<br />not,.personaldy liablo on the. Note or under his Deed of Trust, and (c) agrees that Lender and any. other Borrower
<br />heresader may agree to extend,. modify, forbear, or make any other ucommodatioas with regard tp.the terms of this
<br />Decd of'frust or the Note, withnutthat Borrower°s rnosent and without releuing thatBorroweror modifying this Deed'
<br />of Trust as tothat Borrower's interest in the Property.
<br />11. Notlw. Except for any notice required under applicable law to be given in another manner, (a) any notice to
<br />Borrower provided for in:;his Deed of Trust,shald be given by delivering it or by mailing such dotice 6y certified mail
<br />addressed to Borrower at the Propeaty Address of at such other address u.Botrower may designate 6y notice to Lendtr
<br />as prorided herein, and.Cb) any sotit:e to Lender shall bcgiven bycertified mail to Lender's addtrss fated herein or to
<br />such alder addms as Lender may. designate by.ootice to Borrower as providex herein: Any notice ptnrded for in this W
<br />Deed of Trust shall be deemed to hate been given to Borrower or Lender when given in the maaaer designated herein. O
<br />13. Goaeaing Lawt Severahlllly,'Ilte state aced local laws applicable to this Deed of Trust shall be the laws of the ~y
<br />jurisdiction in which the Property is, located..The foregoing sentence shall not limit the. applicability of Federal law to ;;,`
<br />this Dad of Trust. la the event that any provision or clause of this Deed of Trust or the Note conflicts with applicable
<br />Isw, such cnnfliM shall not affect other provisions of this .Deed of Trust or the Note which can be gives effect without the
<br />rnntlicting provision, and>to this end. the provisions of this Deed of Trust aced the Note aredeclared to be sererable. As
<br />used herein. "coats", °expeytses" and "attorneys' fees" include all sums to the ezteat not prohibited by applicable lacy or
<br />limited herein:
<br />l1. Braeeowar'i Copy. Borrower shall br furnished a conformed copy of the Note wad of this: Deed of Trust at "the
<br />lilac of execution oraftet recrordatioa hereof.
<br />1S. AehablHtatloa Lags Agrr.aent. Borrower shall fulfill all of Borrower's obligations under aaq home rehabilita-
<br />lion, impro-ement, rcpairor other loan agreement which Borrower eaters into with Lender. Lender: at Lender'saption,
<br />may require: Borrower to execute and deliver to Lender, in a form. acceptable to bender, err assignment of any rights,
<br />claims or defenses which Borrower tray have against pulley oho supply labor, materials or set~ices is connection with
<br />improvements made to the Property..
<br />16. Traasferet tie t~eperty; AwtappiN, ~,if ell os anp part of the Property or an nturast
<br />thes~ia is Gold or tranafwrsed t+y Horsoteer without Candor's pr or written consent,
<br />ascludinngq (al file creation of a lion ox encusbrattce subordinate to this 'Dead of
<br />aeces~o[htclha tinier of a purchase honey saourity nterast for household appli-
<br />bY., dwise, drascwnt of trig opesatlon of law upon the dwth o!
<br />a joint thsaat, twrtdes way, at Leedier's option, decLse all the sun secured this
<br />Dead of irwt to bi it~ediately due and payable. Gndar -shall have waived such.
<br />opties to accelerate if. prior -to the sale or trsnefer, Lender and. the person' to
<br />rlto~ the property -i• to be sold or tsansfesrad reach greesrnt in rriting~ flat the
<br />credit of sue;ft persaa is aatiefactorY to L~ndrrr .and t2tat: the interest, payable on the
<br />atttas' aeeured' try tl-1a Deed' of Tsust shall rte ac such rarta as Lender shall request.
<br />2! Iwnder ertarciaea such option to-:accelerate, Lander. shall .sail eorrowr notice cf
<br />acceleration' is acoordanee with puagraph 12 harwf. ; Such notice' shall prosrida a
<br />period of dot lap than 30 days iron the data the. tiotii:e is wiled. or daliverad
<br />within which' 8orzower asy psy e--sttt}a declared, due. If Borrower Eala to pay wch
<br />suss pzioc to the expiration of-such period, Lender .way, without lurthes notice or
<br />d~tasnd net Bosrowr, imrokr:; any rt+~sdies peraieted by paragzaptt ;17-:hereof.
