />rnaflictittg pmrision, and to this end Ehe provisions ofthis Deed of Trust and the tVOts are declared to be stwerable: As
<br />usedl herein; '"casts' ; "capeases'° astd "attorneys' fees" include all sums to the extent not prohibited by applicable law or '
<br />limited herein:
<br />11. Baere+wr'~ Copy: Borrower shad be furnished a rnnformed copy of the Note and of this Dead of Trust at the
<br />time of eascution or after recortlation, hereof;
<br />15. Raiab(B4ttote twaa AQeeansa Borrower shall EulfiD all of Borrower's obligations under any home rehabilita-
<br />tion, improvement, rep:ir:or other Iona agreement which Barrower enters into with [.ender. Leader, at i.imda's option,
<br />may esquire Borrower to execute and deliver to Lender, in' a form acccptabirto (.ender, an assignment of any: tights,
<br />claims ardeftnses whichBarrrnver may havragainst parties whasupply tabor, mateiials or setvices in connection with
<br />improvements made to the Propem, .
<br />16. Tratfer et tin ~y`~ wttttam*aas• : Z P all or any part of ehe Pro~~earty or an int6rdit
<br />ttsessin is sold ar- uattserred by eacrowr rithout Lertder•a prior trclttsn conseet,
<br />~lodlnq (a1 the creation of a lion. nr eeycunbranes subordixsate to Chia Dead of
<br />Tztut, (b- tAa czaaeion of a 1-turahasd nosey sdcurity intardst for housahoid apQli-
<br />aaces oz (cl a transfer by drvisd, descant or t>y operatioet of lar upon the '.death at
<br />a joint tenant, Lettdes slay at Leadez's'option,-declare all .the suns. secured by :this
<br />!a•sd of 'twat to-be i>•eJtiately due anndd payable. Lender. shall have raiv such
<br />opGAon to aecr:lsrsts il, Prior to ttu sales ar tzaas#er, Lettdsr and the psrsan to
<br />the Property s to be sold of uansterred reach agreesssnc in vc itinqq -that the
<br />czsdit of such pet:soa is saiistacury to Caudal: and that the interest payable on the
<br />surs> sscurttd try, this heed of Trust ehali b~ at such rata as Lender shalt 'request.
<br />Zf Lends ettsrcis~s. such. oQttort o accelerat:, Lene(ec shall mail docrotrer notice of
<br />aecslsration in aocozdance rith'pasagraph i2 gereof« Sueh notices shall provide a
<br />period of isot less. tisart 30 days from ttts date thR notices is stalled or d~alivered
<br />rithin rhicit eotroe!sr may pay a swp declared due. :f i3orrower fails to ,payy. such
<br />nuns prior to es,e ettpitatian cif such period, tender -may, without Purtt:er natice : ar
<br />datat-nd nn Borrows, anvoka any rr>.sdies penaitted hey oaragraptt 17 hereof,
<br />NoN-liMtt~ilM COVErtaNTS. Borrower and I.eadtrfurthercoreitant and agree as foilatvst
<br />iT. AcceMestissr RasniMs. Eaeapt sa pearided m P~a/mPb 10 hereaf, epos Borrarer't bseactt a( any mrenast
<br />etc agtesmest e[ Dersesrer Is tidy-peed of Treat, laclndia; Berrwwv's (ailsus. to py, M the cad of 10 calendar days after
<br />tYsy an dsa. aa# ,utma sseaesd b~ thla Dwd:ot Trtrt, t.esdsr prior to:scceleretbn shall Alec notice to Borrower ar
<br />ptwidsi L psestegi 12' hereof spsci[ylt>K: (I t the brMacht l2) tlr actbs regelesd to cars soc6 bleach; i31 a date,'not
<br />isr tins 20 den [ee~ c6e date The aetlce is mailed to Borrot.sr, b7 which toc6 6reaelt most be cured; sad ;4) -that
<br />(all~n t4 rate swdt btesci oe or baton the: date rpacl6ed m ttglt'i~a stx~tYtioo of the lama secured by
<br />this Deed oC'ikttat sad sale of tlse Pnperry The notice ~ Iust"~ei` esfasts Borrower of the right to reinstate after
<br />eecekratlos end t4 rigbl to Lr{sg s coert action is aaeH dse ~Ir,~s,o[ a default or nay other de#ense of Borrower.
<br />is etxoieratlos sad w(a. tf dre btNC1t Y cot cured oa or befen the tLu spaciDed In the notice, Lander, to Lendu•s
<br />optlew, may dsc}ses al( of tba ,ysr.secarwi by thtF Dwd of Txvat to br tmmedistcly dae and pysbte witlwut funt~tr
<br />damned esd s.y iavob the powaeef sale sad nay other remedies permitted by applicable taw. I.mt'xr shalt be entitled
<br />t• taUaM ail rN.saabM east sad a=psosr isc~rsd Eo pnrwlsg the raaudi~ prar(dcd W thb paragraph i 1, 9acioding,
<br />Sat trt itaitad ta, rasast~bk attoneys° hna.
