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<br />82_._. 1~1.1~~~+: <br />~zbit "B" attached hereto and msde a part of t:itat <br />certauz ail and Gas Lease bett,n The., lhzian <br />Central Life Instarance Caa~sarty, as Lesaor, and 1 <br />Clayton W. Ldilliams, Jr'., as Lessee, dated P~nast 7, l9sl <br />It is hereby agreed and understood between Lessor and Lessee that Lessor <br />dog hereby let and lease to Lessee all lands azt tdae within: named• C,ovet~ztal <br />Swnreys, motion, Township, acted Stange, whether correctly desr_ribed ornat; <br />Lessee is hereby granted t2ze ~xxuer acrd right , at its option and without <br />I.ess~or's joinder or further ccxzsent, at any time while this lease is in farce, <br />to cxxnhizte at~d pool the acreage covered by this _aase or a~ portacxt thereof <br />with atty. other land ar lands, within the imuectiate vicinity of this lease; <br />whether:owned by Lessee. or some other pa~-c-y sa as to create one or more drilling <br />or prodsfction iatits, Each such dri.llit~3 or prcxl~sction unit shah, trot exceed tt~e. <br />msxitam dri3.last~ or production unit presaribec3 by the re~vlatory 1x><#y, Federal ear <br />State,. having; jtxrisdictiott in tote preusises. T.essee shall execute in wrtur; ;md <br />reextrd an znstrurent dentfyistg and describitzg each..sucht~ait, In lieu tt r.:t-ie <br />' elsewhere hereiuz specified:, Lessor shall. receive, on theprrduction <br />trod each such unit created hereunder, only stsrh proportion of the royalties <br />stipulated herein as ttre amxatt of Lessors' acreage placed ir. the unit bears to <br />the total.acreage included in,tize particular trait istvolved. if operations be <br />ccnducted on or proclucLian '~ secured. Erato land iiz any pooled unit other than <br />land covered by this.. tease, it stroll -ttaave. the same. effect as to maintain:utg <br />Lessor's -and Lessee's rights in farce tues~auier as . i£ czperatiarts were or ar pro- <br /> from the lmzds covered 2teretty, except that this effect shall be Linv.ted <br />to the 7~u3 cavr~eci ~reby wizich is i.-tcluaed in scactt pooled tmi.t TYte ranai~ider <br />may he s~.irstaizted isz arrv ,- elsew~re ~rovi.deGi I~zerein, nrovi:ded that if ~in- <br />tained hY rental.. paymrltt, a3te rental shall be reduced by rite acres included in <br />such ztnt. <br />At the c~td. of ttte primar} term of thin lease ail acreage not caztained ixt <br />a unit prcxiuctive v£ ail of gas will. expire and will tzot,be held by prcxhscCiori <br />unless an or before l20 days after-the primary team of this lease a well be <br />drilled in searr2t of uil arzd gasc a~ thereafter, rm more tnazz 120.. days shall <br />elapse betweat' the Official cletiat of one well and .the actual :x~innitt~ <br />o£ another well. 'This lease s°nail resin r; fis11 force and e.£fcct so long as <br />a well is dri3.`sed every 120. days as ~rovideci ~=rre. No rrt~ligatsast to drill:- <br />tttese taells ia' imptied actci' the only pErtalty far Failure to drill these wells <br />will be the loss oL all rights earned hereundea- except tlwse..lands in t~roducin~ <br />units. This lease shal3 cocttitxae ixa full farce and effect as to all lands wn- <br />rained in ;arcxhscit~ iszits so long thereafter as prrx3uction conti~sucs pursuant. to <br />theteams of this lease. <br />If prior co discover; o£ ail, or other mineral azx said Land: or on acreage <br />pooled therewith Lessee should drill a dry. lull-e oz• ?xales tt+.erecAi, or i£ after cii:s- <br />eovery of oil, ~ os: other mixreral, the prcxiuction thereat should cease from <br />any cause, this lease sha11 not rite if Lessee coamextces additicma~: driJ.irag <br />or reaaoricing operacioxts withuz i2~ days thereafter or if it be' within: the primary <br />tens, camiaices or resutoes ttte paysaent ar tender. of :rentals or ao¢mances aperatians <br />for drilling or r~ cKt or before ttte rascal paying date next ensuirsg alter <br />E:xpixation of 120-.days ..fray date of completion of dry hole or cessation of <br />prcxititction. If at any. time subsegtx~zt to 120 days- prior to the eaegi.rnzirag of the <br />last year of .the primary term and prior to the discovery of oil, gas or <br />otttex gal on sairi or on acreage pooled thexea~rith, ?~essee should. drill <br />a dry: hale Loci, no retstal pay~xtt or operations are ziecessary in order to <br />1:ceep the lease in force during the z-ssaixtder of the primary term. If at the <br />encpiration of the ~ term,. oils. gas: or other mineral is not beia`zg ~rcx3uced <br />can said land, or crtt acreage pooled thererrth, best T~.essee is then: rued :isl <br />t}ri1l.i~g or zewvric3zeg operatcazs thereon or shall Dave co~7letecl a cry ;zvle <br />th~.reon withizt 220 days to the: end o€ the primary tent, the lease shall <br />rESUan .in force so .long as operations are prasec.~uted wtiCh ~ cessation eat t~tsr~e <br />than 12S} cz~s~ec~uti~re days, and ~.~ they resu3.t in the praduc~tian oL uil, ;~;a> nc- <br />x ra.l, so larcg th~rraftex as oil, gas sir other tnirteral is ~,~-t,<'a~.e'd frar, <br />said lsnd or acreage pooLe~i <br />Sighted for Zsietitfic:aict~ <br />' C~L'ral. I.i£e Znsa~utc~'ty . <br />~ /'~i `, <br />xkr <br />