<br />
<br />ihr swims scc;trrd by this Heed-ot Tnas+ chap',-r,r.;inu~- ~, ~:m~iaired upon sack payment: snit cure by Burrower. this.I?eed of
<br />Trust and the ~bfig~tions secured herrb} shat! remain 'r f Il i ~r, null tilt err ~. ,f noac-e~leretson had occurred.
<br />2fl. AssiKnment of Rents; Apprdntment o[ Reccisrr, irender in Po55ession. as additipnnCaecurily hiPatirder, $Mrower
<br />k rehy assi>tns to i.en~r the rcnn :?f iha F:oprny, pro,~ided that Eirsrrowcr sha!f. prior to. t~fekra tior~ wSdcr parairaph I d
<br />hero; nr u6~r~-:mmer,t of the Yrope rt y, ha.e the nigh[ to ~olicct and res:~in such rents a§theY Ixcome due u~ul' nnvaF+!c.
<br />Cpon acceleration .odor paragraph {F her ?f r~r af`'rd. ,en ~t the Prapx;rtp, fEn1+.r. hi pennn h•. sgent or by
<br />iudtualfy a{>neientad r-etrvcr, ihhll be en+itlcd [o ~ntet uprr,_ Lilo po,~cision of .roll man:~k the Vri,pcrty <nd N collect the
<br />trots ~i the Property including thoti+: past due 1il rents ~ rl c+ed F.v Lender or th r cei~er ,hall he a rpticd f nt a F ,:;ncot
<br />o! :ra 'texts of management ut ;hr. Pu,pert} and ~lecue t f rents. including, but n x limited ih, r' iscr's t'ces ter miums
<br />on ;cceiver's Conde and reasonaFAr attorneys .ee>, and then u~ the s~.im.s secured b} this Deeii nl Toss 1_rndcr null the
<br />receive; shall be 'liahb~ to accot:nt roily ;rn~ rho.e. tent; ac:~inPe tic ceis'cii.
<br />Ti. Futarr Ad.>ar~s. ll ~?n rcyuea ui Aurmw:r. ferdcr_ at l.endcr's option, ~?nor u: fa!t ;ccnnvevsnee nt the Propr_rn-
<br />isp "frustee t. f3a^rewcr- m:+y make runsre .~ds:mces ae 8::r:ow.r. such F.m re Adsa~cc, with rug rest tt ereon, stmt! tx
<br />ucuted b,. this UreJ of Trust when cv;deaee~ promis.;orv rotes '.tatiry that said pores acv secured h~achy. .A[ no ;use shall
<br />,he. pnnapal an aunt of th in -ritednet seal nod by thk Cam- i r.~ -nt r n. :nciu Sing swot advanced , .t ,~r Wn r here ~~ith
<br />*,o pnaect the a~tar,;v of „pia L?c~d of 1 r st, c~cecd she ;_, 4~nal stno!.m `the \ote plus L':S c I ~61~~. C~U .
<br />].2. RrcanvtYtuµ e, ~n p.tyzneat of all in °a r~.3 hti this [k ,~ Tru ~ i ender ' t1i rqc t T i c!ce t r ,n,~~v
<br />Gh-_ Prolxrty and shall .:acct ndcr this ik-cd of .rust unit a. rc-.rs c ufz urine .t dr4, reduces s_c area nv tr.is D~ed el Trust
<br />.~ i ustce- lrus?es shalt re:.on~e3"hc Pt':3 ne rte ua hc~;af ~sarrautr ~-id with: ut ~h:,r~e to the ~.i -r._ or ;v~r.nn. ~egalh
<br />o~niit3rd thereta. Satoh pers<,n er jxtwns sh.rti~pay a[l :.e~,t. of rrti ordaucn, ,: any.
<br />:3, Su§stitrte Trustee. Lrndrr_ at [.tinder's t~pLOn, tr ,._c ;rum .ma .. ~< c iemore I~~ ~cr axl -: p~_'n,t ~ sa~ccao;
<br />••~ ~
<br />seas r :o anq Trustee aopointccl ht.:..-ruder he a: ~n~rrum:.at i~crd~-d ;e nc~ a ur_ty ,r. whsc` tf, is Ucit s ['eruct c -drrl.
<br />n:
<br />W"ilhoaat ~=o-vc anew of the- Proper[}, t!u wccrxnsr rn~.>+cc s'lah ~uci ~.: [~. st:, hu tit'ie. pos~i ..~;d .:u,.ci c.~nterrcc tip ~n
<br />the TcUSt::,e bona and Cy applicable 1::
<br />Y4. Reabrst Ynr Oaticee Btxru cr ;eytksn thar .-c,picti of ;hc r I ce of dciauh a,id sallow s°i s:zr be :c;it tt Rorro .sec's
<br />eddreb~ ~-e ich s °he Froprrty Address.
<br />Ile ~S'et r;es5 W'ftFxF,oF, Rarrawcr hs; ~Xecu!cd thx hi cd of trust.
<br />i
<br />~ .~' ~ ~
<br />/f / !~ f'
<br />~?3arka.r_G_?f ~z_~C /.. ._ ~~,~.ower
<br />~ yY l i~ / ' /' i l
<br />i h,33 0 J c2 L i J - ... FJarrawe~
<br />STATE OF NEbKASKA...... .. ... ,'!Zdu _ ... _ C~un C: S5:
<br />E)n ttsut ....1't~h ...... -Ja oi_ . ; ~II.!y ;y ?'?_ !xtnn itrc, ;isr, t,adcrsivncd, ;t ldnlan F'teblic.
<br />duly cvmratssia~cd and ctuatil;ed fr.r :,acct caurty. txnaraJis~ Dante _ ~ . _ .
<br />`1~S8dF!~.r.K. K~~l..~ad,rrogauy_. feel, w~i.e re ~ was:xi. :u rrc k:wwn to b,: the
<br />identtust ~SC[scrt(sl whose nu meFc} ;rye, su Mnlx-d s:, the `,zrcgr,mg ut~tsttmen: :ux1 ne::nowl`drai tnr :sccuEion
<br />[hrreo~tt?ix. Cil~x~ .. keiuntsrya%zanddcn3.
<br />t1'rGn¢~ my huati :~nd ;to!aitiui se-nl at ... - -,~ v. ,., ... "... ;+~CY. t,a _ _ .. _;n ~,:rd a:awtlp, thr
<br />;late a(oeevrd.
<br />M}' C'aamntissiutr expires: ; !~ ~
<br />w Ar E+ 0e1. 1 k 11M
<br />RFiC-~t'6ST 1r(~k R.EL V!`~'r FY'~~;~C'E
<br />Ta 'fittir~~ e ea
<br />1 rte undcrsigne.2 is the ht:3drr,~f the note pt no:cs arourad by this [?tied of ?n,r_ $teid note ru nt:fz->, tobether
<br />with ail o.htr it7uebiednC_wi secured Cry this Drell of "~ru. is ~.c t+eea Fad to tall, Y"ou arc heretic directed to c~nxel
<br />said note ~,r notes :ird this Decd cf Trust- svh+,'b ;tre dcit+arrd hereby, and n> rt':unc~ey, sct[haL{ w•.ircaiav, ,,li rite
<br />estate now held by you uetdet thus Decd oY Tru>. to arc pecT:Sn :,r perwrs ie~all.. evaded thereto.
<br />Datz: ... _ .. _ ... ...
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