<br />RELEASE i~F Mt~RI"GAGE '~1T.' 3~~>:S3 A
<br />(\ Cn'~~IF)F;Fi.3TII7N of the futtj payment aI the 'debt named thereizr, the undersigned FIRST
<br />r'EI)Fit.Li, a:~~ I~ICrS ~iti'I? LOx\N ,~1;3~t3CT117,"IQN OF I,I;~COL;1i, a United Stste~ Cnrfwrati,~n. hereby ra
<br />:e~R,+E~i :tie nx>rt~e ~e~ made 6~-. ,., .Ri~:hard .1},.,,._Weay~~:_and. ShxTley. A, _'~'eavzr.,,. hu~bar<c~.. a.(lSt._W~,~e....-..
<br />[e tact F'IR3'I' Fi;TJEIt:~L ~A\"ItiGS 14`yJ I,C}~l:! ~Sf?CI~TI()tY I7F LLrCOL1~ an the failaµin~ descrii~zd
<br />arunert~ :__.-.__ L.ot „7en _i,1C, , Eir.4~~ ~~_ ~i:3:_.~~.a Wa~.S{~2~.FS€,A~S~.C~2n..C(2 _,~.ti~:aG~.CY..A:~_ Gz2ndlsland ,
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<br />.~~hi,•t; r: recardrd ^rr Book ~ g ~ . _ Do~~tanenL~ 78=tl4S41t~
<br />of Beal Mate ~?Llart a e~/s.» ioeid~ ivuznher .............../on '.`3lcrafitrr. Rnll
<br />tiumber x`4'X?:. Parr ~~K al the°r~rar'd~ of .t_. ,.....,.. i,~; i _ _
<br />'i~:rnt:, tirbt~5~y-ud`~1N}e,Iis+rea ttee'sssin,~urent'uf rcutis ~[hieh is.c~,.,..ded .n :~aaa.1S.`~C._..,i~f Pag€:..:~i;XXS..
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<br />L[~iCC/Lr~~:xs fa~.~•ei thn;e Frrty }+r cxectui~Yi to its I'ee~idrmttl~ .and atte;tdd trv itb
<br />~WAw~6Gauri.~r:Cnrtiatt:,~.t~er its Cnrperarr seat,.. ttras . ...d.3.. day of .~....3uiy...,.:.:
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<br />At,es.
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<br />person ~naoKe name it eL''ixNCi ter thn abo~r reirase eu,d e~i:rc.w r •c.d one rse-c-.;t,an thanai to tae txi~ GutanLary s~L
<br />and derci RY arch ai~x~er, and +1rr ~~eluntan- ac'C anu deed o; the yz;,3 Fast FedFrsl Savgs turd. Doan Asscx.zar:;on
<br />~; I;incoin.
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