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<br />One ' undred shirty-Five Thousand ($135,QOD.~0) DOLL<1RS,
<br />~,~~,t by Brentwood Develepn>ent Company of Grand Island
<br />cn :Fe 'n;lo-v~r5~ F~cnb0d t~regerty, to-Swit:
<br />Lots i0, 11, 5 12, Siock 3,-Brentwood Second St'`~~vision in the Gty of '
<br />brand Island, Nebraska
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<br />~o~rnent No. 780P4940
<br />tirai-:_I. ~s ~rc~rded in u' r.~.t est~~<, mert~;a ~;~5, ~mxc of EI%e Reearr}s o` the ;: ;5anty of
<br />Na11 , ~~.i~c: State o. Nebraska
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