<br />$2--r:G2~3~?
<br />(G~i4h L?u rr b}i~ Provision)
<br />K 1(~W ALL AERSi?NS S'ti"1'H6SE PRESENTS: That __j._ °~trici~a Ann ?w[c(:I ellancl
<br />residing a! 13317 ~izth -- --~-__._ . City of ~ Spokane `-
<br />SnoYare ~a~s, . nPton --- -'
<br />County of _-~_-- _ -- , State of -- ,
<br />ha~;nade, constituted and appoint it. and ht these prrc~mts do ?~t~~ake constitute ar,d ,tppcint
<br />Ronald Lee hc.C?:F~,.a~c?
<br />~{ rhPCztF-~f ~~ran~ Ie,? anc~ , ?V ~ 1~all
<br />~. , Cc~unt~'t~, - -
<br />StateoF~ ?debrask_a _ _ __-___ __ _ -__-~__trueanill.~wfulatiornev~
<br />me, °atr•Lcia P.nrt ~'c!'11a1?and
<br />for ___~~~_~_. _~__ __._._and in __?'~° natne__. place ~,nrf stead.
<br />and for __~''3t ~ Qjnt ~ u~5e anal }~enefit
<br />i.^ R11 'Pa*_ters en€tce*-ned
<br />to esk, demand, sue [gar, recnver. c.al{ect anei rc+t;eiaeall sur_h sceis of rnorcy, debts, cues, riccount;,
<br />legae:es, bequests. interests, div=idends: ann~:itic< anti demands ~~chatsuever..3s aru now or shall
<br />hereafter become ctue, owin;t, pa_:ob1e. rFS helonkinw~ to _t.is in lc~inr +~wnershtndnd have.
<br />use and take all fawtu€ we,s tm~? n±ei~cs in __ ~""~~ _ __._ .att;~e-- nr otherwise
<br />for She reroaerlr thereclf, by aitachmcr.is, su'msls, dEstr, ss or nthrrsvise, anct to ctrs2~hrnmise and
<br />agree for the same, ,rod at;c,uittaur,~s err i~±heu s-ufti~;ierrt iiist:har~;t~s for tht~ saute For __~e _
<br />and kt r+° __.,_ na:rq,e~., to mdkr=, Seal art.; dr,li.r'r, fes (~arkaitt, i_nr.lra+a. a r~.e tor,
<br />port:hasp, retcive and Sake Eanc4s. trnesas~ttts, here?.itanzs•;:;s, and ar.r:ept the ae:ztn ,arid possession
<br />u€ alF Eands, :end ei! det,rls isnd ~,ther ~ssuran~.es ir: Eite tale t'ter~,ft~r~, er,d to I,.,se. Ict, demise.
<br />bergain, sell. remise, rrieeSe, c.anury~. mortuef,e ;nd by f~athem . ! tads. tenemenl~. ~en~l hfrre~liia-
<br />ments, ugo^ sut.h terms end r~rnt+stwns. anei isndct~ s»~ n c:nvc ro ntti <~~ _ Ronald
<br />sha[1 think t¢t. Also, tri bars;:a" t ar:d,rgrc-c fsir, huh--, Hell, asumt:~ ~ ~, rtypothet:ate, , .d in eny and
<br />ever~~ catty andmann:rdea7 in aarf x=[th~ood4, wz,res n.nd rue~rchantisse. ~:htuses.r:~echun, and uthe;r
<br />property :n possession yr in acfivn, attd to make,ds; [tnc+. transact a3!..nduvery kind of business, t~f
<br />whet nature anei ki,~il 9C>ev1-r, end slso fur --_-~~__ aand in _ _ _-~---_na?tx~_~__, and as
<br />. act arrz3 deed, ;o alga, scat, NxeraiTe. *.'eliver ~tnd ackru~~~ietl;;e sur:h deei3s, le:oses
<br />and 35s[gnmr_nis of leases, Ctw~narftec, indt~nts~res, our?ements, snnrt~as;es, hypotheralfotts,
<br />bottGmries. charter parfii>as. 4~~i1lsr~f iaading, hills, branrl,~nc,tYs, rt~ceipis, evidences cf da~f. releases
<br />and satisfactinn of rnoris~age, lodgtzten,s any! other riebts. ;,nd such ot!;ertnst rnrnenis in wriSing of
<br />whatever kind or nature, as tray #ie~ oer.cssan~ or ~in~pcer in ~e prcnnses.
<br />GIti1Nf; A?~^ GfLAN'1'II~i; unto _ +nr sr.d attorney foil power and akt[hc~rity io
<br />do and perf~crnr ell ant ever~~ aet and ,h ns, «hatst~ever requisite and necessary to the exer,,.rtinn o~
<br />the powers ht.reir y;ranied, as fut)q ;o a,i .nt~~nts rend purposes as __~_._ °3L~C1.3________
<br />might ar +:ou3d di', ii p~r~.nnal}y present, _ ~ ~nrri~im inn `~rC1~11anct _
<br />_ 6errt y tits[ ntz an 1 srnft~ Hint, all ~ha' ~~4ti -_-
<br />581[3 ettgrnek _ RnnYI r? r~s„f'_t pI7 ~~~ sf.al~ latr`stlit' •l~ r~r c~ti~si to bt° s,r~nss Ly ~, t~ t uF c(
<br />these pres,'nts. _
<br />This Power c,f Attorneyu shaft he rernka/d ttprn!~sh:;ll nr,t be affected by rli,abiiily n( tl,e
<br />principal. `
<br />I~it41'T`~ESSLYifF.REOF.__t 6ahehtere~mtuss•t--~> - -iz~.rd-thus _.?.7,_r~~, riav:~f
<br />Jrxle R 7 - _
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<br />4ign~~3 and f3eltze ed n ~~.eae~n~~e of ~ ~,~ ~~ *~ F' ~t
<br />~ _ . _.+. ~..~ _ _ s ~ -~
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