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<br />70.9-B-SUIRVIVpRaMIA WARRANTY GEED g2--U~12SEi t~ ~Utttf12110~d ~eltOn $Weli, W~lt~n Ne. 6&1f1
<br />i~~Q4= ~l.L~ ~iF:A~ BY TFIESE PRE8E1QTti, That. Daniel. t?LV:tenzl, a =.livorced person, and
<br />(Q Judv K. We*czl, a divorced person ~
<br />i
<br />,herein Balled the grantor whether one or more, j -
<br />i incnnsiderationof Sixty-Fi.ve Thousand 'iloliars and no; 1.+'~0's-----_____(~b5 CI(10.~(11
<br />received feom fLrantxes, does grant, bargain, sell conce}- and eonfinn Hato .Andre-. and Angela Lewandowski
<br />? as joint tenants v,-ikil nght of sarci>ROTghip, and not as tennnts in common, tha fnllowin¢ described real llropert~s in t
<br />Hal ~ ~Conaty,
<br />;;
<br />~NE~tASiSA1)ACUMfNTAR'f Lot one (1} in Klock .r=ee (3) in Colonial Estates
<br />STAMP TAX Subdwisiun
<br />i
<br />JUL 16 19fr2
<br />7l er ~uz~~et~ err~ac>-~E~
<br />'Po hate and to hold the abo~c described pren7is~•s •oget~er with all tenements, h2reditaments and appm
<br />~~ tenauees thereto belangin¢ unto chc grantees xnd *r, the .r axsi,~s, or to the Heirs and assigtLS of the surrivor of
<br />them forever.
<br />~ >1nd grantor does hereby ;.ovenant ,.vlth ne ~rs~nees and ith sheir avsig;7s and pith the I:eirs and assigns ~
<br />r ~tf the 5'ur'.ivor cf them that y;rantor is iawPullt seised u{ +aid pretniw n; ths! thec pre free from ~rncumbntnee '
<br />Restrictions ~: retard
<br />~~ that rrxut.or has good right aaai lawful authority to cunvrr the same: and that f;xarator «arrants and will defend
<br />the title fo said promises aKautst the lawful ciaiets of all pennns w'hovugoever. ~
<br />[t as the :mention of all parties hereto that iu the c•eent of the death of either trf the,uran;eer. thee,2tire 's
<br />fee simple tale to the real estate shall ~•est in the servicing gran!.ee_
<br />,..__taated ~7i! s lb, 19 82
<br />~1~~~\.~`, lJt~1~.L.t._.Y+. ~.a. Y ..l.rL.- ~ 1[.r'YL: dry, .. : ~.-~ ~C '1r "~5 ~:4 'fix i '
<br />Daniel ~. Wenzl ~udv R.. ':-enz1 ~'
<br />..
<br />~~ // ! ~
<br />~ ..._1~!-!~L~ 1St.
<br />r i'V. r1H >., liinr:~( li.~ ~. f ` i - i fir,
<br />j - --- - -C~ountp k rne, the ;:nocri^iy»ru a _~iof.ry [ahii. ~nr'. '
<br />//~~ qii .i,~r~ for
<br />w n svid rowtuy, ?evs~nw`iy eetr-c..y/~.!LJIGL../~ t. _L[L~nz.ZL- .
<br />' - _.
<br />f ~~ _
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<br />~. "~~Q1y.6ty ~~
<br />~~ ::t~isad t~ the f;rrravxxr nxs:rW r~:rnt r:nG ec. ~~~ ~ciyc t-I- e- <<u :oa tl;cr ! ~~
<br />19th
<br />i:is, %Fr ar their roiurtury <u: mfd aged.
<br />t.. _ i~iincss nt•, l:r nit ^rd ,Vn(~:rac! ;:tai t~ nc•, ,/xJc -r~vrr i~Ut .,~ :,--u(n;.
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<br />kart>t;d ~?n tun=dries! inds:x a~7.i iuv~, ~ rs°cvrel a the. he- te_
<br />b r ->T Daedx I I Lu.e of iir7 L-nt ut;, ;.nr.
<br />.. _..-- .. L.~.L;79S1, -;lS.,
<br />toot!, te_:rrdoCl to tbti;k, -. _ .. .. , ...
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