<br />STAT) QF NE$&ASHA, County of ..........:............_..,........................:
<br />filed for. rescord' Un ........:......:................. 19 ...:.,:, ai ..........,................. o'clock- ........................ ~1.
<br />and rc~rorded in the: Teed Recard ..............................:.. Page ................. :......:.
<br />_._... ..... ... .....:... ..:........:... ay ... ....::.:: ........... :....:: .:..,......., .....
<br />Register of Deeds Deputy ResyisteP of Deeds
<br />82 "" ~ ~ ~ ~ `~ ~ SURVIVORSHIP WARRANTY DEED
<br />tan2ey F. Ferrau acrd Leah p,. gernau, husband and i~'ife, each ih his an3
<br />er ocm r~zht and as spouse of ersch oiher
<br />herein exiled the grantor ~rhether ane or more,
<br />in c„rsideration of ,M2izty rive Thousand dollars and llaf:?0 {$9~,OtPfl.lp)
<br />received from granteex, dcesgrant, bargain, sett-eonveyxndconfirm unto...
<br />,ee s. c:cl~tenlcamp And ghSxley a, Echtenkacrp
<br />RR joint tenants with right ofaarvicorship, and. nat'astenantsiu-common,the faliovring deecribedreal
<br />property in ....... 11e3: ...:.._.. .._::......._.... {aunty;.Aebrasks_
<br />teats r.umi~ered seventeen (z7) anal: iF:ghteen t,Ig}, all i^ 1}Iock F?ve (51 of
<br />t:4e Original ,;ox~r; ~* Cazo, hall Fwounty, Nebraska.
<br />~(3~. ~ ~ ~~~~
<br />- .sa
<br />$..~._.. BY.-- ...
<br />To have and to hold the above described premiMe, trrectLi~r n stl: +ill teuemonts, hereditsments
<br />~u;d nppurtenaz:cey thereto bclnnging ante the grantees and to t.~.eir a5signP. or tk the here and aaszgna
<br />OP ille S-I'FI FGr Cf t~ieCl iOT^~'l'r.
<br />9nd {~rnntor dreg {;ereu] covenant with the yranteea and n~ith their assignnsnd with~thaheira
<br />and ae. i~-ter of t.::.~ sr_ra'i:or of there that grantor is laaiuJ:y ,.i+c~i of said prem'ssas: that they are-free.from
<br />enenrnbrance
<br />exce,~t ._~semE~te end rL^ptrict{;rnd c•z tretertl.
<br />that grantor l,as gaud rich :in.s i::wfsat authority to cou~ey zra, ~+imc; suet that grantor m~artRnt~ and will
<br />dcYcnd the title tra ~::i~i ~ ;en;isas ~ •aia,t tFe> ;awful ciaians of all p.~r,ona wiaou; ,evrr
<br />It is th Lt;ZAtio It of 3iE j:lttieH }ieretU Ghat tC the- Brent o]' the dent, , f ~~i;ner 6f the grantees,
<br />thr~ rntirr ewe .ills ttr tin, real oro,~rrty vpni. test. it tLe s,.rcrc:eg grante,c
<br />Dxtc~ L/L/Y J / 2. 19 ~' ~-_
<br />__._
<br />1:9.1i2f r,. ,.~ .....
<br /><~
<br />_.... ~ , ztsav.. ..,.
<br />t ~
<br />. _.._ .. .._.._._..._ .., iinuntp of ....._ -.
<br />Sefort me, a not,~p pslri~ qualified fur aai~ •r.,nf.., pers¢rnali eanlr.
<br />y.~ :ie} r ,~rr.z~ and Teen L : ~rnau, }iusbanx3 a„d tJi~e, Bath is~ hfh and
<br />??er oaa r.K,t ?r_d ss ara<<aa r.= cac;s ether ~,
<br />kreuuo 20 r»• bb h~ the d~ ut; a: ~, rv:a cr pen+K,ra-, a h< ac i ~ t ~• fo*,e(~sing irisfirnm~t and aeknotiviedgad
<br />s5tecKSSrptt trxtr~a~ #u ~ . [ r~, a<.~ ur tt~ie;r aclun:rry ~.. r_,d _.r,}. j
<br />.. Ri
<br />':_~ ~~ - f
<br />~ rtet,~+',nuT ~~a-.l auiT aotarixl crest < ~ ~ ~ : __
<br />_:. _ r .... ~stacv t'reblim
<br />.,.._. ...,.., I9, ._..
<br />i ... .., - . .. ._. _ ~ . `fie .~ . ... .~ r,xa« 4 u.,_ -:n., t.+m«~,ea.. T4we.
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