<br />~2={02925 RELEASE CAF MC~RTGA:GE ~u 39(;i5 A
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<br />IV CUNSII3EItrl3~'IOIti of the Full payment of the deht named therein, the undersigned; FIRST
<br />FEDEfi.AI. S~~~INGS .~NL1 [A:#!1 ;1S,_OCI~TION OF LINCOLN. a tlxiited States Corporation, hereby re-
<br />eases tl:e mortgage ct~de hy._~~'~.1,d fit,;;.Ku~.7~ta?~..arsl 1,:~ora... Z,h..~uhlt<tan...husha~.d..and::wit~._...- - .._.
<br />:~ sari FIRSTFETlER.4L 5~~'I,`GS A.,'++I) Lt?~'ti hS5(1rLaTI01~ OF I.LtiCOL.\.on the following de:;cri:~~ed
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<br />Graxfd Isl;nd }[aIi Counti 'vebraska
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<br />.A ~, '~T"""' t~nment of rents uhi~h is recorded in Bouk_::__~..._._ of I' e.. '_---- .
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<br />-f the n~ardi ~ _, -~?i-'•xrr;q~, ? CotmtF Nebraska.
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<br />I\ 1~'~I~tOj~~ f7I;~It~pE.3#~e and FIRST FIUF;T'..#I..~.a~'I1Gfi:~?vD SO:l?y 1~50CIATION OF°
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