i. C'ortdemrrstic+n. to rhr rvenc [he Property`. or.^.nv par?.herc•oC, shall ha takenby emanenG domaitr,iheTKortga~+e~ '
<br />~, e~rx-ward ! ~ cr~ilect qn~ r~rE~,ce ~1? cnn~•n>ntion tthirh roay 6F paf~i fLar sn} prepe~y'taken pr fiob damages[n propPrtc
<br />- nc~f trkca, and '•4vrtgagee shat! apply auch eomoe n-:at.on, ;nt ~L< option. either m z rrducGlon of the indehiednese secured
<br />he rehy ox to rrpair and restore the property so d3n~akeC.
<br />8. PerYixmanee by ~Scrtgagee. Mortgagee may, beta ,Hatt have na obligation, Ln dv any act which Lhe Mortgagor
<br />has agneed but fails to ire, and \1aRgagea ma}• asp do aav ac[ it deema neca~ssary to protecf ti;e lien hefeo[. P.tortgagot
<br />agrees t-0 mpay, upon demand. any sums so a._prpda[i bg- the Mortgagee for Che above purposes, ar+d any sumsso expended
<br />irv Lhe Mringagec ;hail ~• added cu the indebtednese, nacared horehp and become aubjec6 to Che lien hereof. '~3ortgagee
<br />;hatE Hat incur nnp persona liabtilh~ hs~caum of anctfii;tg .' [nay do ~•r or.;it r,o do hrrreunder.
<br />9, (-eTault; ;kr~ignment of HenLS_ 'Lima ;~, u. the es>ence hrreoL and upon 3lortgagor's default in an}~ covenant
<br />or agreement of this A1nrL~ege•,:nctuding co~~~nari,<:.n pL~ ~~.hr.: dae ;Y:r ~aans ~citred b.~ [his M1SOrtgaae, Lhe Mortgagee shalt
<br />be ertitied, at Ifs <o!a option, bnd irr [hoot antirt 'u declare ~It sums ..cared i,iy Lttis Mortgage to be immediately due and
<br />pavab4o- and rna}- commencr foreci:-~urv =~f rh •~'.in:l ga{r by ju dlcinl F~mecedm}s; and, provided furtht~r, that upon such
<br />dafau~t the ~ioY~aRF^', nr a rrrei.rr sppo+r,t~~d 1 s t~r+t?n., n i. -~[ i#t; ooii- -nti wittwut regard !o Lhe adequacy o[the
<br />srcu>ir-, enter a fxrc~ and take cx,ti>sec .nn of the i'-o}><<rt}- ;tpd Lect :ite rt,ar_t, tssurs and prn6ts tRereRom and apple tkem
<br />Cetst. to tLr c~~t oC cnl:vetinn and onrri C~u~rt c.f t;re 1~4o;>E rte er h th••n ~fx,n Lhr irodehtednoss severed bti' -His Mortgagee;
<br />:a.d ret ts, i~,uo-n and presfitY 'nrsng ss; ~.e 7 :o ~ store=raf _.. r.: fur. . r . G,Lrt riip f~1r the papmrrat oC the indebtedness
<br />stcumd !;ere6v_
<br />F4. 'Prancter of 4'roperty, ;t a71 or any pan o' the Prow•r:}~ l; sold oriran:fcr:ed without, rite expmu written com
<br />:;unt of Che 'Ainn}~a~~-, ?.Ent qa~r may at [, :,ok opuur. , 'are ai! zama strumd bti this SSortgaIIe m 6a immediately due
<br />and pak~>.Fde.
