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<br />82---U029EiJ <br />MORTGAGI's __ Set L 22,2$0 ' _ <br />MURT(:.AGI? LUAN NQ. _ L `2, 4,L050~ -- <br />KM0~1 AL..I.-MEN BY THESF, pRFSSNT'S: That Daniel R. Christensen and Lianne Christensen, each in <br />hzs-and her-atm right and: as spouse of each other, <br />--r- Mortgagor_whethttgne or morb in ainsideratirm of tM stun of <br />S~xtzen Thousand Three'HUndred-and no/I00---- -------- <br />----- - _-.-LXILLAFtS <br />kxancd in said mortpgOr by TheEquitabk' Bm-lding and Gran Association oEGiand Island, Nebraska,:Morigagee, upon ,16~ stores ref sto~# of <br />aid ASSt1CIATION; Ccnifuate:. No. L 24, OSO: , do hereby grant; canveY and mortgage unto the said..ASS()CIATIUN the folbwvtg <br />described real estate; sitwied in Flail Gounty, Nelsxaska: - <br />Lot One (1) m Western Heights Secc..._. Subdivision, <br />located in the Northeast QtYarter of the Southwest <br />4uarter (NE'~SW~) of Section Eleven (1.1) , Township <br />'Eleven-(li) North Range Ten,(10) West of the'6th <br />PM., in Hall. County, Nebraska;, <br />together wttb ailths irnements, hcreditameatsand:appurtstLano:s-therwsnto be{ortgmg, includiag attached Moor coveringa;all .window xreens, <br />windor shades, blinds, storm windows; awntngs,.N°ating, xu. conditioning; and plrunbingand water equipment and artxssories thereto, Pumps, stoves, <br />refrieerstors, arsdotAer fixturesand equipttterttnerw cir hereaftcrattacltedtaor ttseti in aanrccction with said realestate. <br />Aod whereas. the said aanregagar hasagreedand does hereby agree thac..tlte rttortgagnr shali..wtd wJl pay alltues,and as:mnents levied or <br />asaeaedttpon aid p[etnit~s arnittpon thistttortgage and ttrt bond secured..thereb bdors~fhe shall bemmedelingttrnttn furrfislt apprrncd <br />imwana sspon the buiklsngs on :said premises sittuted irf the wr¢. of.516 , 3Q0. ~0 payable to said A.SSOCIATIUN and to delixr to said <br />ASSOCIATION the pofitas forsaid irwiranee; and reoa trs commit or permitany waste on ur about satd premrses; <br />Incaat of detaultm ihepetfortmace of anyof:theteimsand'~Ymdititmsof this usarLgagc or theband seclered hereby,tlre nwrlpgEe shall, <br />on demand, be eniitlat to immediate posteswon of thsrnaAgagedpremisea and the rtsartgagor hereby assigns;. transfers and setsovet to: the <br />mortgagee all the rents. teveaitesarnl: incxrme to bederiv~ed from t}te trxsrtgaged pretises during such"titm as the mortgage:indebtednessshall. tetitain <br />unpaid;-and rhertiorlgagee shaft base the power to appoint aoy agent or agents:it »ray r[esire for the-purpaae of repatrittg saidprtmrixsand renting <br />the same and mliectaig tlterents,revenues and insame, and it irray pay out: ril surd incotn? all expenses of repairrrtg aid premises and necessary <br />caarnissions and expenses mcuned in renting and managing the: same and nC ceilecr tuttals therefrom; thebalance xemainutg, if any, lobe <br />applied toward the discharge of said twrtgage mde6teslmss; these rights erf the nx~ttC.,tgee: tray be exercised at any time during: the existence of such <br />defaidt,irrespedive of any temporary waiver of thesatne; <br />Thews presents, however, see uptrn. the Cand:tion,That if [nesaid Mortgagor sloall repay said Man on or before the maturity of sardshares. by <br />payment; pay monthly eo ,aid. A.SSUGIAT"ION of tfre ruin specifie8in the:Bond sectuedbereby as interest: and principal mtsad Man, onur before <br />the