82-= i~U2992
<br />9. Cotdemnatioa. The prceceds of any award ar c;aim for damages, direct or consequential, inconnection with any.
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance inlieu of condemnation; art hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid to Lender:
<br />In the evear of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the suera secured by this Deed of Trust,.
<br />with the excess,. of any, paid to Borrower. In the tveat of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing, fticre shah be applied to she sums secured by this Deed of Trust such propsirtion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the,sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the dale of
<br />taking bears to the fair market valfu of the`Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the pr~.c«ds
<br />paid to $a:rower.
<br />If thr Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by [:ender to Borrower that 4he condemnor offers to make
<br />an award or settle a claim. for damages, Borrower fails to :respond `to Lender within 34 .days affter the date such notice is
<br />tnaikd, Lender is authoriacd xo splicer and apply therproceeds, at Lender's option, tiRiier to restoration'or repair of the
<br />Property or to the sums secured by thus Decd of Trust.
<br />Unless Lender aad Borrower otherwise agree in .writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />or ppoasstpone [hcdue date a€ the monthiySnstaFiments referred to tin paragraphs l and 2 hereof or change- ikte amount of
<br />Stith rntatlmtnts
<br />' 1t4. ssrro~rev Not Rekrcd. P.xtension of the time for payment-or moeli4cation of :amortization of the sums secured
<br />by this Deed of Trust granted by Lender lo'anysuwessor in fnterestof'Bot _..ersshall noz operate to release, in any manner,
<br />the'diability of he originaf'Horrowed and Borrowers succrssors in' interest. Leader shaib nee be equired to commence
<br />proceedings against sifch successor orretuse to extend-time 'for payment or otherwise modify: amortuaxion of the Burns
<br />secured by this Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made by the originalHormwerind Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />- - 11. Foeheannce 6y'Lender Not aWaiver. Any fortleatnnce'hy Lenderin exercising any rightor.re»tedy Y,creunder. or
<br />otherwise afforded by applicable lase; hall not be a waiver bf or preclude-the exercise=of any-sych sight or remedy.
<br />The proeutetnenkof iusuraace orthe,paymeneof,taxes or other-liens or t:harges by'Lender shall not-be a waiver at Lenders
<br />ri~brta aecelentc the maturity of the indehtedaess secured.. by this Deed of Trust..
<br />11. Resedks CawrdaHve. All remediesprovided in this Decdof Trustaredustinct and cumulative toany ocher right
<br />or retaedy untter this Dtro~ of Trust or afforded by law or equity: and may be exercised: coocvrently, independently or
<br />sttocessively
<br />13. S~cc[was tmd Afritas.iaund; JoiRf and Several LLbiYty; Capliotts. The covenants and agreement; herein
<br />contained shall bisxd, and the rights Iretxunder shall iaurc ta, the respecavc successo€s and assigns of Lender and Borower.
<br />sub,'cct to rite provisions'of paragraph l7 hereof. All'covenanta and agr«ments of Borrower shat! be jaim and several.
<br />The captions and headings of the-paragraphs of this Deed a€ Trust are for conversience'only and are oat ta.tu used ro
<br />interpret or define the pravisioas hereof.
<br />10. Nolka Faccepx for any notice required under applicable law to be given m another manner, (a) any notice tc
<br />Borrower provided for. in this Deed of Trustshall lxguvea by mailing such na[icc hycertifred mailaddressed to Borrower: at
<br />the Property Address or aLSuch'otheCadtiress as Harreiaer may designate"t+y notice to Lender'as grovuded herein, and
<br />(b) any noticeto Lender shall be given by'certified mail: return receipt requested; 'to Lender's. address stated herein or to
<br />Bath other addrt~s "as Letxlu may designate by `nopce ate Borrower ar provided herein: Anv atotite:'providcd inr in_this
<br />Iked of Tent shall be deemed ta'have b«a given to Borrower. sir tender when given in the manner designated herein..
<br />15. Il~ifort• Deed'o[Trssf~ Gorerni~:Law; $averabllky. S'tfiriorm ofdeed of :trust-wmbines uniformcn~•Pnants for'
<br />.national use and:non-uniform covenants v?ith (united variations by jurisdiction to constutute a uniform securirr '.nstmmenC
<br />coirrrins reaLprapetty. Thus Deere of:Trvst stiaii he governed by tholaw of the: jurisdiction in which the Proper.'. s t,~~ated.