<br />ii. b''uiure .~dra>xc5. Cpua mgUeat of l; p;?gz~<.e, S,r~r[~a~.~~ eta; rake additional and futum advances to
<br />Nwt~r~q-iucr: adaan+~rt. i*h :~r trust - ien•on 7-.?; fx~ srcu':_~C ~c .~~ '.io*Lgag! sv hen eetdenced by promiaeory notes
<br />[atirtg Chat :,std nr:aes art srere6 honhv ,, :o t.rn=~ ,i~sil .hc~ pr nn pal smoanr of rhr mdebtedness u•cured by ibis
<br />Mvrrgi}:e, got inctudsnR sums xdaattced to prutt•cC C*,~ •-.••ner.re n( ;tae ytnc¢ga~o. ~ xceed Lhe ongnnal Note.
<br />i'L .#4ieCRtlnteou>< Prm~zsxiru.
<br />tsl :1.o t° ;ox2 f.4'Hfa nlY' ~:~ «s crns!ng x<r, nGh: r~r re roedti ,[:all not he s wa:v._•r Ll:oreo`_
<br />rh) ^tt rentCdir.~ ;,rorfi.•c: hrr•in an dr;[mct ~ -rmul3t_ -- io any •.;tCer r+ghr. afforded by law or equity,
<br />And aaa}~tr-rcr-r~s~~d ,nc¢rr*ra.; ,rdvp. nn -; ur _uc~~t~:vr;c
<br />+r_j "I'fi:e ;a~rr-:anl: sod a~rr+•mr r.±-~ c-mta!nrrC 4en-in •. [sail i.;,:d_ and ?ire nth is snore tr,. iti t^ rrspectivc
<br />a ur.=e~ssor 5nd mnsr.74nw +,f Lhr :;urLHaL;or nntl th--.~ lion[ Cn~!er
<br />a,:; -~i :nccntu:LS ana? a~xrH~nt.-tti~ o£- rd~~~ a!~+rtga>'~~' are.- ~ir:' xad4 -.~ v.•ra!_
<br />?e! ~'~e beadrt~ n± ri;c parayraph• i L`s,~. Lk .~t=r a+~, -. ~ r, ~ ~u~t cr.l •. e+td oflait nuC Dc u,ed co Intrr-
<br />~~ [ :~r drl ii~n• t h<- prows e~.p•. %,r n-~. f
<br />13_ itr)pase I+~x. rac nwi<e * E ntt a . i b; r .,s„~ _,. 1~S.n tt;a n,, .as;i d.rarL»- :his Mort~aRr Anti
<br />ahat7 izeH,Yltk slid eti z±s a sit fac'~.ort- n ~ rz..- it; •'r I sr
<br />:_'~ i43'E'4F:5S fi 1FY XE;11}>.:47~ r.L,y;.,> k: ~r ~.a ~ u. v .,, "de•t;,n ,-., -.,r (, ;.... ~Ti11, _ i y Y~<',_ .
<br />~ ~ ~ I A..i.. t-'U
<br />-_ Jt....
<br />. -
<br />`slat[ of Ycbn'Ska, ... f~z_.
<br />r ,.
<br />>"~ Et•:~ ."~~_._. __ d3ti is ... hr fur n. •. !.he vs6rrv goad. ?t M~.s p~ YuFilir
<br />dvaP e anvm[r,",yerd a.,d uwtie€~~Q fcr +a ~ r.mnd;..~ r.;;iGy .-asr.. A7 tJI~~R (~St[1rnT o~ l~~Jt1SY-ti L;zlaS
<br />____
<br />drrc~ a=x3 .~i' r~isc~~ Fnd~•1du:,17~t, 3LU~ '1ir~inia ~~~n~ 'nttivir}t~~Ilti, -,~ k,town t~~ t~• the
<br />tden.i_;C pc ~o±:!ct a-r;~~r nar_~•ni sre eoti r;.r•;...~ n• !. y s_Ln.... ,~. -_r e, ,.. L:eatv,.G~ n .,. csrcuao^ ;h•_reu[
<br />te, :?e YL~ _. ._ ____.._ vtxlcnra rs x~ • clee c.
<br />W'e Ere!s ai ltxnu u.d ~~7 ~tZiu T ~. ~f7{i -
<br />~''
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