<br />82-°{)C?30C) l
<br />not personalty liable on the Nate err under this Geed of Trust, and tc) agrees that Lender and any other Borrawor
<br />hereunder may agm to extend. modify, forbear, or make any. other accommodations with regard to the terms,of this
<br />Deed of Trust ar the Note,. withen[t that Borrower's. tronsent and without releasing that Sorrower or modifying this Deed
<br />of Trust as to chat Borrower`s interest in the Property.
<br />12.' Notion Except foe any notiee required. under applicable law to be givrn;in another manner, (a) any notice to
<br />gotmwer pr+arided for in this Deed, of Trust shall be given by delivering it or by mailing such notice by certified mail
<br />addressed to Borrower ai the Property Address or at such ether address as Borrower may designate by .notice to Lender
<br />as provided horoin; and (b) any'notice to Lender shall be given by certified mail to Lender's addreu stated herein or to
<br />such otheraddtess as Lander maq designate by notfce to Borrower as provided herein. Any notice prgvided for in this
<br />Deed of Trust shall be deemed to havo been given to Barroweror Lender when given. in the manner designated herein.
<br />13,, 6o+~erning Lam; SsverabfUry.'The state aced loeal:iaws applicable to this Deem of TYUSt shall be the laws of the
<br />jurisdiction in which. the Property is located. The £arcgoing sentence shalt not limit the applicabiiiry of Federal ;ew to
<br />this Deal of Trust. In the event thaU artyprovision oc clause. of this Deed of Trust: or the Note conflicts with applicable
<br />law:, such conflict shall not affeM other grorisions of this Deed. of Trust or rho Note which can be girtn effect without the
<br />canfliceing provision. and to this Beet rho, provisions of this Deed. of Trust and the Note aro declared to be severable. As
<br />used herein, "costs' ; "erpensea" and "attorne}s' fees.'.' include all sums to t~~ -:tent not. prohibited by applicable law or :
<br />limited hereur.
<br />14. Borrewer's CoQy. 1orrower shall be furnished a conformedmpy of the Note~and of this Deed of Trust at the
<br />time of execution crafter recordation hereof
<br />15. Rdnbtit,atloe Loan AReemeat• Borrower shall fulfill all of 8orrower's obligations under any home rehabilita-
<br />lion, irnprovomet[t: repair orother loan agreement which Borrower enters into with Lender. Lender, at Lender's option,
<br />may require Borrower to esecute and deliver to Lender, in a `ornt acceptable to'lxndet. an assignment of any tights.
<br />claims or deknses whicfi Borrower may have against parties who supply labor. thaterials erservices in connection with
<br />smprarcments made to rho Property.
<br />16. Traealeteftsa PretnrtY: ws _ if all or any part of the Proppeerty or an intr:rest
<br />therein is sold or riaosferred tsar 8orrosser rithostt Lender°a prior rzitten consent,
<br />,srtcliidinq (a) ttte cseatioa of a lien or encuabtance subordinate to this Dead of
<br />Truss, (b} the creation aY a purr3tasa man+y adeurity iaierest for household Al~+li-
<br />ancea oc (c} a txattsfer by`deeise, 'descent or by aperatioe of lac.. upon 'the deaeh of
<br />a joint tenant, Lender any, at Leadac's option, declare all the noes secured by thls
<br />peed of 2ruat_to tee iatrdiately due and payable. Lender shall have calve sag.
<br />opQtion to accraTerate if, prier to the sale or traaefec, -ender and the person to
<br />vfroa the Property is Lo tee aoi.d or transferzed reach agceeasnt in rriti;ng that the
<br />credit; of audt person is satisfactory W Lersder and. that the interest payable.: oh thee.
<br />:sues secured by this t)eect of Trust scull be at such rate as Lender shall request.
<br />Zf .Lender axet:nisai such option to accelerate, Lertdec shall mail.. Borsower notice of
<br />acceleration ih acrardance vit3t paragrapC 1,2 ttereof- Such notice shall provide a
<br />pssfod'isf note leas -than 3f) d feast the date rite notice is mailed or delivered
<br />rithan rhlcls 8orrorar'anY pay the. soles declared due. If:Borrorez fails to pay such-
<br />suat: prior to ttte expisation of auCs period, Lender tray, rithout further notice or
<br />dataand" on-BOrrovsr, invoke any cesediea peraitted by paragzapts 11 hereof.:
<br />Nptt.t;vtt`UCtM CovErtar7's, $.orrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows.
