<br />~2-= ~~G~94
<br />5. 5idac~alks. Ihz Subdividers, if. still the owners of the
<br />' ~ land ;.n the prgposed suhdivi si~~n, or i Y. .the Subdividers sha7 1 nave
<br />transferred title t~o the property,' they; the •darious'grantees
<br />thereof. ivili instaii, at thuir~own expense, ~a+11 pub is sideu~»lks
<br />rer~uir_ed by the Gra:1d i~zaad ;;; Cy~Lede when thelots are built up-
<br />can, ar~cl side~F~alks sha11 be regulated and required faith thr> huild-
<br />ing germ? t t,-,r each such l_nc .
<br />5. F1o,?~~ Hazarc s~r;c< <_h~_ s~ >~?,_,'is_", ~s in ~h _'iood
<br />t._.
<br />plain, all structures constructed i.n thet ~_ea sha11 have thn
<br />fewest floor elevation tc .~ ~ri'nimum .: -~,ne leot above the
<br />elevation of '-he ':~0-year floodi as deter:,,~teu by ? he buildirn~
<br />perr^,it receive; i;v the Subdiiriders ,rr ut ss:ors tro-r, tna :',~_iildin->
<br />Department under the proc~sions o~Sect;_c,n 2-t5C6.Coo. _,.F:.S_
<br />1943. do basement shall be. co-zstructed in ~onn~,ctio ~:...:,, ~.n~-
<br />structure i_n the ._ood plain unless such bas.°n:ent is _loolarcnted
<br />and ~_rtiiied as such by a qual:li~:d xeg,isC2red e,:Kineer ur
<br />architect.
<br />J. Warranty. The undersi<~n~~ci owners, as ~<<bdividers, warr-
<br />ant that the, are the o~..ncrs ir, tee ~impie of the land described'
<br />and propuse,: to ~ :~~~',~~;: as pntiN_'k ih_KG ~i 3JI'~`ISIiJN, and that .an
<br />abstract ,~t title o;ill be submitted for exa aination., i t necessary,
<br />upon request u~ the Ci C, ~7t ~;ran~i Island.
<br />t.. This agreement shall ..:,~ ,.ith the land and shai' he bind-
<br />ing upon Gard im,~re to the be~~~ "it of the parties heretor their
<br />success.urs, assigns, heirs, devisees, ;i»e ~sga;tees. ,Gthere the
<br />term "Suixi?vid~rs" i.s u.>ed its tni_s >greement,'the subseq~ie:~t
<br />ocmers of any lots in the subdivision shall be- responsible".o per-
<br />term any of 'he condit_cros ci this agc~ement if the Subdi~i:i~rs
<br />have not perforrneu ~u~a ~~n~?it;cns,
<br />R-., ~ ;-
<br />;~at•~u ~~' ~~"
<br />~ ~ene_ ~ 1'ti~ ~ ,,~rrsh~?_•~
<br />S_:L~di v i d~ r_.
<br />nt _ ~
<br />~' n~-rt. art nor
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