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<br />not personally liable on she Note or under: this-Deed of Trust, and (c} agrees that Lendeu and any other Borrower <br />hereunder. may'agrre to eittend modify,-forbear, ormalce any other accommodations with regard toahe terms of this <br />Deed of Trust yr the Note, withaet that Borrower's consent and without ttleasing that Borrower or modafying this Dted <br />of Trust as to that Borrower's interest in the Property. 00 <br />12. Naake. F.xeept for any notice required lender applicable law to be given in another manneq (a) any; notitx to j~} <br />~ Borrower provided'for in this Deed of Trust. shall be grvea by delivetng'rt ox by mailing such notice by certified mail <br />addressed to Borrower at the Property Address ar at such other address as Borirower may designate;by notice to Lender ~~~ <br />as provided heron', and (bT any notice to Lettder shall be given by,certified mail to Lender's address stated hereia or to <br />such outer address as Lender may designate by.notiee to Borrower as provided hettin. Any natice.provided for in thin W <br />Deed of Trttst shalibe deemed to have been given to Borrower ar'Lehder when given in the manner designated herein. <br />13 Govemfne Lswt Sevenblllh The state:and local laws-applicable to this Deed of Trust shall be the laws ofthe <br />jurisdiction in which the Property is located: The fottgoing sentence shall not'}irrtiYehe-applicability of Federal law to. <br />this Deed of Trust: In the event that'anyprovision ordause of this Deed of Trust or the. Note conflicts with applicable. <br />law, such confliMshali not affect other provisions of this'Deed of Trust or the: Note which can be-given effect without thr. - <br />conflicting provision, and to this end ihe;provisions of this Deed of Trust and-the Note are declared: to be severable_ As <br />steed herein. "costs", "expenses" and "attorneys' fees" include all sums. to the extent notprohibited by applicable law or <br />limited herein. , <br />14. Boeso~er's COP1. Borrower shall be furnished a confatmed copy of the Note and of this Deed of Trust at the <br />tirot of execution or a8er recordation hettof. , <br />:' 15' RehiubiBtstios Loan AReemeat- Borrowec shall fulfill all of Borrower's obligations under any home rehabiiifa- <br />titm, imptovemeat, ttpair or otfier loati:agrtement which Borrower enters into with Leztder. Lender, at Lender's option; <br />may require Borrower to execute and'deiiver 2o'Lender, im a form acceptableao Lender; an assignment of any rights; <br />' claitns or defenses which Borrower may have against parties wtio supply labor. materiatsor services in connection with <br />improvemenu made to the Property. <br />16. Tanfa of tls Ptepeeq Awstptfes _ If all or any put of tree Proprtr ty or an interest <br />tDarain is sold or traasfarrsd by "Borrower witttout Landar's pprior written conaant, <br />a~ocluditnnqq (a) the creation: of a ilea of encysbzance-subo[dinate to this Dead of <br />Trust, (b} the creation of a purchaaa nontty sracurity interest '£or household appli- <br />ances or (c} a txansfes by deviser descant ar by' operation of law upon the 3eath af' <br />a joint tenant, Lander say, at 1•,rndar's oopption, declare all w~ sues secured by this <br />Deed of'_Truat eo tees issediataly-due and payable. Leendar shall: have waived such <br />o~pption to aectslaratr ifr, prior to the gala or transfer, Lender and"the parson to <br />wftata tae property is to be sold oz- transferred reach agreasent' in wri.ting that the <br />credit of udt person >s satisfactory to-Leader atsd that rite interest payable 'on the <br />soya secured- by tlsia Head 'of Trust. shall be at such rate as Lender shall request. <br />If'Lendar ezerciaet:-sut*r,opton to accelerate, Lender shall mai3 Borro~er notice of <br />actxleration i.n-accozdanca with'patagrapn 12- hereof. Such 'notice shall provide a, <br />period of not leer ttun 30 desys-fzt~ the date thee. notices- is mailed or delYvered <br />within which' Borrower say.: pay thb st>~s 3~clared due. if 8orrnwer fails to pay such <br />suss pprior to the expiratioe of such :period., Lender may, without Further notice or <br />deaand on Soxtowr, invoke any resedies permitted by pazagraph 17 hereof. <br />Not+t-131vtroEtM COVlitewt~TS. Borrower and Lender further covenant andagree as follvws: <br />1'7 Amtirae~tfas: Re~edles. &scept sa ptavidsd iaparaRtapit lea hetaot,,upoa Borrower's breach of any coeeasat <br />x apwseat of Batrtraws is thi Dead of