Tswerttieth day. audcvrry monrh. until said loan is fatly paid; pay aU taxes and asseasmeois kvietl against said premises and on tliisMortgage <br />sad theBond securedthsreby, Fxforeilciinyucncy: fumisFs approvedistsurxnrxtgwn she bw7dings lherecui in the sumof S 16, 300.00payablc <br />to saidASStjCI:ATIOh rrpav ~o said A.45UC,tATIUN upon demsndall rnuney''hY a peed tar such: taxes, assessvrents and insurance wrthmterestat <br />the maxirsumrk>zril. rate t trercon i rom date. of paymrnt: aR of which Mortgagor hereby agreesto pay.; permit no wasteon said pxcirriaes; keep and comply <br />with all theagrecmert(c and amditron~ of theBond for 5:16, 300:.0 this Say gsweLe by the said Mortgagor to said ASSOCIA770N, and a.rmply <br />with all th.. reyuuer»cnc- of th_• ~unst•tut iansnd By-Laws of said ASS(JGIATIO7:; then: these presentsshall. beooine null andvoid, otltervristi [}ley <br />slu0 rcmam in (all tore an~i :,v he rarwilascd at tlu:optiao ofthcsaid LSSO(1AT10fV after fai3ure fnr `three moaths`tti makeariy,rof Grid <br />pay menu ur be three nn,ntFs in a; i ca,n m rria}tirsg sald'mouttdy,paymeirR_ us ui keep seed +armply with Ltre. rgreerrwattsand conditions of awed Ltond; <br />and Morgagor aftces :o have a rece ever uppoinfed forthwith in Such farecksure psooeedings-, <br />if there is z»y ~hangu is owtxrshrp of the real tsaatc mwtpgrvl herein, by. sak or oiberwise, [Aem the entire r ~indebtednesshereby <br />recrued shaII, at ttK optn,n o[ The FquitBble Building and Lour, Asscr:s,ttott oCCSandfsland,Nebraska,beconse immediately due and payabkwithout <br />(ur!her !ro[ice, and the anxrun: rcma,n:ng. due undei vid bond,: and soy ..other bond for'anyaddrtionai advancesmade thereunder,-dull; from.[he <br />+bte of exercise of said option, t>L~at interest ac the nuximum legad'rate, and this rswrtgagerrny thrn..beforecloscd'to sattisfytt,eamotmt dueon said <br />bond, and any or,tter hand Co: ado+itiona3 adaru x, toKc(hcr we[ha3l:swr~ ps'tdbysaid The F.quitabie Braiding and Loan Association of Grutdlsland. <br />Netxaska for insurance-. tuts and as,csm>zots, and abet earring extension charges,- wZth interest theisan, from data of payment at the. slLaxnrttun <br />Fegel rata <br />: As provided in the E+>^d secuud hereby, while thn am>rtgagz .emains lie effect [lee morigagee.tnay hereafter 8drantx additiaoalswns tv the <br />rmLers of saki F3orxi, thtir aai~s r uuc>~,:c ~ - i tercet, h+:-};. s:cuia4 slra#I be .within the security ofthis tnrxtgagethe same as the funds oi:.eguta]tY <br />xcured ihercby, the :oral ann~une o~ priru.ipar debt .tat ice cxard ~t any time the origiraafarnatmt of tnismotigage;: <br />Dated t 16th;; .i,~, t auiy A. D., L9 82 <br />/r ; ~ ~ -~~~-- <br />_ Da.iei ~L~ , Christensen <br />Li~ine ~u'is ttinsen <br />SFA it~ L)h \F,S3ithSKh. ~ iM:this 16th clay of JuIV I4 $2 ,before tns, <br />~. <br />the nna a N P Lc m sad fox gaol rso <br />Dania_2 it. Christensen. ~~;c Lian*Ye Christensen, each`ri~`~iYs ~ ~1'er a+m rr~i~ an~3 as ~'~u`~se <br />Of ecTC'~i Cta`? [ r , t wla are peraotta[ty krwwn to <br />tic v,+ fu t~ 3.-!:tom-t +>"r-1>, g ~~-t~o.u oao,_, g. ~. aP9'rxed to tbeabavs iadtemseent as~iwrtgagor 5. anti. thE:y seraraily. <br />ar~cn;.w k.~ f S i- . z<i r s.., rhr 1 vetuntarp aCK and drxd. <br />'"'? <br />`h:~i~t ~ y a ., ~. .. ~.-:~i :br %7aie afwcsaed. + <br />f' <br />- ~ILMMIIr~1MaMdiMM1~ _;'- . '_ ~, ., .._ .. _._t ...,r~. ct `' •<,~ <br />;s:a.-~ ar .r~'~f Y. ~ r+s y-kttai+)~t - , <br />