<br />ll tin ptttnr of aafe.is ieroicsd, Trttstoe steel! record a notice of default to each county. in which the Property oc some
<br />paK titaee(i leeatad toad shall ttaailcopia of sutab radon le the msttaa prwcrLbed by apPllwble lave ea Borrower and
<br />t• t6sretisar pstAesr pascsibsd bJ applicable intr. Aifer tits iapee of stac6 tine m msy be required by appiigblt law,
<br />'1'nrtss siall;gim pablic actin ~ sole to tbs peesoas sad is the ataoaer prucribed by applicable Intr. Trost, without
<br />det~ud oa Boeeotror, shall salt the"Ptoperty at public rrctlar w tiu higLes bidder at the time sod place sad under. the
<br />tsaa deaitisated is the sotiae o[ late Ea nee or mute psmts sad in atsch order ss Tnutee may detersaisre. Trustee may
<br />pssiraa sate at: aU or nay pared of the Property. by Public amouacemeat at the times and. place. of any previously
<br />achtdnisd sate. Leads ocLeader i 3aisose tray. purchase the Property at nay sate.
<br />Upw reeofpt o[ (aystamt of the prttx bid, Trastes shall deliver #o the: parcbawec Trustee's deed convtying the
<br />Ptep*rty sold. The reeitah is site Trvtttee's deed shalt be Prima Eacis cvitientt of she truth of Ehc statetaent:,made
<br />tlweL. Trartee shall apply the procestlr a( the ute to the [oilnwiag order: ix) so alt reaaatsabic coats and expenses of the
<br />s+la. iscladi'st. bet sat limited to, Trustee's fep rctual6y iocisrred of swi more'tftaa . , "" ........ a/e of [be gross sate I
<br />peke, aaaoaabM;attoraeys' fees sad trostrt of title evldeaae; {bj to all cams secured by this Deed of Trasi; and: {c) the es• J
<br />cars. I# any, to tLc person ar persons isQally rrtcitkd tharcto.
<br />18. Berrsvrer's Right us RNtnta#e. Ns,tuirhs:ending Gender's artrirrazicrn of the stirns serurrd bti• this. IIeed of
<br />Trt~t. due :o Botxower's brcarlt, Botraawer shall have the.. riglst to Ftavc any proceedings begun by Lender to rnfarce this
<br />Deed of Trust dscontira:cd a# anx tints prior to the Bari#cr to occur c>E{i) the fifth day before the sate of the Praperty
<br />pursatant to the power of <ate consainsxf in thin Deco: of a -cast or tit) rntrv of a lodgment enforcing this Deed tit Trust if:
<br />(a).Fkirroswer pays L.ct;Ler a:1 sums which would be then clue under: this 1n3esd ttf T'nss: anrJ the Nair hall sea acceleration ~.
<br />cx„urzcd: (b`P L3xscrowcr'.ures ail Brea€hes of any other ctrvcnants or agr~rzients of Ba3trawcr cuntam:si in this L1etd oi'
<br />lr,srrt. +ci l3orravret pays all reasotzabtr rrpcnscs incurred b;~ lender and ?nts#ee in entutxing the c~,venants and
<br />agrecmenu of Sarrower sonsained is this Gzrd oETrusf and in cnfare:ng Gendcc's and :'ru,tevt's remedies zs tar;rt-ided in
<br />paragraph ;? Pirr;;of. ir•Ci-uding, buY nts# lssniteei ro, rcasvnat,~.le xtt:orneys` tees, xr;o ir5:t l?ttrrz>ve: takra suet: actiu.~ss
<br />Ltsxder Yfla rcasunably stspt_tr^ so asxurc ttcrtt the Isen uE thas Y}ecd I irusc tzr era rstrrest in he s'xapK t3 sz i
<br />I#o;~-,max , ,t,~a„rm to pay .hc seven, aee;;re~1 by #±ars t3eCd eat Trr~.xt sia, ~ .~:n,..c unsnapaare.T .aa;n.,u~a7 pk~r...,nt „~,~
<br />cuss #y n~-. ;,,v Yt, thsx C,"st,:.:l ~f ?'r+usz noel ti.te <>l:td~~,aEivazs srcuresl her #,y s?r.ri::rasa.*. •z. zr ss~E t, . ;.r and cf"Icct «.. : nc>
<br />s.c;.celcra ~ n hay. c}c.us'rrr#.. ~-
<br />