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<br />~~"~~` ;`~"~~'~ , REAL ESTATE: MC?RTGAGE
<br />edICHA~L i.. ;yEUbE~tT A#>fU BRENDA J. PdEUtiERT husband and wife; ANUUEL&ER7 ~D. THEFSf~EYER .4;3D
<br />t ~ n, us an `an wI e; ~ A';~-~DE~tCS~-~iu~G~nd- _
<br />.anti_~i~,f~.~
<br />o[ the County af- HALL r: andState of ,~E$RA$KA hereinafter. called the party o{ the fir t Fart, ;n
<br />con!nderation at '+NREE HQtdDREt7 EIGHTY fiIVE THUUSAND ANC1:=N0/TUU-- -•-.--- ----- _-." _T~oLI,ARS,
<br />_._. -__.
<br />:n hand paid, do hereby grace. bargain;. yell and coQpey umo -the Home Federal: Savings & Loan Association of Grand Island,
<br />Graced Island, Nebruka, and i@aucceaaora-send HALL
<br />aasignt,, the foIIowiag real estate, situated in____.-_------.~--
<br />county, Seat., at_ i+EBR.ASKA ,-_, town:
<br />!see': attached exhibit A~
<br />To z^e-record the mortgage to show the correct date of ac~:nowTed9etllent.
<br />Together with all fheappurtenancn,....thereyato. belonging,: and all covcaaets in all the titiedeeds runniagrovlth said rea[ estate,
<br />cad all the recta, issues cad pcofiffi arising Uteretram after default iaperformsnee of asp covenant or: canditioa herein con- ~~
<br />tamed: and warranffi the tltIe thereto perfect and dear except eta this mortgage.
<br />During the time thts mortgage is to force tees mortgagors agree:
<br />First. "!'o pay a11faznandspea:iata~esaments leviedac +a-~+~saidpremises;includinga11 taxesnndasaessmenu levied
<br />upoa thismottgage,orthe debt seamed.-by this:mortgalie.
<br />Seeoad. To keep all bteIIdiags fhareoa insured againat> loss by firn, lightning and tornado in some company, t„ be cep
<br />Proved try the said 'Home Federal Savings & Loaa AasoclatiaR of Graced Islaad in: the sum of $ inSUrabTe Va~tlp for
<br />the beaetit:of the said .Association, cad be suceessozs or assigns; cad to dePosat said: poLcses with said Association. and shall not
<br />commit ur suffer say waste oa said premises, aced shaII pat cad keep said real eatat+e buildittgs aced mprovea[enu in good
<br />::
<br />- order. i
<br />Thhd. To pay or eause. to be paid to the livens Federal Sartags & Loan Association pt Grand Island, its successors or
<br />ami¢Iro. the cum of 5 THREE Ht1;3DREU EIGHTY- fiII~E THt7USAt3G ATiD idU/TuU~___:._ _ _ -ri:7>OLLAtts,
<br />Payable as-follnwst,
<br />$:3tsa,UF}U.t1U QUE sULY T, 15fi3
<br />with interest thereon Payable, arrnriling to the tenor and :~f£ect at the ,sae certain fi zri moztg a~l~p~ lid n •>rtgagors,
<br />beating even daEe w7ih Ih esr presen L.'. :lficr m2[ur1t;• said boad draws katetestat therate a ~Ee'rTl cent ~_
<br />p per nnuri.
<br />IE said taxes cad assessments are cot paid when dtth, ar-!f thebtilldingson ssidpremises are noti:-lnsured as b~:=- pro-
<br />vided, ar if sin ~[ caid interest is rot pa;d when due then said;w~t s~all heeumz due immediately, at the option of t7e
<br />said H.tice~iatica, andsha]( thareaEter dnw truereu aY the rate. f t por~anaum..,
<br />The mortgagar~ hereby asSigrL-._ .c: .aid mortga~ea allreats. and ineome:.. arising at say aced alt/times from said
<br />property and hereby uu:hurue Baia morigaget ~r> its agent, at its optioq: upon..default, Eo take chargepf said property cad
<br />collect ail rents and inro:ac theretrom and spply the sarneto Che payateot oY interest, principal, ;nt~tr-cries Pretniuma, Taxis,
<br />asaea'sments, repairs ar fmproeements recessa^, to keep sa,ld. Praperty,ln Leuaatablc [xndi:iar., nr to other. chargos or pay-
<br />merits pro:•ided {ur hu-ein ur in the rote hereby ucu-cd. This rent assigameffi.'.ghail conii^ue r~ ioree until the'tu:paid bsl-
<br />ance of said note is fully paid. Z'he taking ut pr~ssassicn hereuadershatt innry:maaaer prauent or retard Bald mortgagee in
<br />the [olleclion of said suxs hp fareclvsure nr ~thersise.
<br />R'bether said deb[ t~ca;res eve br .lapse of tile, orbs. reasan of the falluri of iheparty ,7f the first Part io ramuly
<br />with snc condeuou herc~a to said Htu:ie r sera] Sa:2ngs &-Loan Associatr ^ -f Gt•.and Islat:c ter successors aRd asss,es,
<br />54a11 have for right W b..i,.ir tnc f7-p,~lo~,:,-,. ,f C',i~ rnoztgageat ante on Sc 5o:e debthe Eby -e•curet[ aad'to inlu~ie
<br />thu eita all ta~c~. avea Tae-.1::. in3uran^w. prerrutims. sad costs, paid h}~ it them: or said.. Asar, utio:.• Lts snecessur• or
<br />asaignc, mey forectuse vu;,y. as to ihc.:um past due, u^ithout inlury, io..»::s :nuri~:,ge:, or the dsl,•;;,cemert or rnpairme:!t
<br />of the ]:en iber~of.
<br />:trd the said first i}arty and the makers of said note, cspecialJy agree -. declare fhut Tits separate estate of each:utd
<br />rrery nnr, of tkec, inciuctutg :bout tlsat now awned and that hereafter ucgc:ued, is pledged and +xsurd for the .payztent of
<br />the dr.Gi hereby s+xusCd -
<br />4 ter tSe commencemsnt pf sits suit. to foreclosure the Plarri:ff the : sltali be entrdecl to iht^immdctaate puss~afon o£
<br />;a 1 p _ei:;c .,x:I ~hc 'eri*„ntxniant cf_a. receiver therefor, >3•otis Uu:andi*: ,heyu:ay be the homestead of the occupant. cad
<br />nrt;uiih..ianrLne the pare:;: Lable far the debt ruay*ue solytiaf,aad the fin: party; hcrebyt'Qasent; taihe aPPUintment af. a
<br />P,ecelver ~t~.-,n. the ^.:w9attinn n`.t?;is iadentu'rs,.wtttmiiothere•:fdenee.
<br />
<br />ar
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<br />-^h.. fxefiatak cird.t,oz`-. sr.3 as,„rcements, allaad stagrtiar, berg. fu2iy porforme~cl, i:ltis contepauee shad be void; othu-
<br />x_, +. br and rtraa_•n rn uL fu ~ aril effect.
<br />~: ,aG, :fu _ <a- day of._._..._._._ -_ _.._...:_-- ___,q.. A. 131 _...y.
<br />/ f r ~' ~ rte- `
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