<br />S'F~TE C3I" V~ARA4KA. C'utz:itc uf .............o.........,......,...............:
<br />Fi1Fad for recorri c.e ...:......................... IJ ....... at ...._ ....,....., ,....... o'clock _..........:........ 1f.
<br />sad recorded irx the Deed 12eiiori9 ...,, :.................. ....... 1'aga ......::.....,.,......:...
<br />stet of Iloed> I)enut7 Register o1 I3ecds
<br />Walter ?. W}iite, an unremarred , h n called the grantor•`~hether one or more,
<br />widower,
<br />r. ~s:.9erstion 1xf Eight Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($8,500.00}
<br />re.eirrd frortt grantees, does giant, xaargain; sell eancey and eonfirrn unto
<br />Edward :i. Caudill and Anna A. Caudill'
<br />husband and wife,
<br />ys eirt t~:nacxts ;pith rightrof srtrvi`s-oship, and not axs tenant. in cornmpn, the followi>?g described real
<br />prnpertc ~ .....-, lldll
<br />::. _ .. .: ......... ..:...... Gountp, Pie{rrxska:
<br />t1c~
<br />~~ ~u
<br />Lot '-"nree {3) in B~oc~ fix tbi in tt~;~~`~
<br />H. G. Clark's Additio.. LG the City SAP
<br />oP,Grand Island, Ha13 Coanty, r~EgRA'aKAUUCUh4EN`ARY
<br />Nebraska - ~7,AMP TAX
<br />$.~_1.---- BY
<br />fiu hs~e and to hold Hiss abosc deacri}•<~d l,r~•i, ,, : •, :~ec~:~-r «.~ s1L tenements, lxeredit~Lmcnta
<br />and agpurtenanees :berets fieittu~ing u:xto the grncter,s ;--_ to tl...r .i e::,~u., or to the hairs anti ,t1Y.vi~ns
<br />of the surt~it or ai t?ie:,. forevtr.
<br />3ud grt~^tor fares hezab}~ rotienant with the. ~.rnt-s =:n~i ~.eir,lt tiic;t assigns end t~'ith the heirs
<br />and as~+i~: nI the ser:i~ur C4 theta that greotar to le.vi!., ~... ~.:~1 p,c,niSGS; ±-gat ti~cy are S.ee frorx
<br />enoambrance
<br />t.hur. Yrantor has goad -igFit •-m~.I fa~~,ui ~ust~orit to ::n,c } '.'n• -;ar •. .:ml tEu~c grai ~r '.~-arreut~ ;vrl zsill
<br />defeacl ute litIe t> said- prrn~L~s ~~<~uinst ti,e !attiaL c,an . ..J z:~: gym; ,. „z.~.
<br />It a the iuuntic^ of all yarUe~ }:erefc: :hat +^ ue c°ent vi the de_tn •,~ !,fiber of .tz ~;rxn~ees,
<br />Eta,. enure f~v ,!clc .~, thi; rral :,g r. , i ,..- ., a~,r:ivine 5~rantre.
<br />I>at ~`f,11i day oP June, X9 ~2
<br />~. -
<br />•
<br />8T ATE OF ... yebraska. _, mean.,, e: ....I~ l..__ ........ ........_......:
<br />Before tree, a n.~ta.-•: „i,.ic qs _ic• ~o .e d ,~.,>, , r t t ,'.;r,?sime
<br />Walte-r F. White, an uuren;as-rieci widowez,
<br />kn - n n in i C• : ~r , . .• u t . ,:. ,~ ,~, 1 - ,_ r ~c r . ~:,, in~trnrnellt and oeknowfedgcd
<br />.n iritYa3N:~j1~ Its. 'v t ,! T ~~H1 1} t; .f
<br />'' ggcRT ~ ~'°
<br />O ~C
<br />~,;`~` ~ ~.. ~..~,,~, ~'~ q,t: Yx;~ .~ "t-E iwka ,~sa;:.t fi, ~. .. ~*~, ... a, acwr .~., e t ~z•a z<.ar<~,
<br />~r~~`~ c cx'#?`~
<br />