<br />NoN•Untroiut COVENA1Vi's. Borrower aced Lender further covenant and ogler as follows: '
<br />17. Atxeientlsa; Re~edlr, F.aecept r pta,Wed is paragraph; l6 hereof, pow Borrower's beach of way covenant
<br />ac ap+ssast of Heeerer Ice this Dssd of Tryst, iaela~ Bonewer's faBare to pay, b~ t6e end of 10 cakndae days after
<br />W7 ~ dsy W sass eecered by lily Deed of T'ras4 Iweder prior t. +ceelendoo shall `he notice to Borrower as
<br />pnvbibd V paragraph 12 hereof spedtylagt (1) the bnaeh: 141 tie eetloa ngalnd to core sec6 bread; 131 a dstu, cent '
<br />lay than 20 d•„'Gee the datttM anger b srralNd to Borrower„by which each beeac6 enrol be cored; esd {!I tbet
<br />faileete caeesaeh bcac6 as or bdere the date speei8ad m tieeotlce may resdt is aecelantioo of the sumo secarad by
<br />this Deed eCTrost wed. sale of the. Property."The aotkasiall fortber iafors Borrowero[ rho right to rehsstate aftea
<br />acaleastios aced the right to brims a coot acdee t• awees the no~xbteoce of a default or any. other de[eaae of Borrower
<br />a nocekeatloe wad role. It tie breach Y sot eared oa or before the duo sped8cd in tie notice, Latder,.u Goder's
<br />eptlon, nay dedarr all of the sera eecend by thY Dead. of Treest to be ham ev
<br />deaaaa~d and say isveke,tM power ofaab wed way other remedls parmltted by a added
<br />M cellset all reasseabM ~ti wed a:psesw tacaerrd to pssselag cis resedle"
<br />dens,
<br />bat set BeiW ts, rarswbM attorsar' fw.
<br />!f the Mwr of sale is btveked, l~astea'sMll eocord a aotks of defaWt m each county In which the Property or some
<br />P~ t~eeae[!. leeetei astd shag sail ~e of soc6 sedat`la the stueaer preecrWed by-applicable law to Borrower and
<br />q qr crier peeers pnaeelbai ~ applicabk law. Alts rho lee of srsch time a reay be required by applicable 1aM,
<br />Trstetea eiall givs pabNe setkw of uls to tie peeeoas aced m the maeiaa pdsctibed by aRplleabie law. Truttee, without.
<br />desaad os Borrower, shall sell the Property at Pablk aectlos b the 6lgiest bidder at tie tine sod: place aad'smder:tlx
<br />torrm desipehd is tba eotke ,.[ sell is owe or'awn perceh aced is sikb order. L Treater may determine. Trustee may
<br />partpose sale of all u way parcel of" tie Propeery by peblic woquoceaeeat at the ti®e and place of way previously
<br />acbedaied sale. leader or Leader4 deelpes may pareire tie Property u way sale.
<br />Upw rawlpt of psywat o[ tie'peke bid,Trstee,ahall daiiver to the'paecbaser Trasta+e's deed coarcying the
<br />Property sold. The recitals is tie 'l~vagey deed shaft be prima tacit evidence of the trn[6 0[ the statemtatamade
<br />tberela. Trouts sbal: apply the proeeods of the sale ie ffie following order: {a) to ail reaaoaable costs and expemes of the
<br />seie, Lclad4q. bu oat limited to,'Iktrttee`a few. ~ctaally lacorred of not more thaw ...~:....... % of tie gross sals
<br />peke, reasoaabie atterneya' toes wad caists of dtik evldestce: (b) to all Gams ~tcared by tbta Deed of Trost; and (c) the ex-
<br />nes, )t way, to tie parson er persorr,kpily eadtbtd Hereto.
<br />ill. Borrower's R1ght m Rsiastete. Notvitltstanding Lender's acceleration of the sums secured by this Deed of
<br />Truut. due to Borrower s breach, Borrower shall have the right to have any proceedings begun by-Lcndertosnforce this
<br />Deed of Taut discontinued at any Limo prior to the eazlier to occur of #i) the fifth day befatt the. sale of ihr Property
<br />pursuant to the power of sale contained in this Deed of Tryst or #ii) entry of a jud$tnentenfarcing this Dced of7rust if:
<br />(a) Borrower pays Lcndcr a!I sums which would be then duo under this Deed of Trust and the Note had no acceleration
<br />occurred; (b) Borrower curs all breaches of any other rnveaants oragsemznts of Borrower contained in this l?eed of
<br />Treat; (c) Borrower pays sit reasonable expenses incurred by Lender and Trusted in enforcing the covenants and
<br />sgreemenu of Borrower captained is this 1}ecdof Trustand in enforcing (.cnder's and Trustee's remedies. as provided in
<br />paragraph. i7 hereof. including,. but tint limited.ta, reasonable attamsys' fees: and #d) Borrower takes such act'son as
<br />Lander may reasonably require to assure that the. lien of this peed. of Trxtst, Lender's "interest in the Property and
<br />Borro~.er's obligation to pay the sums scoured by this (7eEd of'1'rust .shall continue unimpaired, upon such paynxont any
<br />cttre by fiprscw er: rbis I?eed of Trust and the obligations secured horeby shall remain in fail force and et'fect ax if no
<br />acceleration had oc;.urred.
<br />