Ti'sst, iscladteg Bsrrewsr's faiftrrs to pay, by the end of l0 ealeadar'dsys titer <br />thq an-ties, esy<sttsa aeceeed b>. thla Dwd of Trent, Leatfer prior to ~trekntlos shall give-notice to Borrower as <br />prmldei U ParaR~ 12 hsreot speeifyieg: Il}the beech; {2} the stctioa requited to cure such breach: 13) a date, not, <br />kr.thaa 20 days ernes the date the rwtice is mailed ro Borrower, by which such breach must br cured; trod (4) that <br />idbuato cateotteh breach on orbafoe tbs dais specified la'tbe notice may.resalt in accefersdon ofthssumeaecared by <br />this-Deed o(:Trott asd sak of the: property: The ttetWas shall farther inform $orrower of the right to reinstate"after <br />atx~ratMe sad the right to btieg a co~CacBoe to esaart the nine:isteoce ores default or an7 other defense of Borrower <br />to asealentka aed yak. 11 the. breech b net cared oa or be[ore the date specified in ibe entice, Lender, st I.esder's <br />optics, nay dtclan all of the srsa saeersd by this Deed of Trust to be ]mmediateift:+iascaei er <br />deiced aed nsay htvoke the power at sak cad say odsa ramedia'psrmitted by appfkabk Lw.~ tl <br />b caflect dI reewsebk costa aatd lscarsed fa the remedies ended fn this ~~ <br />s:Paew Pig P P <br />bW tot tl~itad to eeaaoaahk attoreeye, revs, <br />1t the power of sade is isvoked, Trastea shill rernrd a entice aF ddauit is eec6 countyln wbdcb the Property or some. <br />psirt tltsrsof ie leaxted esd abaft sell capiss o[ awc6 notice :s the masasr preticribed by applitsbie few to Bar[ower and <br />to the other panoaa pnsreibed by .applicable bw. After tbs lapse of such rims as ntry be required by applkable Iaw, <br />Tnrtes shad She-pebiie' aotke of sek [e the persoan aed in tbs taanaer prescribed b~ applicable law. Trustee, without. <br />- detaand oo Hsr*ower, shsU sell the Property ac peabik aactim to the highest biddy at the rims sad place and' uadsr chs <br />terms desigoatsd'Fe the notice of sale fa one ar mots paresis sad io such order as Trustce may determine. Trustee may <br />postpotse safe of'ali or say. parcel of the Peoperty by;pnblic announcement u the; time and. place of any: previo~ly <br />schedakd sale. Lender or 1.esder's dstlRnss envy parebssc the Property at arty: sale. <br />Upw nscaip[ot payment of thcprice bid, Trustee shall tidiver to the purchaser Trustees deed conveying the <br />Pmgerty sold. The recitals In the Trststse's deed shall be prima foie evtdence of the troth at the s[atcments made , <br />theeela. I'rasise s6at1 apply rbe proceeds aE the sale in the followlag order; lal ur all :reasonable case sad expenses o[ the <br />sale, incltsdittg, bat not Uarired to, Trustee's fees actually itteurred of not morn than ...~A ..... , .. °h of the gross eels <br />price, reaaoaabk attaroeys' tea sad frosts of Utk erltience; (b) to ell sums secured by this Deed of Trust; sad lc) the ez- <br />cess, i[any, to the person w.persoaslegaliy entitled thereto. <br />18. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. Notwithstanding Lcndtr's accelcratton of she yarns secured. by this Lk~t:d of <br />Trust, due to 3orrow<er's breach. $ormwu shall have the righe to hae•e ens proceed;ngs begun be Lender to tnfvtct this <br />i~red of Trust discontinued at any time prior to the car{itr to vecut of ?iY the tifth day before the. sale vt the °~ptrty <br />pursuant to the pi~acr of ;ale conealned in this Deed of Trust or iii) en:r:~ of a judgment enforcing *his [deed ~f 7tust if: <br />ial 13vrra:~er pays Cinder all sums which would bt then riot under this Deed. of firost and the tivte had nv accticrafion g <br />~rccurzed: !b) &>rrowcr carts sit broaches of ~}. otlttt covenants or agrttments of Borrower contanco in this C>eed r•f -si <br />Tnut: ir_) BC~rrt,w°r pays elf reasonable expenses incurred. by Lender and Trustee in tnfvrtsng the cvveraants and <br />agreements a( coiitafntd inthis Dec6 of Trust. and in t;t!'ercing Lender's :end 7rusteti's rrmedits as provided in <br />paragraph 1' ncreof,4ndudirg, `gut t;ot timittd to, reasonable aetarneus` fees; and tdi fiarrowet taker su::h artier; as <br />1,ende: :aa -_..=.anabty require ro as;,uro that the li;.rs cf this Be"d of Trusc, i,endrr's ir>tere^st ir. the t'arpcrsy a:,;+ <br />Barr iwtr s tf s;za;:vn to pay rite sums secured tsY this ?3t:"d of trust shaiCcontinut itnimpar*ed. i;?x?r s.:rh p~;;mcttt and <br />curt by $rtCttTwtr, this CJetd of "trust and the vblign; ions secured hereby shall er~ in i.~ i.e4~ k?rte 7d +sffes-t ax if ;no <br />xsctltration had otrttrrtd. <br />