<br />In threvenC that nay provision or clause of this Deed of Trisz or the Note conflicts with applicable law. such axsflict shall
<br />notafieet othtrprevisions o[ thisD«d of Trvstor the ,'vote whi:h:can tx given effect without thecanfticting provision.
<br />aad to this end the ptovisiont of the D«d of Trust and rile Note are declared to be severable.
<br />li.Botrawer's Cop7.'Borrawersha}} be furnisheda eanformedeopy ofthc NottandafthisDetd of Truse:af rite time
<br />of execution or after recordationhereof.
<br />I?: '[1rWfae of eMei hoperty; Awmptlon. if ail or any purtof the Propery ar an interest therein: is saldor uransfcrreJ-
<br />by Borrower vrithout :Leader's prior written consent, ezclud'sng lay the creation of a lien ar encumbrance subcirdinaie :t<t
<br />this Deed of Trust, #bl the."ercation of ~ purr"r.asc ~noncg,security interest torhousehold appfianccs, lc) a transfer by iievise.
<br />daceht or byoperatioa of-:taw upon the death of :~ ++inr Tenant or
<br />' ~ ~ ~ Lender. mar, at Lender's option, deetare all he sums secures: by thin Deed n' Frost to be
<br />imMCdiately. araedpayabe. lxudersha}lhasc waived'such opaan-to a..~eltrate tf, prar:iothe safe rzr tansfer, Lender:
<br />and-the person ro whom;,the Property is to tie Bald ar trattsfcrred reach agreement to voting that the credo of :t,, i pers~?n
<br />is satisfactory to Lender and that'the interest payable an the sums secured b•: th , Decd of Tr.i,t sn~I' °,c at s,tcn rue a
<br />LeudtrahaFl request. If tenderbaswaived theaption toaeceferam pros^,Jcd ,n fF,:, p:iragraphl7: and !t R r„wer; successor
<br />ininteresthasesecuted awriitenassuniption agreemenraeceptcd in wriung''v 1_e:,~cr, Lender ,half re!~ax B+~rrower.from
<br />alE obligations under this Deed of Trust and the Note. - "
<br />: If I,trtdtroxeraises such optionio acceSeratt, Lendti she I hu~~ 'fsrr :,.et-~tati t (, a .<.T r ~i ~ ` t ardtns.e with
<br />paragraph )4 hereof. Snc-hnatiex shall provide a-ported of not lest thz! ~,,~}~ ttVt" ~~ ~ t ~hc ,~s~ a rrxiled w.lhin
<br />Which Etorrowermap ppnny the sums declared due ft Borrow^er tali, .:.P L..s?~.h.t4~'F~.?t~'~r!n ihc`~, 1p~1ti$3t,of such penvd,
<br />Lender may, without fiirther notice inr demand: on Borrower, anrot.e an r,,.~ud:cs rkt mtt.e~~1,~ paragraph' I g hereof
<br />NOK-CI N{FORM (`t?YYNANTS. Barrow Cr andLendcr tarlhC7 daVenai:t aad agree ~~ tallowy
<br />18. AccektasioR; Remedks.Excepl>m prosidedin parageaph7T hereof, upnRIlorrower'c breach of any covcnaninr.
