- i
<br />82-t~t~~29€)
<br />6. In the event said propertp• is sold at a judicial foreclosure sale or pursuant to the power of a sate hcreinabave
<br />gran[ed, and the proceeds are not sufficient ro pay the total indebtedness secured b}• this instrument: and evidenc-
<br />ed by said promissory Hatt, the mortgagee wilt be entitled to a del"iciency judgement far the amount of [he
<br />deftciencv wrrhout regasd :o appraisement.
<br />i 7. In the evene the man¢agor faits to pay any federal; state, or local taY assesment, income tax or other ta.~ lien,
<br />charge; fee or other crpense charged against the prgperty the mortgagee is her~byauthorixed aE i[s aption to pay:
<br />- the same..Any sums ~a,paid try the mortgagee;shall beaddcd'to and become a part of the principal amaunr of the
<br />itxiebtedness evidenced by said Hatt, suhpect to the same terms and conditions. if the martgasar shalt pay and
<br />di<~harge the intebtcdnees evidenced by .said .promissory Hate, .and shad pay such: sums and shall discharge all
<br />text; and Herts. and the costs, fees; and expenses of making, enforcing; and c.Yecuting this mortgage,: then rhix
<br />m. nga~te shalt be ca»celled artd surrr,ndered.
<br />8. The cove:.ants herei» tantained shat; wind and'the benefits and adva»tages shall inure to the respecnve successors
<br />and assrgns of the parcies hereto; iL'hcnever used, the sing,' ^umtaer shall i»cl€tde the plural, the Plural the
<br />_ singular. and the +r: c of a»y gender-sttatl incline alt genders.
<br />9. ~~ wain er of arty cavenant herein or of the obligation-secured hereby shall ai a»y time [hereafter he held ro be a
<br />uaivcr of the terrris hereof' ar of the Hate secured hereby-:
<br />1t7 ~ ;udicial decree, order.'or }udgcment holding: any provision ar pottion of this instrument i.?t'alid or unenforce-
<br />able shalt eat inany wayimpaicorprecludethe enforcement c+f;the remaining provisions pr portions of this
<br />li7 StrU mC»!.
<br />:: Ary writ;rr; notice [a be issued to the mortgigar pursuanC to the provisions of this instrument shall be addres~d
<br />- :o the rnort`;agar at ._ - 113 west 3rd, Grand Tsland,_ TSE 68801
<br />and any w rttten notice to be issued zo the mortgagee shall
<br />,,e aitlr~.tsed to the mot*.uagee at 42G ~. 3rd, P_O. Box 2Gt06, Grand Island, t~ 68802
<br />In 14'i7 tiE55 W tiEitEOf, the mortgagor has executed €his i»sirument and the mortgagee has accepted delirery of
<br />this instrument as of the day and,year aforsaid,
<br />~-~ ~ Jo Prei~ n nr ~ ~,/ ~
<br />' < L lJ .ti.
<br />~ e4s :t'.
<br />.,,.~:
<br />"~. .
<br />F~xenitcd and delivered i» the presence of zhe fallowing witnesses: Barbtxza Anderson
<br />{AGdll~rapria[e Acknosvledgcrntnr~
<br />STATE OF ~iERR.ASKA ~ fiefarc toe. a qualified ~atary Public, personally appeased
<br />s,. _ _ :ahn Presen3o-f Jr. & Thomas ~. Andersen -
<br />Cf1liNTY QP x•9f1 ~ .~ s>aril~-n pie erdorf & B¢tbaraAndersan
<br />known to me tv be identical - - -"T
<br />person ~... person., who =igncd theforegping tnstrument and acknowledged the ~ xvcui.n;r
<br />thereof [o be _ whew volanta.~ a~~± ::rn,i deed-
<br />; W`itrea< my hand and `eta:ial Seal un July 8 ,. t9 Y82.
<br />uulor Ntitr-s,.a ~ ~.w
<br />Yq tei~a~ Eea .. .5. if~2 yv-E f~°-e..~ r~
<br />Nptary Pt~tstu,J
<br />fly Catnnussion Expires ~ _ _ -, ~19 ~.
<br />S7.ATe Ol' NE.BP.:15KA } Betu=c mt a quatifed 'vo€arv Public, persa»atly appcarel
<br />__
<br />CC?lls'T)' OF ~---- - _ , P esider.t of __ __ _
<br />a let surauon, incur, t •rsa rahc t?c Pretir rn[ anti ~dcnticai =xrx7n. hu igned the (afegarng~inszrume;xt. ~und
<br />ack.;~u~:edged hr crerut~~ ,n:.rcot c h~ His tclt.ntary a s. and dce+ a ,ugh oiftcerand tix valuntar;' ain and deed i)t
<br />~. c,ti,f c~.ptua;rat and these r ~or~.ra[s.: ~si sd~,~tfitC,} r ereto r.~ ~a.6,utttl aty.
<br />~l it^c„ nr.- ha~:~ an.. Ve~.ar.ai Je.i.; ~ n n
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<br />tS6.i1 ;
<br />'"vatarti PutYiic
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