<br />2- i~t,i~~F3
<br />Exhibit ''B" attached hereto and made a part of t
<br />certain i?il and Gas Lease between The [~.ic~
<br />Central Life Insurance Company, as Lessor, and
<br />Clayton W. 4.'lliams, .7r. , as Z,essee, dated August 7, 19H1
<br />It is hereby agreed add ia~derstood between Lessor and Iessee that Izesor
<br />dyes hereby. let and lease to Z,essee all lands ifl the within nay Gwerrmental
<br />:~rveys, Section, Township, arn2 itange, whether correctly descxibed or not
<br />Z,essee i.s hereby wanted the power and rift, at'its option and without
<br />Lestsar's jainder or fuz*„her consant, at any tune ~,~t.le this Tease is in fozce,
<br />to esa~bine and pool the acreage ecnrere<3 by this lease or aezy portion thereof
<br />with any other land or l~rtds, within the imnAdiate vi.ciaity of this lease,
<br />whether owned by T..essee ar some other party so as to create one ar more drilling
<br />or producti~ units. Each such .drilling or production unit st7all not exceed the'
<br />maxinaan drilling or, production unit prescribed by the regulatory body, Federal ar
<br />State, having jurisdiction %n the premises. Lcssc~e s.'~ali execute in writing cold
<br />record an instn~erit identifying and deserbiztg each such uru:t . Iri lieu of the
<br />royalties elsewhere herein specified, Lessor. shall receive, cxx t?ve 'prcx3iictic~t
<br />from each such unit created heresmder, only such proportion of the royalties
<br />stipulated herein as the aurnatt of T~essors' aerea;ge glacecl ira the. unit bE:ars to
<br />the .total:. a~reageinclvde~i in the particular unit invol4ed: if operations be
<br />acted on or pnoductic~ be sec~n~ed from land in any pooled unit other than
<br />lard covered by this Tease , it shall have the eazne effect as to maintaareirx~-
<br />Lessor's and Zessee's rig,~its in'force hereunder as if operations were on or'pro-
<br />duction from the lands covered hereby, exccept that this effect shall'be limited
<br />to the I.azul rnvesed hereby which is s:zncluded'in such. pooled unit. The renaisider
<br />may be maintained in any Q~saser esev.~ere provided herein, provided that if: main-
<br />tain~d by raita'_ paymecet, the rental shall be reduced by the acres includedii~
<br />suchuait.
<br />At the end of the px unary ~-ernr of thin lease all acreage rxrt stained in
<br />a unit Productive of oil ox gas will expire and will not be held by production
<br />Less a1 or before 124 days after the primary tezm of this lease ~i,well be
<br />drilled in search=of oiI ..and Rte: arxi thereafter, na mare than 120';days shall
<br />elapse betweaa the. official completion of cxie well and the actual bef.rnling
<br />of another :well. '£izislease shall remain in full force and effc~t so long as
<br />a w~etl is drilled-ever}a I:20 days as P~ above, "~7a obligation to drill
<br />these wells is iuplied, an<i the only penalty for failure to`driil these wells
<br />will ;be the :loss of all rights earned here~auler except those lands sr producing
<br />snits. This. lease sha11 caztinue i.r- full force and effect as to all lands con-
<br />tamed in proci~icing units so,loc~'t~e,$fter as pr«hicrien mrctinues gursu~t to
<br />the tezms of this :lease
<br />If prior to discovery of ai.l, tar other ttaixeral ~ said land: or an acreage
<br />pooled tberarii.th Lessee should c~zi.ll a dzy bole or holes t'here4n, or if after dis-
<br />caverY of oil, gas ar other mineral, the producti.an thereof should cease frr~'
<br />anY ~.Se. this lease shall rot tE'*'*~++n:~te if i.essee Ices addi.tiona7. drilling
<br />or recao~,-ltistg operations :within 120 days. thereafter ar if it be within. the primary
<br />teen, cues ar resumes the payment or tender of rentals or coeuwnces op~atice~s
<br />far drilling or r~aurisin8 ~t ar before, the rental paying date next en~uis~g after
<br />the exPiratior~ of 124 days from date of completion of hole or cessation of
<br />pr~sduction_ ` Zf at .any time subs«puent to 120 .days pi-iExr to the beginni.rag of the
<br />last year of the primary teXm and prior to the-discovery of oil, gas or
<br />other mineral on said land, or on acreage pooled therewith, Lessee. should drill
<br />a, dry hole thereon, zso rental paya+ent ar`operati.ans are necessary ixt order. to
<br />~.,he lease ixi fvree duriztg the retm:izx3er of t~ prima7.y term... Z€ at the
<br />ex~iiraticxi of the prir.~aiy term, oil, gfzs ar other c~£sr~a,-al is rzot beiztg nroc3uced
<br />on said i.3nd, or az xreage Pooled therec~rith, tx.it Lessee is ,.hen engaged i~7
<br />drilling ar rewoz3eiz~ opexaticxis thereon or shall have completed a dry hole
<br />U'~ere;,c: ;aitbin 120 'days prior to the card of the primary+ term,. L?'ie lease shall
<br />r~air: in farce so Tong as operations are. prosecuted. with :uJ cc.ssatian of ~mre
<br />t:i~nZ 12~ s=csL~secb~ti days arad if they result in the pros.3ucttm of oil, t<;as <>7-
<br />ot~'ser rsiruaral, so low thereafter as oil,. or other xaineral is r7roc'aued f'~irr,
<br />said ~r a+~eage pooled therewith.
<br />Sigc~ci fox Ident.ficaticr.~
<br />Uzi{l7.on Cestza`SI. 3,r"e.li:suK~~~e ;.a;x.t.y
<br />C
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