<br />a~rxc~ a~ aacr oF's~
<br />82--1U~~3~?~
<br />Aiotice is hereby given,that ost the 6th day of July.,..2982, a Land
<br />Cbntrac-t bets~en VEFSI S. I3IC1ioIAS and &L 2dZC~IOlAS, Husband' Wife,
<br />`sailers, ana iiRI~ID F. S'"'EX.xr~.23F:RG and`rR~n~ N. 51I~BII2L~, xusbana ana
<br />ti~fe, Buye=s, kas exaeeuted'and that sai8 IantY Sale Cbrstract'invcslved flee
<br />fOiiOW:t: ~c3 ~L'SC'7bP~' LL~dl iSt3t2,. tCl"W]:t:..
<br />i!~ Easterly Ors-aialf (F~) 4f Fractiarta3 Tsat S~ {b) . ui
<br />c`Yac-ti~:al Bid ~ ~ Hundred FY»rty-Four (144) of tt~ Lhiion
<br />Pacific Railyray c_Yar~.y°s seccssd I+ddition to t'~e Gity of
<br />i>rdil4' TSiand, i?dl.~ CxTtIIlt]J, 1Vebraska..
<br />'Lhst ttie szderSicpx'd ~~azties c3a heret~r aa_aE~ that thts P7atice shall be
<br />tiled in tt~ office of tt~e F~3ster of L1~ds of !fall £biaZty, t~ebra:;lca,
<br />a.*xi be r~ti.oe t~ arty anei all int~z~sted partzes to tt3e ~scxhc~d
<br />zna 7 estate.::
<br />this 8th 1 of July, 1.982_
<br />~. ~+`~ ., ! ~ ~ C„'4:.2.¢7
<br />h
<br />Fiazroid F. Stec~elben7 ~'7+
<br />Irene .v. Sttx~21' "g a °
<br />S2'F~2k: t3F ^~i~ASk;? }
<br />SS.
<br />i1l[2Ti"1 OF HAtiii.":Cx•; i
<br />9efore re, 3 `•'Y~~7'' Public zr ars: for saw state arri ,YS:mty, Perso~3f.]y
<br />t~ ~lE'.FIN S. .T~IAS azxi BIA:J~~ ;u'IQ~JTr"~,, Eits5k~x3 and t~;i.fe, ~~awn to me to
<br />be the z3e:etieal peracxLS w3io signed the rorer~ing in3tnr~s~t arr3 a~~owleck}~ac
<br />the eao[~-utitn t~reof to be t~ir ,c71,u~tarr a~~t quid aec~J.
<br />WI'It~S,S r2' hand :n] ~tarial seal tnLS 8th clay o~ Jul;y, 1982.
<br />1- Ora ~ oct 2A. !itI /~------~vs~'_ ~. ~~...
<br />:uctary ~c
<br />~ ~
<br />\ ---
<br />SaATZ? t7E` :v'E~RF~fi~ ?
<br />SS.
<br />'_ ~' i3AE1~
<br />E#3fore nt3, a .•atazy PvbliL in axu3 for 531 statr~ arm aau~st:,r, cw~r:~tirxiilj.
<br />Cacla> ~3Ai~1;a:- ~". ~"I~i~€riB~taG a:,d S3~E ~'_ ~tii~Y"~,~~IHF,4~, :~usl~ai'~d a;~i tip:F., ;ax*„?i
<br />~ ~ t4 ix: ttx: ;.cf~eritl.cai..~rsc7ns w,'k~ sicx~caci t~ fc>r~arirx~ .t;~5tr`.r.?a r t <u;r,
<br />3:. r.:neTrlc-ri!~•ct t ,~czticu; =+-,er«f :A, Y,c- t:~r_~,r ~aG-l^~1,a; <~c` ~~sxi i,+~ti~i.
<br />'t:; i~.a' irr' r;l'ui ~~s _tE)tu~t ~ =~t~.1 .~tz~: /t ~.G.: ~y ' r' ,Ti.~
<br />_ .,,_'. :~2.
<br />,. Mt G1Nea Er- ~ 13 f14~
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