<br />8~-.~: E1 Ci ~ ~3 #3 :~
<br />~:**«~,u~rrzca~s, sragart~***:*
<br />IJ!a.l@' ~(;,1~P.IT71~17 , 74Y:8Sllr T _ _
<br />~ S ~. IIOit `~T,'l3. '~ -
<br />:f ~~
<br />.~r~~`,w
<br />Lillienttx Inlivst
<br />JCn H. John.' Trust
<br />ltxr; ?:. H2iwklnS~. ^1'T~'Cl-stGeE'
<br />rl_pn uaaselman, ~vsteP.
<br />By ~~ ~.
<br />TL'T? Fr1St. ~~. :~1LStE'4''..a
<br />SiAT£ Ufi h`Ea3It,~`~{:4)
<br />i ss:
<br />CT)L.'Y15 OF 'si9l,h
<br />Heiore nr, rt not u^; pnib3ic, r?u~1Sf~d n :>airi ,snlnt:l-, nez:9<inally c<urn T:rxiald F. Arnold,
<br />President, }I. T. ;z,n+;. °.P_crntru-y; I}a1G° ,lekermn, i~"t'<1-SlirC'r, and J;u*~s L. Halt, Har~;~
<br />Lilienthal, Stec H. 3r>t1n~nz, TYxn L. Iiau~cirs, Aarlon il:~~elrmn. and Tim Fist, ;z11 `C~st~-es
<br />cif Tt~A ,~3bt~dant rife Christ; an Cents-r ~ E~}~raska ~~~rL-c~rztion, known Lb ~ to be tine
<br />P essdert. Se-crFtar; ,re~sui-er. anu krascee~; ana ~c~ntical ~~rsons ~ctu~ ;i~c-~c1 rh> forr-
<br />go~ng insr,nment and a<;~iou•Yed~eci thy. r>xFw~t1 i~r, *:herrr}f ro kx> tizF•ir •,oluntar. pct rutd dc:eci
<br />as s-uctz officer end the l~lnntar; ac ru~c} derx? r±3 said corporatioq ~u~d that ~~s corporate
<br />seal was thtreio affixed by ;_ts :~thortt,
<br />'~it.nGSS r:n~ i;:znd and r.r~ta•a :=:eal ~:~n ;~%' ii~~S2.
<br />'.th°~brmussipn eyx~ir~es: ~glf. /~/f~J~ IIJ////~////~~m /,J//~~/~ f/'/
<br />r p .~C r'~.1 i
<br />~~ `~~ ~ ~ ~~ 44
<br />~- ---
<br />A`4i~1~~ '/ art i'rie'rc
<br />'TJA~I,F'I'E i~:Cu11: I)~1?IIrI'ZOti
<br />A trat;t o° ,land ttixr~risin~ a taart of the :r`ortheast saner of the So!lthea^,•t O_uarter
<br />(`ifi}SE}3 ~f Seciioct "Thirteen tl'3i, T'ouxss~ip Eleven (123 'dorth_, [' -t~;e Ten (I01 ~`iesY: of
<br />E 1E t,Eu P.!L, in Ha11 Count-, ?.t~rasis.3. ^~ure rrzrtir•u1<•u•}.c des~rit~~ci a> Follows:
<br />r3C~i-t>nisg a.t a ix>int on the ;r;orth ~i~~ oP sxzd 'vim}~~~ sairi ax nt being the hsmdred
<br />?hixty Five {l?5. J) FeeC cast of tre 'tc>rttac~wt cxJrrser of i d !~F;~F"~ tnnn~e -rL rcri}
<br />alexs~ tt~e ~crrth line 6i said '~~~b'E~ i .+isivnce of `Rzr~ ilunei:•c=ci `in~tc~n and ,!~t~
<br />ihre~ Httndmc3tf>a C319.f3) feeTi thew, def7~~c*ing rift 8~'?Wr4~' and zlnninH e;outherlT:,
<br />s distasxa~r of "a*~ Inmdxfx3 sir}* ^cur ~~?(~},ra~ F4=t;rh,~nre t:~a:;terl}> t~ara37~_i to i:h~v north
<br />Tine <:f mid ~~,5~} a distances 03 Vinety- Fi:'t. :uri tineir give. H:mdr~lth~ rri:.~~5; F~~r.:
<br />Chen~e ~tx~-therlS l~z-aile' t:o t?w uef~t lire of said ?1E}S ~, a dsT,an~~> of irr~;N iii~nc;rF,rl
<br />1kc-nt~ rise {31.0} Fe~aet: thei.rF ue~-rei.; f~ar-a1~1 to the rr*rth Ise of sii~i ~;1;?~°,F'~, ;c
<br />ctkst,tnc~ of Four Itttlx3~'exI rLtr:~n {°~1.~.0? 1~>i., to ~t Linz. fie ?luiidred 'Ifi ~;~i ~e t 13~_~)>
<br />Feeb t"a.5t of ?Ise west linty cif Said .'vT~SE?~: thence 'x3ri,htr ~: traraliei tc Y~ ~ ~;r=:t line ref
<br />~ti.d _'3£}SE~ a dist.an~r f,{ T'icr Iirmdz~rl Ei~:Ly Five ' ~5.i?) re~~t ;net he place of t_~~gnninF:
<br />fir? c.5:uet.ar nirt~ <l . `.~'3 e..r! .: r..tzr~r or t=~;s .
<br />