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<br /> <br /> <br />I.cnacr-s writitilagerementor app!,cabie lase. Soriowerstralk pay. theamount of atI martgage insurance piemiums irtlhe. <br />manger providcdundrr patngra~ih 2 hareaf.: <br />.Ray amounts dsbu;scs! by Lnndrr pursuenf. iii this ,p~r-agr~r,h 7, w'th interes! thrrcan, shat( lxcomr .additional <br />iade}stcdrrcss et Hwrawer sti:urcd by ttti; ttongage,.F,lntrcc Rnrrnwrr a,id Icndec agree to other teams of pi4ymeM, such <br />ameiunts .hat! M payabt.; r. pen aotice imm Lender io Aorroacr rcgo«ting ; jrmer.P ihcreof, and xhali bear intcres[ Prnm'fke <br />date of disbursement at the rate payable tram rime to time cn ou:aanding prirrcipai"rarider<the T1orc ttnlcss payment of <br />intrcesi at such rare wotad 6e contrary to applicable !aw. In which event such amouurv shalt".hGar'interGs[ ai Fne highest rate <br />rxrraissiblc under npglicahlc Inw Nothing canrainrd in this pzro~rsph 7 <hal! require Lendei ta'iticuc any expense or rake <br />any xuon hcraander. <br />H. imrpeettew. P-ruder may make or cause ro Sc made rcasonahle cur tie, up,m and inspections of tilt Proncrt}', Provided <br />that (.,ender .first! give Borrower notice prior n en; sreh .apes-rion pc::af~~ing r.:asonahke eausr Therefor r..'ated to Lender's <br />~ntercit in the Yropcrtp'. <br />9. Currdemotion_ The proccedc of a~»' award er claim t:x damages. direr o ~-unscqucntial, ~n connection with soy <br />con~kmnatinn ornther raking of the Prep: or part thereof, nr (nr eomcvance m Fig:u of nmdemnntion. sec hercb7 aUigned <br />.rend sha}i be paid to I_eadrr. <br />In Ehe er'egi cT a retral.takin_r, of ;ac Prorxrtr~. the pra:ecsts ch;, applicu to ;hc sums secured hp :his Morrgngr, <br />.. ith the txccss. r any_ paid to 9orr-:=..rr in the c~.nt +-~F a parCal t..4ang of the Propcry. r.r.lccs l3orrnwer sod Lender <br />ruhcrw'ise sgret ire wr,c:ng. !here shell be ;rpp;iai ;o the sans •.ecured lrx this htorrsage such proportion irl the proceeds <br />ns i,. equal to that {:mlx,riian whitrt t};e cmoua of t'nc scams secured hp this ~iorteagc immcdiu,c!y nearer ;n tha date of <br />!at<in~ Dears to the fair marke[ value df t:^.c Prol?crtr iermediarety p: for to the bate r~f taking, with !ha balance irf the- prcxeeds <br />paid.!o Barmwa, <br />Tf the Prevery k abanderee': b}~ BorraH~r, nr if, ,-deer notice by I.cndcr to Brrrt~wer that the condemnor offers to make <br />:.n award ar setfte a claim for d:uea.,rs, &?rr„wcr fa;l; ro resp:~nci :o Lcnde: :~Irh~n )0 days alter the dale such. notice is <br />mailed. Lcndcr is authorized ro _eliccr and aun?v :he prtxeaQs, at 1 cndr,'v oprian. eithu to restbntiion or repair of Chc <br />F'rolxrt; nr ,~ the sums sr, tree hr this Mart};ngr. <br />limns Larefcr and BairrDwer agree in -.+rivag. aay uch :,grrli.:.atit~n n; ~:~eedsao prinsi{tai <hnll not czrend <br />or ~srpone the due Barr Rl the Rs ::,th?}° inseal'.,ne+~rs rc~c-red r~n m zvagrnphf f :,red '_ f,ey2af or. ti~hang°~ the amount of <br />•,uch, =nvalitrxms. <br />38. brrewer Not Rekae;t. Fietcnsan ..P [hc ~~:ac f„ p~gmcn, n- n-. F-:,tl, ;- ; f marti2ativn of the sums scec~red <br />Sc this MortgcRc granted ny i.orc:er tti, ary <uc:essnr :^ interest <?t 8nr~c•.. cr chsi! not o~crsic rn r~ieusc, in nnq manner, <br />the ti atnlity of rhx orig~nct Borrower and Barrow cgs s .. ^x:erg ricer. G_ _ nJe- .ha°I ~u,t !,c r-43,rr~si „cum mcncc <br />f+re+cer<linbs agamq xueh ss.c;tira~,- a; °r'use ro r. stcrnrf t:me ' :,:n.~n- ~ :.,9,~., ice ~:rK7if; n,rticn!x~o ~'~t the ,cans <br />sauced by this ?t*?ngage bt rrasta, nr .r-s~ cle:nan~I mad _ ... r roar fi. r , ., ar,i H,..,. .ceswrl n'. interest <br />ll. FwYer,raece b1' (.eerier Not a R'fieer, ant ,~t hr : c.,der t c. ;5s: ~ ~ rr ~ihr ~r rrrocdy hcuunder, ar <br />otherwise alTordeS! by abplicahic sw. nc.r'i rtnl he ., w~ srs of -~ ec=.r~ic t?re ^cerc~.a; <, :;r .uch rifh ~ - remedy. <br />The prcxuremerd of immrance <u r*.r ysvmr;tr e! ts. c. : tree. !~e : r --'~~,,.^_e. e. 1 ,n? - «a1i nc [ c,. ~ ~. er <•t Lender's <br />right u, acce icrxte the rvl~ l art- nt r4c indrht~+ -d 6; ;his } ..a,tc. . <br />12. Rtirriks CumrFMive, A remesfie r rL -dcd ; ~* thin b1 t„~r~c ar+, _,nr! a i ,-nn ul ati vc ri any .+[her n!;ht or <br />mmtJv attv?mr tries or aflnr:Serl ~,, :., -,r ._,y .~ „.., ~~,<, .nrr,r ev ,Sc(h 1,7_c~rh: r,. cs=sir c(y. <br />IJ. Seccessors awd ~»iK~ 6oued< ~uinl and Ce. era? l~eatpUh: ('apnm.c. ~i ~h~. c ~.anu and ::g rrerrenn hcrair <br />t;.anta,ned shell hind, a,td rho n!;hrz rerruneSes .na.r :. ,~ ,t i:,_ ,hc r spcc• •:c +~ tree ,,rc u. a a;ns I ,a, e; ,~r;d &urtruer. <br />xubjrrt Co the pMvtsiOac °~ 3.rr;,~y=a nh I' het~ni. ~'~.!! a: ..- ants a .r{i er,nc9~• ~~I' } r. _.' 'x ~,ri. ~t and s.. teal <br />~ihe ealxrons and keaa~n~s th ...oa:aa~s of tLi-, 'winr-karc :rt. ':,r _. .~.r._ i,.~ ..- ~,c _: I;. r :,ties! t. <br />~nrcrpm or dal4ne the prn+~nionc lx reof. <br />A1. `]efier. I?seept for any rtol,ce :nquitcd .,ade ~ p.'r. ae-c a,. ;~ n g.c:~ a :,n..rt er n. ^cr_ l;,i ~ ~T red ice ':~ <br />Bom>`va pmvi,ied 'or rn this y1 e,rtgage sha}F he ~`. r:~ nr ~~ai;i rep „h „ ~ n Y i ., ~..., .. tdc. sed i nrr:;u cr o: <br />the Prppenr nddrr;ti c r at 5»ch other a3dre;< as iknr r caa+ .. „e,.vs- h eiL,'e it~!rr ,_cid 1 „crein. anti <br />(hi r.OncR r:r Lc,x!er siesta << ~ ,n be ,es~,frJ m:, ;. re!~~r-, rr rzq, ~, ., ~~ Jc~ . a,~ n. ~ s....c•. beetle io <br />a~th Daher ^ddrer> as Lender a:ae dca~.nalc ?~. .,nGic :., Hn-:; ,. _ ~ i .; _. r ...c- r,. , ~ oa~aw 4u In Chic <br />Mortgage ihaii bo Jeciaxd rcx fr,.: heron pi<e, 't Hag-uwpr ~,± 1 * I r .~. .~ ~ is ;h r_n,nc~ c :^.e1cd k,-grin <br />15. lnt(anw Alortsa~t; C~urtrwin~ Lae; Se+rrabihiv .~i ;r,,. _ , xa ~ .i.i n wcna i ,.r na!kenal <br />m.e and non-uniForm et,+•trs~eus °rrth Iinutal •rer sar;ens n .~r..1„ .., ~. .c ,t ut ,lur.r ;emu :. ) i'~clrUmer~ ~~,,verioa <br />real F'roM riv. 'f?as Morrg.age oha1; !>F Rc,u reed aq chc ,~ - ~ i~a f~ the t'r _lxr r..r -;P!,rd. In :hc <br />rvont that ]nY provisran ci da,3.n this ?r1:. rrs .,,c rr r;.e ti,.,r ~. ,:r. .i h wi,6t res. +. o;_ r ?mra hi,If _r.~,f '+dcrt <br />xrrher pros sacra o1 tk: ~1.~ngags- :~ :h: ~~ .e wla~,rr ,,,^ rr :: .e. :,'::., ..,~. ..,:, rr. _.~r:!l,ct~nt is c. ~.,t. t, <br />end the presisdpns :. rha Mertga},e nn t'.c ' .:.e ;:c,:ared i;• rs- ..,,... _ ,.,. <br />l~. lorrvwer's Coyq. Boer,: s .ha;l o P ;.r he , .-,rrior ~ ;. pp :ht 'mac. .n„ of }~. ,,,. tip. ... .: i~,mc <br />at exeauion cr ;tfrer eel, rdati~rt huc;v- <br />i7_ Trarta of t-e Tropert); Asrstimptiow ~..:,, apt ~.~r• ,bc ?-oa.. - ~- an ~o'crcat •,hc,cin i. soiC~ t ,,..:arec <br />by lio, react tit From Ler~dta's prior ~a: att. '~ c: n~ci , escl..c!tzt tai .ht .rc::rr t u~~ ; ~_ c~u:~, :,e!,c: ..r i .. . - <br />r; ... ~, zu. ~ ,r; <br />thia Marl;aae ~;•) the crw'ac~n ._5 ,, .nr ncy e„_u.m ,o rt res. '- . .~u.ehold r .. ., _ n f,- _{a ~isr, <br />.lescenr or he ape: arrnn of ,aa uoi, [ne dear , r irtta~r er ..-.... __. ,__ ., ._._ ... - . <br />Lir:,frr at/, at~; e doe-. k~;i, ,,i the sot e ,~. ,;cd by ihr. crr.n_: u: he <br />mrxdiatet}~ ring sod payabk_ ?_e.^.der :'.. Ra.e ,. ;reed ,,. .. ,. pt„ ~ - ac. _cr .ac ,f. , is. .n ~.,ic nr i .~r., ~r ~, coder <br />:end ;IK prraa ro whom the Pr<iparty .. so'x se,~d sx~ it ast, rro`d reo-. ._n. -: ~s _ ..o.i: ;.. ~. ~~~;r t r .:aeh ,.e ran <br />,. sa tisfartan ro Lnnck: acrd that the intucu p-,}u6?c o,: ~.n_ .urns x_-id ~ .... !,,rc„ 5.. -,.ac! L :, ;uch ., rz a~ I_c:,dcr <br />sha3S request. i( I.cadec ia< wiise~ the .•ptsr . :~ acc.k :. t rsac i~:,d ,.. ., .-... i !3r•rmcce , ~~~,. ,~, <br />mtcreSi has cxr..ured a wrkmn axsumptie.^, sgreen:cart acrep!ed :r. .:;tyt was red.. r. ~. ~•i .t=~:;11 r .t,;c Fi.Tr ,~~. t. t.,:r a.~ <br />obii~atisrna cutter thiF Mortgage atad fix Nr,te. <br />I' Le,~r eeerrises cues e;,t~on to xczcl:ra:a..rn-1er c''.,!_ ..l v:r rc,; a ..z tree _, .,,...... : .. ~ . __. uir~. <br />~anynph i3 hetroL Sash rrrr,La sha;i Pto'-~~'.~. a rtir,~+~ ,.; ~.-;' ,._ ia,; ~t; tin. ir.+m he +ar_ ~.~ -__ ..i.,d ~.+iGr.c <br />w?+:ch $cxrowec m:ap pal tSc sans dcc':area' rive, it Bo s_~-.u ,.. _ _ . . ,suns ;~ -. r, ~-•u .s, i , r.•~.~. ~;_~, ;; ,...,, <br />Leadr. may. ~+.Sr Rcut furt`x.• .^.... __ s. ,icmYnd :.,r tf:.,r:r ... -.t. ok. u..:,i ua in~;r,.t .a ~. ~ ,f r L~ ,.. c'.. <br />Rpv-t.'.~rrc,r» CoveN.r: r>.. Bo- -r+c; any F e!.de^;a roe: ,:<„ <br />~., aad r~r as ~ _~.?^_+, <br />SR. Aeeeieratie~o; RemeJtrrs. F.>4crpt a pros ided in paragraph I' hereof, up,tre Borrt,w er's 7~rcac; nC aay c,rxcnana or <br />r ; <br />xgreeece>3l of ltarrvwer in this i1wtR~e. Fadudina ore a.~n enaerLS re. pa when due sew ,nnu .cc arc,: 1>. r1riA \Iorry;AAe. <br />Leads ~[efur rw ar.e&r>~inr, ghat! mail notice to gorrusrm ac protick,4 to puaY rape fS kr¢rrat ,.p~S(da~; tit rbe breuie; <br />C3'i the w'tiwlt rrgvitcd itt cum sorb breach; i ti) a dales cwt ix~i, than a9 des+s recta the d~stc 9hv uotii~ is maiiod ro [to rro ~.rr, <br />b} 'rh~k~6 srrh MeacA mus[ it< gored; sod (di that failure ro core each begot(, or. or h lore abr ~l-a;r +pevincd i;: ,lee nu[iae <br />nslrv rtgult in ars~itntioa of tlvc gam. xcurcd by this 31vrr~ayc., Iurrd,wwc ur F~adiraai prrrecrdiu~ anti ;a*iv , f t 1 rut+ert~-. <br />Slkar rwiis xitnl3 Feet her in€arm gotrcawer v( the rptAs. to niatate o{ter x,-deratwn s,nt r4r +iyhr 2 - 3. °rl n rile F re. fatgrq <br />yr,?c casLiq~ [he noo-e >F Urensc of a deft,ult n :+rrr c,thtr Attrtoe of Borrn.-ct to occrlrralson ar,d torcdr..z~ro•. Lf tRe ns¢~y4h <br />ages: raced ,an r>r br(r;s :he dale cyccitird in the notate, terdrr 9l ,_cn~aler's apirt+a :r a,~ de,.-lore :r11 et tree sou ei-r tad G~, <br />this At~rtjnyc r.,. be imsrediatelr due marl pas x,bte wil3nus funf,er drreand aad mar (ore ~7 4 ha im6c4:rt tn;~,-._ ~d,o-,y. ! . retire <br />sRai2 }~ rnikird Ss sadlrit in >ucti pr,xe.~din>,; rel. eyx n.r. t {o:ec6as:n e_ ~rk~3aadda.;,. but xe . a-,ita.F , e. ~ ~*U.:. a~v,_ne~sinry. <br />~kbdcn4e, airx!rac is anal ti4te rrQ4rrts. <br />.~ <br />Tq. Mrruw rrx Ri~kcf t.: 1ia2iarSalr_ *~; .,_... ~ _ ._ .. ., .,.r,.. ,.. . <br />"» .. ~_. i.;d .. -,c :.~; rl~t~,r ':: !, c ' -..- ,~;: t~.:.,:', .~ „ :~ ~ art r ,,. ,'. .. ,.. s'. .:. ...... <br />