<br />$~ °"' ~ 3 01 ~ laEni, ssrArs Mo~cTCACE _ NEBRASKA
<br />taipw ALL MEN RY THESE PRESENTS: That FrBddl~e~Eictlar3 do dudray T Lss, Husband do iiifa
<br />hcreinafter called mortgagor(s), in consideraticm of the rum ct X1.12 _ __ Dollars in hand paid ,
<br />dons hereby. GRANT, BARGAIN. SELL, and CONVEY to HOllSEHOLD F[NANCE CORPORATION, hereinafter called
<br />mortgagee, the following described rral property Icxated ir. a 1 County, State of ^iebraska, to wit:
<br />Lot doe {1), Block EightT-Oae (81), Wheeler sad Beanettta
<br />lath Addition to the Cit7 of israad Island, Nebraska.
<br />1t ss rnoRprgx'sintenhon to umvey utk in (ce sanplc ttk;luding alt zt`Rhts cChomestpd and dower.
<br />PROVIDED, hawewer, slut the mortgage u rvdr vn th exec >ttilitior that. ' the mortgagot(s} pays in titll tttc
<br />prnrrtiswry note psy~We to the mtx[pKee t'ated ~~7 1t1 ~~ 14 ~2 fr:r ap-amcixttfst t;naeued of
<br />S ~,891_y'~ payabk in iratailments ac.ording to for t f, together wlth interrst thrreun at the
<br />weed taro of chathx provided ut the nave, >n the amount of 5 ~,~~~. ~~ d the note is p'ud.~:couling to
<br />saheduk; and if mottga~r(s) pays all rues and asaeumenu {evied cm said pr~txrp~ and maintains adtt)ttittt ttrr in~rance cat
<br />said real property, then th~a nwrtgage stall tx n~id.
<br />'this mtxfgage may not be asrurned withuut the wnttrn ccrosrnt of tine rnort~gee.
<br />Jf floe mortgagor tails to pay wy wm of mmey, either prin:ipaS at interest, whoa drie, o. fails to comply w5th any n' the
<br />above agranert ts, thr rr:urtgagee has thr opnon to declare she whale of sail indebtedness due and payable at ancc and to
<br />maintain any action at aw or equity to rc..cwer the same.
<br />In Witness WlKrwf, tnortgagorts) exrcuied this rrmrtpage this__l~t~ day,of J~7_ ~,.~ ; A.U. ; 9 ~? -- .
<br />! ~~n.. ^^~LL^ --
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<br />In the prrsertce ot~ :.. -. __t,.. ~,.,.--4_...._...__..
<br />r~" ier 1t T:ea~--~
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<br />t~ ~ ~ x.. drab T ee _
<br />.: ' ~-~- dom.. -~- . _ _ _ _ ....,.,u. _ _ _ --..
<br />. L. Dlso
<br />STATE OF 4EBRAS[Gt 1
<br />_^_ Hall Cp[chTY ) ~ {
<br />i
<br />Od this _ 1~iG ._ dav~ of -- ~~~ _ 3:D ' 9 .._~.~. be irate sne, ifte f
<br />unclcasignca _ ItflEerta L. ltarllr--,--- --------__._.,---._-_-------.-_..;~._ ., ti., ~'Y Fabric,
<br />trialytcrmaiisvtmctlauG~~a:itxdforanCres;cungatsaidc:wnty.pa'suna;ig~smc ~L4_~~~_1L~.4~L[$_Ic~L,....~__
<br />sod A1~dra~_, L°e~ Husbaad_k ',fife---- - _. ~____~. _~ ..,_..._..
<br />to me knrnM =o lx Lttetdrntital perwrs>i tr~hasc nuts b des) /a_~) ssrtixed to thr. foreiso.rrg srsuttment asniattga~ts ,
<br />and ackrotvkdl{ed tJtc stns m br ~`cQli~r _._~ ~. _._-_~_ 'm sr ar,. ae;t or -,IeeJ
<br />9r<tntlks rr;Y hanri sad Notxria[ Sea3 tli<_ ,j a. and yon: last ahCwr "often.
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