<br />IT, Ae+ceissattae: Rsetii.r. Eaeept as provided is P~Pe ]b hereof, upon Batro«cr's breach of any covenant
<br />ar e=reetaeat of Boterawer in chi Deed. of Trutt, incisstgaa Borrower's faUurs to Pay: by the end of YO calendar days after
<br />that are. dw, nay earns scared by tlsis Deed of Trmt, Lender prior to asscetentioo shall give notice to Borrower sa
<br />prwWed is pargraPh 12 beeeoF speeitytntzc (1 ¢ the brncht f2} me active ° geleed to cuecruch breacha (3l a date, not
<br />lee rhea 2Q daft from.. [lie dste the nodce w mailed to Sorro+.er, fir' which each breach mm[ be;eyed: and {4} thst
<br />fatlsre em csue such heeach oe ar bet'ore [he d:ra specified in tl+e varies may r+ewtC in uceleration of the sums sscurod-by-
<br />thir peed oLTnrt and sate at the Property. Tl[e notke sbaU.tarther inform Borrower of the right to reinstate :after
<br />acedstatfos and'ttu right to briea a Bonet actlos to asasrt ttu oorseristence of a detautt ar any other defense o[ Borrower
<br />to acceisration and sale. tt'ctse hreadt h not eared oa or baton the: drtc spui8ed In rise ootltx. Lender, at Lendtr'a
<br />o{ttir>r[. may declare ail of the sums seeared fi?` this 1}eai o£ Trus[ to be immediately dna and Payable without further
<br />demeed and may invoke t+~ war of sail end any attse+ remadis periaittcd b7 app)icabk.taw. Linder shalt be entitled
<br />b cadlect ail taa~aieable costs and eapemus ioc~trted in p[ste~lnt rhea remedMs Prw'ided in ,ails Raratir-ph 1'l, lncindlns,
<br />bet tsar 1i~ted to, rasoeabte attorneys' £eaa.
<br />iI the power of sale 4 inreked,'Trastse shalt record a notke of dstasdt in eacfi canary in whicfi the Propertf or some
<br />.:part tMswf, a taeatad and shall snail eoptp of scati[ notice to the mmner prescribed by applicable Inca is Bocrowcr and
<br />to.tlsr utLa;psnaes pe+sc'ribed by apptkabta lac, After tlws lapse of stuff time u tnay be requ[red by appiIcable law..
<br />Tessa malt ~ivs pa6LLc aottse of sale to the persons and m the mariner Prescribed by appllcafite law. Trtsatee without
<br />de®ard;oa '$errowu, shall seU the Property a pabtk as>ctioa to the hitttrest bidder a[ the Hme end place and ender the.
<br />tersadsslana~d is the aotkx of saLria one or man parcels and is snob order u Trustee may detsrmia. Trustee way
<br />peatpone sale ~ ail or any; parcel of the Property by public aanouacemeat at the time .and Place of any pnriously,
<br />scbedtded eels. i;eader or Lender's designee mar purchart the Property at any kale.
<br />[ltpa teeeipt of payment of ttte prfa bid, Trustee shalt deliver to tfie Purchaser 2rusiee's deed: cnnvcying the
<br />Ptepert7~'sa5d The redtels as dfe Trsstae's deed shall ~ prima facie evidence of lire truth of ohs statemenu made.
<br />tis~eio.. Trteter shall applythe proceeds of thesak inthc faBowir[gnrder: (at tosll reasonable cosh. and eapeoses at the:
<br />sale, inclsrtieil. but nor Eituitsd te. Trvaltee°s £cu actueltr ineareed of not more than ............. %a of rite grog ants
<br />Prior, rcasaaable s.ttarncrs' ±ea and cvsb of ittle trldeace; {b} to all suns: secured by this l;eed of Trust; and {c} the es-
<br />c~es, it an7, to the persoet c>r penum ir~aitr miitkd tfiercto.
<br />t8. ilorr+ower's Rlrht to Hriostate. '~~. ;t.standing Lender's accaicaation of [he sums seturesi 'try this Deed of
<br />?' u~t. due ~ : ekrrrc~~ ~, ,~ra: ;-+t^~ti . .~a;. ha~,.: the right to bare any pntctedings bt~itun br Lenderto enfan:erthis
<br />axe.; 3~ ;~, .u. oar. n..~,1-~ a :, .... ~*r m the rterlior to c~cnr of (r) title fifth day hefure the sake ofthe Pro;,erty
<br />Fursaaat ~ t ~ rt ~ r ~'~ is wed st Tres. cr 8'i) a:xtry of a judgment ~7urcing then Cleeri nt Trust i£:
<br />t 3; fiare~:w _, r..:_ ern z .'. sc , s ~::~: !t w ;old ~ these due under this Dzcd of Trost area the Notc react no acueicration
<br />~'
<br />x~::e~~. rsro:., _ , ., ..: ~ r:.-P:cs :: am other sevrnants sx agrrem~nts of 8orrawer c+rattaened in this i}ecd of
<br />;:ust; =~i d,n.:«~a ,.,.3 ~"_ _u.-t>at~io expenses rnczsrrezi by l.e,nder and Trsstoe it ea'sncing ttrt ccrrega~ais and
<br />af5rfc`t~er-ts H , r.~ ~ t.~s t)rr.4 afTrzrst and sncnforczni2 e.eeder's anal Trucree s rrnzr.i.es as pnwic:rd in ,
<br />pa.ugr 1 ~ .._ ~..:1.r, ~[ not lrmtted to. rear«rsablc attortcp` leas. a. i `.d') 5:rr~awmr BakesSUChactson as t
<br />+_,. _ ~ :o assure t:xat the ?err, if .%trs i2ccw~ ni `;-:2L5L, i.~ntl~r`s fratcre.; en the I'roper'.y' anti
<br />~, Y>nztns tiets:tctf €xy trite t?stt': c?. l r~s~t;`.:uF c4yzEiayu ~i.Ar, x7:ss; ,. l,r,;n 1u ,t r ay:t;ce;. and
<br />_«_ .,...
<br />.~,.
<br />... ~ _.- .. ;~c..t axf ~susr and =i=s obit~attores ~sau,et, ixet.o. j,_a~V .crs.an In ~as..a~e_^ geld efFect as iCttc
<br />_...: ant --=«t7 ~_._ r,.
<br />