<br />09 26 43t)9l} SHOUSE- ~2 ~ 4) U ~ ~ J'i
<br />T;;I7S Mi~RTG.AGE is made this ..... , ....15th ............... day of .... `T,'??y
<br />f9.82., be!ween the Mortgtgor,. Sham .C, . S"house .and. KimbesleQ. L.. Spouse, huctt+and •and• wi•fv . .
<br />..'COtR?AAIY ........................... (hettiin "9^rawer''j, and the P.fortgagce,.. ??~ .i~GHARf~. ~iZLL.
<br />......................................
<br />' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , a corporation o-oanizcd and e~tsting
<br />und'r tFie laws of. ,Lhe. IIrti,Led .SLatest nz .America ........,whose address is.... San Antonio
<br />Texas .. ...............
<br />....................................................................(herein "Lender").
<br />W3tE7tFA.5 Bbrrowcr is indebted to Lemi~ ~n the principal ;am af.. ,';Rixrty E?q')t Thousand and, , .. , .
<br />~~1?f?~~'-8-_---_- i5.38,OD0.t~)----_______ ~ifars, ~xhich indebtedness is evidenced by Horrewer's note
<br />dated... Tuly 15, 1482 (heroin "Nate"}, providing for r,._.ah1y instailmcn~s of princi~l and interest,
<br />with the balance of t3tz indebtelness. if not sooner paid. due. and payable c+n.. A?i4USt.1,. ~Q~2 ........... .
<br />ToSECORe m Cenda (aj the repayment o[ the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon, the
<br />palm: of alt other sums, with intcr~ct thertron. advanced in accordance herrwith in protect the security of this
<br />Mor[~age. and the pedottnance .of the cxnrn;tnts aad :+greeme-nts of Borrower herein contained, and (b) the repayment
<br />of any futurr advar-ces, wixfi interca thereon, made to Borrower h.' l.cixicr pursuant to paragrsph'~i hereof (herein
<br />"Forum AdvIIncx_t"), $orrotivcr does htrebp mortgage. grant and com'e}° tt~ finder the fallowing described prpFertv
<br />located in the CounR' of........$~?]l State of Nebruka:
<br />GoL Four {ql, yn gloms Four (4J, tit Windp].ph's Addition to the
<br />City ar Grand Island, +-1x11 County, Nebraska
<br />arhiekt has tt>l. address ef. , _1223 W. Lotii_se . ............. .. ........ ..... Grand Tslana,
<br />_.......
<br />?'~~'i;.z,$3 .frS801........ {itera:in "Aroprr+ti ~ddrtss"}:
<br />[8td:e a.t0 I¢ Cvtl~l
<br />TDIi~TtiER aitfi slt tkti, tmpnwcm -zts ;attw x h~rcnit ~r°t.~ tt. the frrp rty, i -d i a r c ?_. vats. .,
<br />ay~pxtr±ee;a~~, r-; nts oyaities, :nines{, ~tI and k t ugh~s d } nEt ;v tte:, wu r i,Y~~ i . i,~;,tu t ,., :, !i '
<br />4xipri•;S now of ttr-xaEa~c attached to the pra}x-~; ty~ ;iil .~f ts~.hr .., ar~lt;; _ng rzpac~~~„_~.., ,;~a.. ,~,iitooa~ ! c: t~ ttl; '~
<br />dce~3 ~~ be :r_nd reuaain a par; .E rite pr: petty co~crau 6g hx`: '~1or[kaga ,;.d r.t~ . ,,,~ i t, _4.t;•- r k_. ,~, .~h .,i
<br />e+ropertt t ,r tie. !easeErt>id estate if th5 =~iesrt~age is ao a ica c~,.,,:i i a t _._, rt , .~ ,_ t~ .t~ `i' v r
<br />{T-Tir SCI %44''(u}r;!_ =sat B< fI.)WC-C 7 d ~LLi~ S 2 ~'f ~ 1 [:3[L F ~ ~~ ~
<br />gtar;~ asxt con.-~r tht Ptopexty ,ha< ;t,c Pru~rts u.~_, ...v..rr.;t, it „ _ ,a Rat : ~~~ci v ,~. ~.ca~ u ~ :J
<br />., ~ ...,
<br />~c~n:raih~ rt~rc tide. ca t3+e PrC+i?ariy' ayaa5t ,a:, ,.:atr~,_ ittu .~r~i 1., - - ,t „ ., __:a.a.. .,...ro. .,~<•i.s
<br />] 'Cu iC=,1 ti„i9_d.~iC C'f i.3.('1'p2}C R' `.~a ~~J~CS:t.~',E {n a t ,t 4 arS]Li+.a l1.C ~T ~1L. =.i, 1 „S -t::' .... :._:~ e~[~~ :, ft,~+.
<br />t~I f`iS ~ .S ~'
<br />