<br />..
<br />82-.~~3'00 ~ PEED ~F TRi3ST1
<br />~'FiiS DEED OFTRUST,js made this ........19th .............. . . day of ..........Jul}'.. , ....... ,
<br />8t Dreg B. and ~orathy Uhrmacher, 5usband'and wile
<br />14.....amr_*ngtheTtvstor .................... ................................................
<br />_ _ ~hettin ••I~ortnu,~r •)~Custer Federal Savings _ and, , ,
<br />.........................
<br />Loan Tssaciation of Broken Hose, Nebraska .. _ , . • , . , _ , , , lherein'"Trttstse"). and [he HeaeficiarT.
<br />the tMbraaita tbrtgagsr Httanoa T»nd, Lincoln, INbraaka, .d,4QdY..Ra.L,i,tJ.>r, etitd.......
<br />~Q~P.4x~~ .................................:...................... . otYanued sed
<br />ezisting under the laws of ..the .State. of . NlShra9Jta ........................ . ................. .
<br />Suits 101, 1115 K. Street, Lincoln, NE 623508
<br />+rhoseadAtacis ..............................................................................
<br />........ . ......................................... . ................ (herein "[.ender..).
<br />SORROtvgR. in CoaSidti'ation of tht ~1fdChtedneil; herein recited and the tzvst herein created. ittevocablj grants
<br />and. coaveys to Trustee. in tryst, with power of sale, the following described property lacsted in the County of
<br />......................Hai 1.................. Stue of K tska:
<br />Lot Five {5), ir. Fractional Hlock Forty {40), in Charles wasrner
<br />Addition vo the City of Gran3 Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />which hat the address of ..., 1419 i•[est .`°rm Grand Island.......... .
<br />~suwi I '~~ Ca, ~
<br />68801
<br />Nebeaska ........................... !herein "Property Address"):
<br />;:y r...i
<br />TUC,ETMfR with ail the impcovetoeats now or hereatttt erected on the property. and. ail easements, rights.
<br />apptuttttaaas sod tents (subject however to [hc rights attd authentic given herein [o Lender to collecK and apply such
<br />tettts2. ail. of .hick shall be deewted ro be and remain a part of the property covered by thu Deed of Trust: and all of
<br />the fae~pittg, together with said property (nr the tcasehdd elute. if this Deed of Trust is on a leasehold) :tn
<br />Meseisattar referred to u the "Property":
<br />To SECl3ttE to Lttsder [he repayment of the indebtedttess evidenced by Borrower's notr dated... ........ .
<br />Jy4}(,19t , 1982 .. _ , , _ ... , ,and euetssiarts and removals thaenf therein "tiote'"), in the principa! sum of
<br />........
<br />U.S. S . ,7, 040; 4 . , . _ , . , . , ,with interest thereon. providing for monthly installmenrs of principal and
<br />............
<br />interlat, with the balance of tht indeb[edncs-. if rtot sooner paid, due and payable on ... , A;~9ust 7 .,, i yFi7 .. _ . _ , -
<br />the ptvttrteat ux ail other'-wars, Kith interest therea., advanced in accordance hrrcwtth t.~ pr~xcct the security or' [his
<br />Dwd of Trust: and the performance of the covcaants and agrerntents of Bon cover herein :ontainci.
<br />Btxrawercovenants Lbat Borrower is SawfvllY sensed ~ the estate !trrebv conveyed and rigs *. he right to grant and
<br />+rotttey xhe Property. attd that the Pxopertr is unencumbered, euept foe encumbrances of record. iiorrourr myenants
<br />thu8orruwsr, warrants and wi11 defrnd generally the title to the Proptrty against ail claims and dctnattds. sabject to
<br />rncttmtxattcesol rrnmtd.
<br />LitiiFftR1M ~(,C1~`E.tiA`tTS.. Borrower cad :xnsier taxvcnant and agtiee as follows:
<br />Ll~~t eE Peidgrl ~ Law.a. Borrower shall promptly pay whrn 1ue the principal and interest.
<br />ittdebtedttess e:idsrtctd b±' the tiote and talc charges as provided in the Mott.
<br />S. Rllai fir Tssas ~ lsrats~.a. Subyeet to applicatbic !aw or a wrir~,en waiyt;r'o~~ ;.r rider. &rrrower sn all pay m
<br />t,eraier sat ;itt ~X m~-hiy paymrnts of prituipil and incerrc[ arc payablr uruler the Vote, umz3 the V ~ is paid
<br />in lull.s,wm 4hGteia "Fnpds`)ealuai tovue~taYtiifi of the-yearly taxi and asseSSnsents sincasding condommaum anti
<br />pG-naed uttdt ~tit>~ent assesstneats. it' any) which may arxaia pnanh° ewer thix eked cir I-usL. and grouaaa rent on
<br />.he F'mperty~. if any; plus brig-twelfth slf ±•rarty prcmiurn htstalimerts fr`9r hazaru i^su: ancer_ pin; ar.e•tweE[' h of ~.^. '~
<br />,~ra,iurr. irxttalltnc~rtix foe trurt*a~ insur.n~e, ~; ai.v. ai! as Lea nnuhiy •sstima;ed ir,r-aih and 'rom tsme ;. tuxee by
<br />k.cruicr an thefsascs,°f assrrz5m-crzs any! F~iliz ar;sti er_assa^aht-_ ~;aYrc::aLC+~ ?heee<;t. Br;t-r+: - _... nr abt>gs~e~i r,. maJcc
<br />c>t;>t ~..~~t*mertts at farads :[, i.cru!tr ztz Lfte txttnr ±Dxt BTxrok-r~r ~n a~.r~ s~xc:~ ~, ~n.c,a:, r r ~;.,~;:r ~v a ; ~, L rL y::,~~ r,r..
<br />~1e~eG ttf truti .t i,u:t 't,^ri+ier ie an ;ns .t+cf;oraa!rrntter.
<br />f sKpY ..;r~;t~ittzrttttmt- 6 tif2 i
<br />