<br />rytraenent of Borrower is this Deed. of Tract, inrludiaR.fhc covenants fo pay when due nay.sums secured by this Deed
<br />of Trust,(xnder priorto accelerrtloR,shall~tnailaotiecfo Borroweras. provided in. paragraph14 hereof specifying: (17 :the
<br />DreacA; (21 the action regNired tocnrssachbreaeh; i3)'adaae,.rax lass thaw 30 days fromihe. date .the aoficue is maiiedfo
<br />Borrower, by which seen Areach mwtt he cRSed; and t9)lAat. failart. fo cure Bach breach on or: before the date specified
<br />in [he notice wuy resrdttn aceekration of Niesumsisecundbythis Deedo#Tros[and salt of cire:Property.:The notice
<br />shay (urtAer irtorm Harrorer of t-e :ri#!ht to reinstatt after arcekration aad fha: right (o bring a court action to assert
<br />tree rwa-r:isttue of adefauk or ..nay other'ekfense:ofSorrawertn accelcrationand sale. Iffhe hrcachisnMcor'ed
<br />oa or 0e(ore the date: apeciGed is the notice, Lender at [;ender s option may declare aN at. the sums::secured b~. f hi+ Deed
<br />of ?rust fo be itamediatety,drte nerd p~yabk wuhont farther 8emandand mav-inv°oke ChrpoNv of sale and aovother remedies
<br />permuted by applicable taw, LemkrshaB be eMuled ro colter aRreasonabkcostsandexpttises incurred~n pursuing the
<br />remedies provided is tsisparagraph-.t8, including, bntnorlimited to, rtasonabk anorney's fees..
<br />U the pow:r of Bak is fa,oked, Trustee shatl record a notice of default in each county in which the Property or same
<br />part thereof is located and shall maractrpiessfstrch noticeiathe manner prescribed by apphcabieta»' to Borrower and [o:ttpe
<br />other persortr prescribed by applicable taw. After the hpsc of Boob-time:as may. be regoired by applicable law. TntsYre: shall
<br />rive public notice of wk to the persons and in:-the-manner prescribed by applictble law.. Trustee, withovidemand on
<br />Borrower, shall sell the Property at'pablic auctiaa to fhe:hiQliest bidderat fhotime and pfaceatidunder Ehe fermi desiRnafed
<br />in the notice tit .etc in atu or more ppaarrcth aadbr such order as Trustee may determine: Trustee: may pastponc. sale of aR
<br />rzr any pucei of the Properi} by publK annourrccment atahe tune: aad place of any previously ached tiled sale. Gender ar
<br />Lender's designee may purchase thePrvrperty of anp Bak:
<br />Upon rtcript of payment of the price bid. TrusteehaR dellvc,- [oche purchaserTrustee'sderdcogvtying.The Proyerty'
<br />sold. The rccitats in the 'frtrstce's decd shag be prima laeie ev v3enct. tit thr truth of flaestaiemenfs made thercan. Trustee
<br />spade apply ibe proceeds of ibe Bak is the fotluwip~ order: r) to zll reasonable coats andexpea+es. of the n ie iucludin;", but
<br />nni limned to. Trustee's fors of no; more than ~ ,% 1 O f ~ ~ of the grnxc .calr price, reasonable atlnsne_ ,. fe•. gad cas~ts:.af
<br />title er":nee: (b) to aR same secured by this I~cd of Trust; and tcl the excs~s, it_an), to thaperson or perrrnos ]ega[It entitled`
<br />thereto.
<br />34 Iktrruwer c Ryfht [o Retutate V ~ star n~ I r u ec ton ~ the su ru sou red b} th D~cv' Tr at, ~,
<br />Borr.~+. h 71 na ~ ih r,ght t~ `ace n p. _~~ ti h. p', b L-r t tforte his L7rc.d ~f Tritht ! .: z ~ d .~.
<br />any [int.. ,~ +. r h~~ Ju ea, Ficr tr +. it ~.: u) tL_ F _h .a, n 2 • i .ic .,( he ptw,ua:nt t. thepawt, ct ~Ic
<br />. _ i-_ ~.
<br />tl sC)iu ~.~'l~ac ell err ra ;r darn r cnr~ gr i 7 1r ~ -,~B c>reb~tty' fenttCLtt7 tr ~ ., ~ ~~Id
<br />,t,~:+ :.~_ t~;~ri ,ti . ~i_~.i r: 'r . n. ,,.i ~ ~ :._ ; r.;. ~u ; .. env . ,.
<br />st
<br />,, , ... t"ty~ r. ,. _:~n:,nt_ _, ~ _ _ ~ ,,~± ,_ , ,
<br />..,
<br />,.w * ~ ,
<br />+
<br />rg~.r,m ar..~rr tf ~ .,. :,en ,; t'.;. F3rci . , Tru ~ L.c~,.:! t.,r•~<f '~c r~ t ~:, .air 1, . _.. t ,_. i+~n i
<br />