<br />M®RTGAG~ 82 --~u G ~ ~'t~ e
<br />'This mortgage rnadc and rnrtred into this - i 2th .;day of ___ 3y~_____•
<br />t~ 8?-, by and between Mary M. Schultz, A Single Berson
<br />(hereinafter referred to as martgagor) and Cummrrcial National Bark and Trust Company
<br />(hereinafter referred to as
<br />atartgagx), who maintain: an office and plate of business at _ $24 ~• . hi rd ._ street in Grand Island,
<br />Ha11 Comnty, Nebraska.
<br />W TRQESSETH, Shat for the cottsidrracon hereinafter stand, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the mortgagor
<br />does hereby mortgage, sill, grant, assign. and coney unto the mon~agce, its suuessors and assigns, ail of the fol-
<br />lowing deurSbed property situa[ed and being in the County of Hdl l
<br />State of ~tebraska.
<br />Lot Six (6?, in Block iwo (?), in itatmandy Estates, an
<br />addition to *he City of Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />tosether with alt the tenements and appurcrraner thereto bcSonging, ate the rents, issues and profits thereof, and a1i
<br />asettxnts, ri~[s, roytitir3, mitteral, nil and gat rights and proGu, water, wafer rights, and water stock, and intrLding
<br />all hewing, piutnbfng, refn6eration, righting, tvluipmcnt and all tixtures of eery desuiption belonging to the
<br />mortgagor now or hereafter atl~chcd therao or used in comrection with the prcroses herein drscribed and in addition
<br />thrrtto the 3o[lowing described properties whi:h am and steal: be deemed to be Rxtures and a part ~~f the realty, and
<br />are a portion of the security for the +ndebtedness bereft ..=.tatcsi. (If none, staro "none"; N6ne
<br />To have and to bald the same unto the Martgagec, as herein provided:
<br />The tnort6ata is lawfully seized and Possesxed of and has the right to se11 and conuzr said pro, crry; that thr.
<br />stmt is free from all emvmbranees except as hercinabove recited: and that Mortgagor t-ncenams m warrant and
<br />defend the tick atoresairl thereto anti Cvery parr ihcrraf against the claims of all persons •+:homscxsrr.
<br />This ittStruttfeitt is given ro secure the payment of a promissory nste datt3 ~~ I y 1 2 , 1 982
<br />--
<br />in Elie priQCiptl cum of S 1~,~31 _SI _ _. zigntd by Mar !4 y-__~_____
<br />_Y Schul ~z __
<br />~_.
<br />in behalf of -- ----___
<br />also, as each Bate or notes may from time to tirnz'_+e moditied, rtnewtd or cxtrnded in writing.
<br />in tht event the rick to said real csiare i3 'ransttrred, nr contracted to be transfr_red, from the undersigned 'c?r ny
<br />reason or ffy any' method v<httsoevet, thr emirs p-incipal sum and :ucrue<f interest vital? at once becortie duz mtd
<br />Pry:bk as the election of tfar holder .^.ereof. hailtut to exercix this option be..nust of transfer of !file as ai~m~e~ stated
<br />3n oex instance ~!+31x >zix comtitnu a waEVa of the right [o exercise the sane in the want o[ ar.y subset;cot transfer.
<br />Tart rnort~rgor coucrtants and agrees as follows
<br />a. 7`oixampsiu pqy the ;rr<Srkts,cdnc~e as"tdcnced by caid promissory note at the tsmc~ ::ncf in the ^tanner
<br />fherrin prodded,
<br />t*, ~Ta Gay all rates, asstcsments, carter rat^o, anal cthtr ;,o~~ernrnenta; ;r,,.ta.,ir>.ti ~h:ugcs. ,Dies, to
<br />smt~sttian~i ,'or wtittk tnrotis~n nay •~i~t beet; t;Za:It hereinbelnre, ans' wil3 nrem tf. ~.iriiv .e ~~"i~ ~ ~~ c~~:iut4
<br />E~'nCt2'4r -E~'Ae saw srtea:~2~tS.
<br />_: ~• tl FN1V ":ri FT :rEX-"t?C: _3{`.({ 'ice :{c "f :;#i. i~r Irli _. C-:: :;:. :I.'C ~lYi1: ~'c! +. ~ :,'t.: 3 ~'_'f3~11 ~C .~. '-ill i i,>y ti•, t,
<br />.f-c3$idi1F~` ace ttCi a{ 2i-p atte~; ore' rte%t>1t34'~s Ft ?~5[ _. "S 7[;XgrC `, iRC c_.,ai.,.., (-lR~ ~ i. ,. ~he Q L, «1i:r,,..
<br />C:`v ;^G'r c i _ S.F."' F f^.1, rtt~l C4~~. . Yew, _!t'T .t~Ff t:tk ., i ,,.i. .~ -. .. i~. i~-
<br />