<br />7. Condemnatiao. In GhcernntthePro~rt4,znany garFth2rrof,,,hatYbe taken by e>minentdomain,thehfortgagee'
<br />igci~,p:;we-~7dtaeetltei:f3ndmceire all ~vsmpensatoon whichmnvbepaid faxxn~>propert:.c taken nrfordamagesto property..:
<br />not enter., and ~lcr±gagee sha31 apply sueheompensatiran, xt jts opl:~iott, etittieY.toareductiun of tta~eihdebtedoess seduced
<br />herrh.; yr co n peer nrid r~,tore fhe~property'str damaged.
<br />?!. P«rtormance by 'Norcgy~.e^. tilortga~~ a~a~,, 4u~ .hail havr no obligation, to do nn~~ act uhi~h the 34~rt~a~ci~
<br />has sgrc-~rd hat °aeia u~ do, and _~Sori (sgree mnp al_.a do asn~ ~~re it dewms necessar4'kq prutec, the. Sian hereof. ?+9ortgagor
<br />agree. to :r pay, upon demand, aoy cu ms so ;~xpeodvd he the llorCgagee Par theapove puFpases, and an}~ stuns so expended
<br />5y the Ptongagrr shall oe added to the indchter3nes .enured lrerehy and beeotde subject to the iien hereof. bSortgagee
<br />sheA rcyt Incur am~ ~,rsonal tiabitity hresu,=c d' anyih>~~ it -naT da orromit to~do }teYSU7sder.
<br />9, Default; AsviQnment of Rente. 1'inr i~ ;,f the r cence;ttereof, antl upolr:~iortgagor's default 1^ any covenant
<br />or agrermer=t oC!b75 :vtor:gagr, mcludinn -o«^am~: tr. pat trhrn dueth.+=urnscervredb<<'this Jlortgage, the Efortgagee shall
<br />be cntilte+l. nt ,e-.- -ere aption and ~.vahcw!. ^ae~=• . ,n declare sli Sums ~~°cttxvd by C6 is Mortgage to bo imrtaec!iatefy due and
<br />pa~~abte and ma} rnmmenc :`o rrcirrsun e~f ;.^. is ~Iert~at;e b~~ judicial pmreedin~; anal. provided further, that upon such
<br />dvfa!rlt the Inr',;agee, or a reerivrr appo~rrtrd I ~~ru:r, mac at !1< vytl- ,od crit5ntet regard to the adequacy of the
<br />.ecun'y, enV; r _rpun and take pc~«si or of tn~^ Yr ,tea: ann ~-nNeci L'nr re nLs;issuesand~prp fi LS therefrom and app17 them
<br />fist to the rMUt of eaJ?€r[:on and c~'ahor .r.' t - Pr~?;ti=rte and [6rn ~pexn ~th~ indebCedrtess wcured by this MorC4agee;
<br />aid rent;, issue, snd profs ~~;n~ :m'.;gn,~d io ~R. A4grtva).,~t> ;> turthrr seruxity forthr'parment of the Sndehtedncws
<br />wcur~~d hrs*^hc.
<br />30. Trar, cfer o[ Property. ii all or snr i _^.r T*r^oertg Is Sold or tsgnaferred without the expreaY writtencon-
<br />~~at of the 'rtorig~agr+~, `dorrgagre soa• t .ts soio ,rpP~nn dta~,ar~ aklsnsns secured-bt~this'~tort.gage to 6e immediately d;1e
<br />and payable-
<br />tl- F'uiure 9tlrances_ !."prm requ~si ~,_ `.4er!Kag, ~7ott~,brtec` m,r~ crake addFtioral and future adcancxs to
<br />Sfor<gage •- ,`och adrann~ti. w'~~ir :,~.rre, r„ r~=o:; ~ ..r. ~t.c,rzexl bF xnFS 9k>ng2ge u'hec cs~ideneed by promissory notes
<br />sutlr.~ dna[ ,aid notes aa, vc3.r+~d l:, n ny ,.. Gme• ~.5a4' ;'.. prn .,',a; amo~n:. cf th r• ;ndebtedne< x~cured by this
<br />tiortgagr, ncN inNU&ng sum ,d1~ae~~•:r ..,e._ -~ ~. _.- ;his '~:nn Fa~c r>.cc~ed rho ar;gin,l Note
<br />i2. J55celianeaus ['MS.vions.
<br />lai :fin) R~retnaancr~ er, r; ( ~ rt `; Y,ifl s rr ;TU~r)C ;rtit. ,ot '.'n- a walve7 theregf.
<br />ib; 'Ili rrn,rdn~~. psn;~~r1:c ._. ,~ a~- ,t.auncr -..d ~n,au!a.rve to an}~ caber ngp; afl orded h'. tax or equity,
<br />and may hc. ti•r,-n,r~' '~:rrcn ..nivpe, 'en tlr ,. c. •:.=rrrh~.
<br />Icl arc rnw.~~sr t.; ,nnd ~,r ,..,. _ _.,,.. rrrr~e; ~usii b,nd-. and !hc ~~chts inure to.the respective
<br />aa«-~~_sx!r, ,,ra a~;zigr: shN 1tc ag<:° :,n~: the fir rstzt;a»
<br />idl 1'I :~~,-~•ua er aoui ai; ~<-res., ,. . ,v .:a ..r .,.3~, a ..rat.
<br />S-1 i'rr brad+r t: -,f ,U.~ ~a_-ny.apn~ 1' ....5 '<l,. r,'at~~;r r. r <~,.n~a~~rs~ ~ ,:y .ter. ~ir:~l: ,~~t br uu•d to ;nter~
<br />pa•t ar ct.~~',,e 4Sr.~ tm ~e ,n. tc, ra.
<br />t3. Re{eas~ +:po,o p r t ~. ~in s r tt `:, !.t:.:. _ ,, r.± sa,l ,h scnsrkc refs ~lortgal{e and
<br />sh~;l ,~xnuEr auref d fikrr r. is.ar'dc ion n x>+~ C~.;~ , ~.
<br />{ ~ , Ati'c-
<br />11~Olmn _ w,«~u..
<br />SLate t,f Dte Drxcka~ ~lR.l
<br />_. _ _. _. t„~~ ..
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<br />_ _.____ _ _ _. _ _, _- rt.r n~,.,aig.i~r-t{, n~i-~ota r}' Pubf i<~
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<br />a.1~.tt tr..U317., ~t:~~:_ wr.~-.iic- i„ - ~ •AllSL1.ZL
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<br />;.u tx- . c1 ..g -
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