<br />, tt~t03H-SURVYVURSHtP WXRRANTV DEED ~P v,. J_.-,_~_,._,...~- Hultmanand Felten & Wolf, Wa4ton~Ne 68461 -.,
<br />I, 82=- ti~C~3Q13 J
<br />.' ~ LtiOR' ALL DiE\ F3Y THESE E'F;ESENZ`~, That
<br />i t ~ !~~
<br />I
<br />Michael Galvati and h{ari4yn .i. Galan, Husband and Wife, each in his and her orvn right and a5 II
<br />'~
<br />i spouse of theother ,herein. oalled the--:grantor whether one or more, ~ ,,
<br />i - i
<br />~i ~ in consideration of E`orty=Se~~en Thousand Five Hundred and NollOt`i- - - - - (74%,~Or,.,~i)j- -
<br />3 !'
<br />i reeeiced frotngsantees, does. grant; bargain,. seal eonve~-. and confirm unto.: t
<br />fi
<br />Rickiard Sanchez anti Jirginia Sanchez j ;,
<br />Hisband and kVife I >
<br />i
<br />~ +ts joint fenanfs with right at survirarsltig, anti not as tez:attts in eamman; the following described teat property in } ~,
<br />j Haf! Csnntp. s
<br />Loi Three f3~ in E31oek Elee~en !11) in E:ans Addition to the,rity of Grana I :land, Hail ~ ,
<br />County, 3vebraska. ~ ~EgRpg1(p, pOCUh'EA'TARY ~
<br />~~~r~." STAMP TAX
<br />D1 ~ ~,
<br />~~P~~~~~,* JUL 2 Q 1982.
<br />z S~Y i ;
<br />I
<br />To hate and w liatd the above deicribed premises zntretber with: all tenements, laeradizatnenta'anti xppur
<br />f'- t~•nauces thereto belauging uuw thr grantees and to their e~iFna, er t.e the heirs and assigtta of the currivor of ~ '',
<br />them Sorerre
<br />;end Krnitior doer herebc, ersvrnnnt with the Brat i ~+-~h ain3 Kith their a srgnra anr3 wiGit the ifeirs+tnd assigns
<br />of !ne xurYicar crf-them that grantor .. In,ti fullp seifird of ,~sd prentz!sr^s; that theysre Free frt>m encuaabrance
<br />SuHiect to all ~r3wsntc~ , v•TMd ~ -,.r.c: ~~:~~- <~r•d.
<br />t:. ~: . ,. j ";
<br />that grantatr har~YOd right and lawful autltarrr to : s,tec .br:~ame~ and that i,~t•atttor warrants and will defend 1
<br />the title to seed premxisea agattnt thelawiul elatr.tK ~. Nit c+erxons i~`homeoe3'er.
<br />` It is-the intention of alt partiea herera? test nc 4hr CeP.nt bf thr tleailt of either tst the itrantees, the entire
<br />fre yttnple title. to the real: extate shall ~rst iu tixe +Ur~•ivu3fi grants-.
<br />i',
<br />'ui~: `x'
<br />? bated .~ j .. 1J ;,: j? ~3
<br />i. ... ... .. ,-. • '
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<br />,~ 57.-3TE GAF '''J~bCd~.~ :'.n tTt ;i; foy of ~`y t~,~'2 , hejor~
<br />~ss. ,
<br />ria(f __ .t'~~y ~.. rna', tas un..<r;t~nEdd;'Catsrv ~ubfac, duly to.arnas.,:an..•d and. 4auilified `~r
<br />:R acidrouzs!y,FerwsaZkycsuz °dic.xaaEk :'.il~., ~',"~"ariSyc+:.~ halv;:#r, .
<br />'. I -
<br />is >aa.~rass ta ire t~rdzn!uud garsan r~r perscsu w•F.ase n,:n:c is ~,r n~z~aiz, , _
<br />~~t-tlw~atrr~r ffzxed to tnt jarr~ein3 instrarrzzn: and uckn:,z•Irdys[i tits executzon thcrrnj to '
<br />,,
<br />1plf~i.R1~~ tit, net t:- fkeir ¢.~ainrsary art v*.,' r#izd.
<br />l ~~-~ati. N/~
<br />i " 5< j:: G. .f;.,; cmd yc"Zr .,. =.rre~n. ~
<br />t i3'iturss .n-y. hcnd cnd .': ~.:. f
<br />i ,+,, •ynla r,ssy,rn .e.xj>.tn•i Ske.~ S ....
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<br />F., --:•yt un nttt~enealtndca and fit»d rot recr,rri iu tl:e li~;Ptaf.er of I)et-=hs t?fffc.e ,sr :+sc4l s'rtunt,y thr.
<br />. .... .......... l5....., af..... _ . r,'racy anr3. , ...... ~czi;zute4 ..... , ,q,• '
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