<br />i
<br />R7 = [~~130~+3 MGRTGAGE
<br />lfiis Mortgage is entered into between __ Richard *1_Pruehling sari _San~dra A.
<br />__.-.~.IY++nh 1~_A_~rno_ ..HllS~3L'~._311.d_..iil.~.i'~-'_-_-~r_"___--4-
<br />--------.---.--- (herein "'Mortgagor") and
<br />-F.L~E_E4~7~~11Kx_---- -~.~ - -- --(herein "2+Sortgagee,~).
<br />Mortgagoc is indebted co Mortgagee in the principal sum o! ~ b! ." 327_ZS____ , evidt~nt~d by Mortgagor's note
<br />dated _~5~~1 `~-___ (hernin "Note"j providing for paumeots of principal and interest, with thebdance of tha
<br />indebte+iner, if not sinner prid, due and pavnble on .Iul_~ ~, 1985
<br />To secure the payment of the Nox, with interest as provided ther~=~ the payment M alt othersums, with interest,
<br />advantxd by ~(ort{[ttgee to protect the security n! this Mortgage, and the urrlormance e! the covenants and agreements of
<br />the Rortgagor contained Iterrio, LiortgaRnr does hereby mortgage ar.d convey to Mortgagee the tolfowing described
<br />property rotated in H8I =-`-- _ Countv,Nebraska:
<br />Lot Seven (7j in Me~do>a.ark Estates Suhcivision in 8x11 county, Nebraska
<br />Tb¢ther rith all Moldings, Imprtnemen is, (iztures, strcY ~s, xlk•va, passageway s. ;-awmrnts, riaht_<, privileges and
<br />appurtenwc~+a )oca{ed thereon ar in anywtie perta,nint thtrato, and the mnln it,ues and profit.:, reversions and remaiodets
<br />[hereof; iocitadxy, but riot limited to, haaiinR and crwling equipment and such personal property Uut i1 attached to the
<br />iatprowmagta an u Go twnstiWte a fiztnre; all o! which. trk5ud+t~g « yiac~•menis and addition3 thereto, is hereby declared
<br />to W a put of the teal estate secured Ly the hzn of the Mort~e and ^Il o[ the foreguing beu+g referred to heroin sa the
<br />~~Y~
<br />lEWtpgor further conrettants and s~n•es. wtth }tort Ragrt•, as iaG~N~:
<br />1. hrwtettt. To pay the indebtedne~ and the +nterrat thereon a, pn,vided in thi~: Mortgage and the Note.
<br />i Titila. Murt~or a lhr owner of the Property, ha> the right xnd authority to rnortKage the Property, and
<br />warrant[ that the lia~o artrled hereby ~ a fitFt andpr~or lien .m the i'ruperty, except xs map ntherwiut be set forth herein.
<br />~2 TAe Property +s subject to a Mor[ta~e +rherein _.:- 3S~.tgF_.~ c.dg_>t~l Sa~'in~_ Loan Assti,
<br />h the lllortpgea, rtaorded at Hoot --_-.__._ .Page _..- _ _. of the Murtgage HecYKds of ..---3a1.1_... _--_~ County:
<br />Nebtaata, which Mtxttaer ±~ta lien prior to the twn cmated h,.ti•bv.
<br />:a Other priortietnorettcumtrraoces---______-_-__ __,__----__._______-__-----_
<br />3. T>bcas, As+maela. To pay Then due all t.aies, stx'cal assessments and all other i:hargcw. aga;nst the Yreperty
<br />and, up[rn trrilten demand by 3lartyt~cr, to add io the payment, rvquin-d under the Note secured hereby, such amount as
<br />nay Ire-wffieientto etuMe the Mnrigage~• to paq such raze>, ntise.+cmentu or other charges as they.bec:ome due.
<br />~. Wlvaece. To keop Cllr improvetnents now or hereafter tor~yted un the real estate described herein insured
<br />aWiut dotage by 8re ahd suck other hazards as Mortgage • sway mgwre, i ; xmoun's ar~d -s i;h company!-, arccptab#'to the
<br />_ . and with. lose payable to flte ~twtpt~ee. In cacao! Ims under-tuchpuiicies the Mongagre is authorized to
<br />- ad~ut,.collect sari compromirse,in fts discretion, all dtirns t,hetrunder at its sole opLOti, authori7xdirteitberapply the
<br />,pmoeWs io the restoration of the Ptoipeav or uyat the indebtrdruKS securtrd riemhg. but paynwnts hert:under shaft con-
<br />. tlnue anti[ the ztttns secured hr_rehy~ aze paid in tul1.
<br />5. r Facroti-For 't'ares and [a~urance. XotAithsandEng anything:ontainrd in paragraphs R and < hereot W the
<br />eotttrary, ,iluit~orsha[1 pay tolhe ltorigapvr al theti~ otpaying it~e monthh inStaitmEnts of principal and iotere5t,
<br />- tVtr.-twelfth t+l.the.~•caxlq butts. XutSgnretft. harlyd ittSUtance premiums. attd gx+>und rents (iF eny7 which may attain a
<br />-. priority over [bas Mort(ta~, all asreiizurably esumittt•d. fram time to tin ~~ by the'tlcrt,gagec. '7Te ::mounts ..>o paid >;hal! ix
<br />h.3a by [fee tJCrr[t.gltgc-n •adt-hwt irsre~t and applied to tha paprret.! of the i!am 'r, respect to wh[cn such amoun!s w-tre
<br />ckg9aiferi. 7hr sums ~Q W ?<Tort~ger hercUit#,er an~ pted~d as addttiortil s~•cunk}' roe the inde6tedne. ~ K ured by this
<br />3Enrtq~_ ~torFcre sh.;ti1 pay to ;~ncigtgs=rr ~ amount aS ant 3efreae:,cy rxtween the actual ta:c ~, asscsar; t s, answance
<br />p~rn's;Am~ xnd ~o"_nr1 rr~nY., ar.d Eltc d~avls herevstder within tfJ da}'s alter dams*.id i:: made upon Mortgagor rr~uesting
<br />ga~tuettt: [Aerw`..
<br />ES Reyax. 3ia3retenarece sari O9@. "Cr- g+rasnpil}" rrya+r. teu.~m or re 4,•a?!d ant tuP ;~ r~ o* imnnner,u~n t~ sow or
<br />twattir't "7n !jyp ?tr:.gerEti, i« keep the R?roiWrlp to Kt*od' ~ndiFtc~n aria repat r, *ci h u~ w~a r. and free }rota nt+~,hxru~'s ~ar
<br />uthxr €~ena nz: ?.xpr~nsly su;rrrdi:.aEcd zo >yu" ?k•n n.-~a•ot: seat t ; taaf.e, after os pr:-er;t auk n .~nc±• ;,c7 a.. .. nor t-. ~], r.^: rr
<br />.`:~ or i;rp~aer in~e ra:ur of th.«. 94tipcclp by arty art or ~,mix„ti-a .u ee` :art.? t"~ <-. ~.;,7~ ,..aa ;..,t u;r ~n., .: tc ~:•; taw ~xe<h .
<br />rra~p«*.a..~r er..r !'<cy,ertp. - -.
<br />
<br />