<br />82--3 ~ 3 t} (~'
<br />U~=al i:. Sieber and Biliie de, Bieber, Aiartgagars, ii: consid~ra-
<br />clan or TEiZRTEEi3 iiiOiSAi~dU kii~NL%RED i)(3I:LARS (~13,OOU.00} receiued
<br />t-'ar P.orty'age:es, r~c,rt-a4 to i`abert L. Taylor and Sett~arin A.
<br />Taylor, as dirt tenants any ~aot a~ tenants in Gammon, x~`sortgaaees,
<br />tr,.A teilowiny described real r-state situated in Ha11 County,
<br />Ne.~raska:
<br />Fractional~ot SevF~n (>}, in'Fractional D1ock One
<br />Hundred r t--Three:{143}, of L;~zan Pacific Rahway
<br />Canwa .. ~ ~ ~ecand ndditian to Gram. ~sland, and its:
<br />co.~~: er:~~nt, to-wife ~°ractianal iat Eight (8) , in
<br />Fract.:arcal 31ack Eleven i11), of Russel t7h~eler's
<br />A~iditivn to Grand Island,-Fia11 Caunty; Nebraska, as
<br />survefed, platted and'recarded.
<br />This Purchase Honey kcal Lstate ~5rrt;~age z:s given to secur.~
<br />thAa =.ay:anent' ~f ttae principal sum ar Thirteen Ttiausarzd Hundre
<br />i3allars tS13,f1f}(9.Ci0p and interest from 3uly 3, 198<, at ter: (t0)
<br />ge~cen:t per annum, the ~rzncipai and interest.pa~abli, in T.ont?:1~,~
<br />nstallu~ents of Sll4.~i8 der :rrcanth an the first :lav ~ * aach ;~~e.^.th
<br />commencing ~uc~usz I, 1382, and an the first day ~ ~~acn manth
<br />thereafter tar 1ST cansecutzve' f.ronths, repayment 4` the principal
<br />and interest being amortizes over a 30-yearar 36G-manth peris3d,
<br />s~rith a balloon payment afa11,822.~0 being due end payable,kith
<br />the 124th monthl; znstallsrent ~f z:rznczpal and interest, as ~ro-
<br />vzded in a Pramzssarx Note dated .7uly i 1982,'kor which this,
<br />~sortgage zs given, as secs~rzt~.
<br />TY:e ~.tamzssary `dote provides that;.ti~;se zs of the essence of
<br />_.,~ ='ra::Iiss,r} :i~,cc, .:nc ;s.i ;~.xicors fail fc~r ~ periad ~rf r.:6re than
<br />sl~.:ty { Gil) da}•s tv :•av :~n_~ : ~anthly installment pay:zzent-when dice,
<br />c~.fR ra~ldNr ~1 the Prq~cr,sstsry '.ute is given the aptze~:i '~c declare
<br />tn~ r.~,te ur~medzateil~ ue ;ans ;.affable-wst:FUUt ?notice or demand.
<br />i'h~. Frv:~~s;~o:-y~ bate: pravdes ~t ~"icrtgayors default n paynezat oaf
<br />.: n}' mUntEal~~ installnt payment when °3ue, the r_npaid nxsnthly
<br />:ca:~tallment bf prirczpa3 Lars interest _rt the. ?:hest legal :rF~te
<br />uat;1 Yazd.:
<br />t3urtc-agors a ree to i*xsu^~ °he Y ~ h
<br />
<br />~ g _ ~n~. w .n~nts an t e real
<br />estatN _cr a dall,~r nas~uzrt atf least e. , Wal ~ ~ the.: sznpaid aalancc^
<br />dt;es and ; aysl:le an the. Prc~mzssoty date .~iixc:z this r:artgage secures,.
<br />~rotecti.r:y the ur:y~rovemrnts friun ~:zr~ wnci ruler i<.surable ~hyszcal"
<br />~3,~I:eac;e !~nzarts, toss f if any} 'payable to .~Sortgagees and Mortgagors,.
<br />as tY.~ir irlrerests,-apar, t3artgagssrs are to furnzsh'~:artgagees
<br />:~iti>_ a ~ertzizeate cf ~:surance evid~nczng the insurance :~n the
<br />lf.kir C.i4 i'. 8lC I:'_S..
<br />r-±:~rtga:JOrs -agree tc ;~a;T alI taact:;> _nd assessments open the
<br />real e5tatz aru yil ttier~taxe;;, ,=~~riE and. assessments levied'
<br />u~n^ c?.is !-iorty~:;e ar~3 ..cr ~. u:ci G ; tiote which. this ixiortgag~ _s
<br />y~v~-r, tv recur :;c-zore _:;~1 .., ._ ~~ ;,~~;, :;uer.t, Zt F3ar=csagars fail
<br />to ;;ay the ta~;e~ and asra>,>sr~~ ,_~ ~= f..r~ :lelirlquent or"insure the
<br />1.rlyrcve; .t~ ~~ ~he• rea.l ~'s a 1~ -<~c.,.irer; by this t3artgagH:.,.:.
<br />tse. ~y3:~et s :may may the tax- ~ ~.. _~sessr;~Ents er other liens.,
<br />~~_. csres day ,rer::;.u~3 ~~~ ~~;e~irsurance"or. the improvements:_an
<br />t~,r .gal 5t.atc, a:;ci are ~;i;E-z a en secured by this t9ortga~~e fczr
<br />_- +
<br />aua~. ;c~ .sue rb;:cE>ti wzt:z: irterest at the hyiiest 1ega1 rate.
<br />.~ ::r•yeyt.rs default fcir a laeriad of Hare than sixty' (fi0)
<br />,~Y.~ s _ ~: ~ r:~<. t :~~ -any :-;+-„,_,~ inatal3 ~aent of ~rnci,.~a3 and.
<br />~:_ ._, or t ~ ,.3 y~ ~>__-# r'i ny ~f t21e other aclr~e,~r~~:ats in t'tsis
<br />Fc,a''~~:Sr-.t~I~-'_~a.,e'e'S, ar°.: Est tc~a~3f'S` ~1~,Ct.~.Jn, :32d'~ C~LJ~~~Z.'~ G.~`iC
<br />..r. ~r. ~ .. sear+;:i L,g t^zs SG.`t~yayG-• -ins an~a a ,atlr U _ .c
<br />xc __.,5~ .~_ a,a't~_,a~e Iv .-icc•-~atis€~cctic~cz a~ttxe a ,._sl ...mc~exrrt
<br />c.. .
<br />,_. _ _ .., r~-se.ve. tf^~ ',,t ::;~ Nrep-ay the. ;snt si; ,~;,~~1~«r:tir~s- c:.i'
<br />_~_
<br />