E3ITCL~.Z2•' DEL•:D G7~"" 1!'t_~ ~ ~~ ~;,t}
<br />SP6RTS-A-PLESTCY, INC., a Nebraska corporation, Grantor,
<br />whether one or wore, in consideration of thz release of
<br />Grantor's ob'_igatian to Grantee in the amour.L of 5765,670.44,
<br />reeeip* of which is nere~~v acknowledged, c+~uiCctaims and con-
<br />: ~ae~rs t.c C6hS•SERCI~'. 5AVTPIGS C'OM?'~AIY r);F' Gi2t~VD ISL%i'dD, a ~lebraska
<br />+~orp,:ration, the following described real estxre .as defined in
<br />bleb. Peti~_ Star. X76-G01) in [ia1t. C;oun Pdehrask_a:
<br />Lot Si~i :.'~),5ele Second Ssbd~v~sien, in the City of
<br />Wranci I:;la*td, _:ehraska.
<br />(;rantar cq+renants ,.~~;~ the Granteetha~ttni:, Used is an
<br />absolute cor ~~;.°ai,ce, Cho Gcantt.~ haviri~ so:c sai~9 ].and tc the
<br />vrantee fcr a Lair and acier~,.:are eonsid"oration, such considera-
<br />„ior,, in acidit~o-! t~c that a~bnzre-reezced, being `all satisfac-
<br />tion of ali obligations securedbythe Dee., of Trust executed
<br />h~7 Grantor t-o Co~ercil- Savings Ccrcpanv of Grand Islard as
<br />Heneficiar~F reccrdeci as I~ecrsmenffi :°r_ 8~-±rp1~0? ir. the Office.
<br />t,` Cie :~egistcr o; Deeds of Fill Ccun~y,~iebraska. and the
<br />note secured therehv.
<br />israar_or declares r_';at r ;~-~, ,_ostveyance , ~ rreeiv and fairly
<br />crmade and that there. are no aree*~e:~._s. :'r,:1 or ~.Trittzr.. other
<br />r_han -?~i;~ Jeed '>etwec•n G -G~-c- =r.t~: . rar.tee ,:.-ich . ~~~snect :-o
<br />Sated i.3IIG.
<br />Th3C _- ~: ',~wfa:l.; Seiscc( ._ ., ~h z~;~: eSZr~Ge &nci ~:-a. 't .._>
<br />_`r~e _`ro~ enc:tt:ibr:anc«s , mac,„ ~~as~uerlts «nd re5rric*_icn5 _.
<br />record.
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<br />_~$i', of ?3ornan ,.zt_cnaan. ?rtsde~.t of Sporty ~'~-:'1e[t~. ,-----
<br />inc., .~i3eb:rask~ corporation, cn ~tieltalf ~~ said _~r_r;orat.I_on.
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