<br />82--(303:{04 _~r rE_vs~~~>v ~ct~i.~n,~NT
<br />in consic~e~aYiorrof the e~:terrsion ofthe timeaf payment ofthe+~riginal pramissr~ry note
<br />hcreinafier c:escrbed, tf~+e ur.der-s+clned, `j~pp ~~~_pt~gr~i'lIld~~_Elti~ ~8~_~eSip~'li~Zd,__
<br />Husband_and Wife _ l,cr~l~y covr~r~,}nt trreel .+,~'c~c try pay to the first
<br />National Bank of Grand Is4anri Grand ~sfand, Ni;;ii~~;ka; or ?r der, tiic principal sum of
<br />_T_HIRTY_FIVE THOUSAND A_NC_ (vOliOQ===__-----.-----_-_-----__-_--'=__-_.=-------_-_-------
<br />l5 35,000.CO i, tocether tiriti+ i~~[t-rest thereon atSixte_en &.One-_Ha}fF~e,- cen! per
<br />-- -------------- Interest
<br />annum `rim the date hereof, such sure to he F~~yable on OCtOb2r_12, 1_982____.____
<br />shall be payable at maturity on Goober 12, 1982___ __
<br />--_- ---
<br />,,f ~HIkTY rIVE THOUSAND AND NO/100- -- ----
<br />Tl:e original pr+ncipa! i~,;e in he aciou ~t __._ -- _ ---
<br />--- -----_____-- - {c 35 ,`00 UO ) was exec>>tcd ar~d del~v+ied Y;y
<br />--- - CJatiunal
<br />e unde. sic;ned under '.rye da OctOb°r 16,1:41 _, tr, Tne f-ins[
<br />Bank of Grand island ,rand ~ ar,<.I, 'vrb. asr< i, acid °~s due and payable or. tn~ 14th
<br />day of ~r;l, 1982_ t~rl:~~ ~cr wi,h interest 1tE~hteen_~ Qne-Half__ _-PFr
<br />cent per annum nd s~curr,~ Jv ~ ii k't to M~rigage to The F r st J tior,ai Bank of Grand
<br />island, Grand Is1ar~:, de,rr-aska, Y~~Ss DOC_ 181-005298 Extanslcn Rs`2-001632--
<br />-- -- _ -
<br />in *he ~.ortyage Records of Halfi:. Coup ~ Nebraska
<br />T he vrndersic~r.ed agrees t ~~, +i~1r ~.xterided bal~nCC of priticiha! of THIRTY FIVE _
<br />----------------- 35_,00_0.0~J ;, toy;ether
<br />THOUSAND AND NO/100------- -------- ______(5 _
<br />;v+th interest thereon at Sixteen ~~ne-R`aT~" aer ceni per an,, _,r~, such principal and
<br />interest to be oayab'e .r, lawful moneynfthe UnPtecf States ofArt+erica of The ;-ii st P~iat-
<br />ionai r3ank of Grand I_land, Grar,d Island, Nebr-~aska.
<br />i,ll of t:~e covenants and agreements irrsrich origir~~l ~~oteard tf-:c t~teal Estate ":ortgaNe a-
<br />bove descrihed, other than hcrednt?elote modified, sf,al! be ar~d rer^ain unchanrled and in
<br />ful? force and effect during suchextended period. i f default ire r,~atie m payment of any
<br />principal sum, the enLre ;~rir-iciFTal slim with interest thereon .~•~, t:e~come immediately
<br />due and payable at the eiec:on o1 the3eg~+1 haiefe~r !~~ereo`.
<br />in further r_onsideration of aLtc!"' ex Bnsu-,+i + f ti,nu oaf -raynrcnt of'SUChindebtedness, I here-
<br />by rat;;y and confirm such mortgage.. i ecor~i I ,s DOC. ,"r81-005298 & Ext. X82-001632 ___ _
<br />_._~
<br />----
<br />_ in R al _st.,tE .iortc,~ye records-.o~ ~--k131~ _-
<br />:r`ounty, _ _ .yebra~ka __ - _ __ _ as the f -s{morlgagr liter. u,~.r:
<br />;he real properly desc.nbed therein, +~.<; ~. ~.V.:~Fc nfatie titSc theretoas now o .ned by mc.
<br />?hc ur,dcr°:igned executes this i_x4cn~~or. ru,:rei~r,~- t ..it+l reference to and hn ti,e (with. and
<br />credit of ,heir property, which: t'ney r;r.v own er ~~ave an interest in orlierea`ter may ac
<br />d~~_~lre: the express intentionbeing t~~ charge atxi i • :~~?tmue toy chargeany aricf 11 of i.~c4>
<br />propert}~ wi'_h t`ie payuict~t U( the. iudebEedneas', the {rnyn~rn: (ifwhiChi~ Y~erein c to^.c _d.
<br />i": 1N1` NEyS tYHEi?EOi the irnt3er--set rya ; havePic:rcuntt~ set this. t:ands this ~~th -~- --
<br />Leon E. Cederltnd ~ Enid R. Cederlind
<br />STATE Of= Nebraska
<br />C:>U*iTY OF Hall
<br />The iori>>-gotrx; i^st~'u:nent r.<+s ac~:r v:. ~?C1Lje i.>efore. .~c tE:iS 14th r.I3y of
<br />__ _-~________ v _ _ ._. _ _,_._
<br />Guise "' 82,____ E>~ __Leatz..E-.ur~:~~e-ii and- nid_R_____Cederl?nd, iiusban~__
<br />an3 Aim---- ___ ~~
<br />
<br />~y %cxsr i 5 s i o n E
<br />Leegal Etcsr_rept4o
<br />Z ~ ~`
<br />- h
<br />'~+,~tat ~ 1~U:3i ~r
<br />F
<br />r'rt hidden i.akes Subd;vision ,du~~be: '•'hre2, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />