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<br />o Y
<br />fliS MORTGAGE is made ~ `t .~aY o`......... JuT
<br />i9.,~c,ben-~atheMortgagor,.tdiC'ti;.'.~..~~: 'I'.~F(~S~tV,A~dG,L1fdDFt ;ti~ELSEt{, husband and wife
<br />{herein "Berrowcr"1, and the Mortgagee,.H~`1E FEDERAL, SRVINGS
<br />Lt7t~li ;~50CItiflt~tr 4~~ GRAAiD i~LAND , a car ratio r nizr8 and ea>stan
<br />....... - ?tlt~"nA$Ka . ......... . ........ _ ... po ~'~4 ~outh Locust B
<br />Ian,3er t:3~ ~ws t~(. whcua address is......` . . .
<br />Grand s an ?te~rask~' " "r;$$Ql - ~ . ~ .. .... _ (herein '•[ zade-r')_
<br />T'-'IRl'Y FJUR THOUSF;"In ANr~ PlOrl00
<br />WNtMGtS, Borrov+c.r is indebStd to Sx~ 1er in the principal sum of ..." ................................ .
<br />-__________ ._.._.______________ _______boltea,whiehindcb;edneasisGVids:ne~dbyllnrrower'Fnott
<br />Ju~y~T~:'1582
<br />~~ (heeern Nute"), pmvid'snt, €_ orsth'.y instaHm is of ri cip merest,
<br />wick ttwt bal~-c of the iccdeebtedncas, if nru scwoner nai due and ugus ,
<br />d, pavablc on ...... ......................
<br />Trs SerUac to LersGer i a? the ;e~yrsrcrst of the indeb;~dnrvc e•;tdenCC't~ by the Note, wirh iateres: thereon, the
<br />pa9metzt et att ocher swm, wiah intcrcoi thcr>trn, advanced in ;ax~rnrdancc: herewtith ro arotect the se^.urin~ of this
<br />MrartEa~e, and the performance of :3u coveaan:& and agreements ~~i F~ rroaer h~rcin ct~ntaincd, and (tj) the repayment
<br />ref any futllrL advances, vRth i~cc~rr_at .htrenst, mado ru Borrower by Lcrder puesuant to paragraph Z 1 hen-of (herein
<br />"Future Adr~aacxs'°), Borrower d.'res herahv m~rt~age, ¢rartt and tnn~ry tc !.ceder t!tc follawing deacrihed property
<br />located in the ('Dane} of.... rir,1.~ ,Stag of Nebraska:
<br />Lt~T TEri (1';:). .ii SLtis:k; "'.!C ~~), „`: ~lc~'LS i':RS' .=.Ov?T:U:'a, C; TV' 0~ GRnN:1 iSl.-1IJrJ, fiFLL
<br />[,lti E&3' E'~tnurt~.'f rive Grand %<tar,d
<br />wlsieh h$s ttae adct~ss a:...
<br />sa ;z c cr;
<br />. ~ecr~i~ii ~z3~s,i {trrmin"Psapert, Address"):
<br />z=cry .tea a,a tars:
<br />TpOE'TNA3t ~~izh att :hc impr ~urm~tres r:,,~. or he caftcr s:cctrd or_- the prrel•„~r ....~ a:. eastrn~ ~, r:gt~~s,
<br />at+~>:rern~ns~.~ranas, ravacctrs, msi<x< i;, Y;i.e and gas cigr+s :end krn his, watBr, wa:~r rid}uc u wa _ ~~tn k _;~? aif
<br />{;.r»%kE,a-S r"51' :xr.'excn°sfttr zt.S~~'u.,-t3 to She p:aix:rtr, z{sl +s! N.zich, i,; .«o~„~ ;;p;~a. ,~=t:..:r .. ~dc,,.ue,., ,hc.~t .gall i;c
<br />;.etrauax: to t~ Y^ti rcnre:s~a fair; n! t;sc j2rcp>rxtf a'=~Cxcd rsti ;ni, 3!c r,~:.b; , s: d ai, ,f .hr ' ~yrin .~rihc, s, ...:,~e7
<br />`risg>,t~t sor E'~r?t3.;~!rtku e~~atc;I Bela.M(art~4'c rs ~:n .s lc:as;ih,z;d} ace hcr~ :.:rre~ z ,. ,ne r' rirt.;
<br />
<br />k3a~,,xtw~t ~e~~~sa:anu thxc &~atiwef io-~ Iaw u, .,use-„ °;irv~-s.s~_c',ta~r~_h+ rr~, -_~~n:~, _.,.: 4:~ t'~: ^t.ia;~ r c-~:tga~,
<br />~;'#3~:'..~iR,t-G.~vey t~1: L'~ritr~}7etip, t}ra; .~ f'tc~, w l; ;,:nc~Ci.tzt`r~.ut. ,., ~. ,..~. B:>, :: x-..r a r: ~..r:.i_o ~ ; r„ I ~; Icr
<br />y(a:,ra.,! q: dies ?i°,u ta-:,;'<c f`ri~r;}~ akaat 3..t1:.;ia~.riw and =2 .. <....,.. .~.~~:..,. ,. ..... . a ~ ,i:_ ti.u .....,r. r.- _ _ ..., -
<br />.tTtk in a tt.'r.. _ i ex~ ~ _..a :. c ~, a2- r ~ :): ...er;:: ~ .ee: .- n I : .. ~ . ~ a r , srte
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