<br />QUITGLAIAi UE.EO ~,~..-^' 1}~ ~ ~ l
<br />YJEL3F..RT D. THEASAIEYF.R and LOSS A. THltiASF4EYER, husband and
<br />F~~fa, as jnir_'t tai:ants :.~iti1 rigPtt of sarvivarshi~ and ncrt as
<br />tenznts -~- corecncn, harei:: ~aZied the Granters, in consideration
<br />of t::e sum o. Oi~E =?~JLi:AR ($1,p4) ANL7 OTHER VALUABLE COP7SI;JEIv3TION
<br />ceeei~.ed prom Grantees, do herzby quitclaim,` c.,rFnt; bargain,
<br />seiA con~re}- ar.~' confirm unto DELBERT D. THEAS=IEY'~F. ar,d ISIS ~.
<br />"'i~EAStiEYER nu~hand and. wipe, as tenants in com^~cn, her~i.~ cailei?
<br />the Grant~~s, tie ~oilowinq'-described real proper t•, i=, Fia11
<br />~ount:>: Rebraska:
<br />Lot Five (5), LilaeK Three. f`, woodbine
<br />Addition to the arty of Gzand island;
<br />~a1'_ County, ~ebras;ea; anti
<br />-. :'orty '(4~ S .;'ems e _. ._ ht: T':ird
<br />~ui>d_•i ,.. i1rt.._ y~ r,~1~ Qua~te~ of
<br />ttie SrJz: ..:.rest ~ :n[t i'`1F' IS,I ~f Sect o.^.
<br />Eieves f'F'1 ~~ nshtr E'__°,e, {1I`. [1c_~:~
<br />rangeTen (ifD} est o tha 5th ~.~:,~~s .~._
<br />Cc7U Zt;~y L3~~?ra:S tC3'C^~a
<br />~.n ~x~cdiuideu one-°~~~ ` (lf2) in`~erest ; zinc *_o
<br />..Lot v'ight (8} ox I: aid Acres, faeing a s ~cai--
<br />G"iS i. €3n Otpart G `~ '`. ~ `y...~:5.: FF~lr ~i t.)"t~ S^~~ =h-
<br />west {~uarcer t ~~`ri`.:I - cti~n Uic;~:t !3? i.
<br />Township E3e~ iI1 ~dort~ ~_ `? rte .: r.~r iii
<br />and part o~ Fra~___ _.;o I ~_ e.:,t~;i
<br />Sf~ven (7) ,ri oaTs!:Zp Ele er _ ~ -_*.:, F..3r.e
<br />hiae ={~9~} be ~_, _ c_ the 6t,h c' _ ra i '- ~~un--_
<br />.. J_3~{u 3i:i
<br />- F..3~~F'1'}' "; +v tJ Hundredand :~:-:t`-.' _. '_~
<br />(`.: F~(S') .-~ '--fit i. i~hf ($~t ~rSC i:.~i -L i .~._
<br />Sebc: v:s_ea, a^ Addition ~ the _ ~-,r
<br />Gr-~rd . ;' a^ci, i.;? i Counkti> ,_ara .~ ~, ar,ri
<br />L<~t ~'cu: `cen d) '~e~ ter-n g - ~'-a~ , ~ni -,
<br />, Ina'
<br />:,at 'went_~-r ur {'4) . Want h'ez.gr - _; r r:ci
<br />Addy+~._. _~ _ e ,_ _~ Grind .. ia~_
<br />Cr-.u.^. tie?a_as~a;
<br />'?'Q HAVE 2.:Ip ''O ;~T ~- f .. '
<br />h . ~bo~ e dE c° ~ p ~ : _ses tcgethcr
<br />::ith si tene:'ia=r.~G, h,rf a;tamer.cs snci ap~u~c_ena<;:_es `_r~-=
<br />~elc,*:gieg L^to t_,e t.=rantees ar.ci ~~ _ran`_res' n~irs :::rc_+ ass ;ns
<br />'Jrs' a,~ ~~~~.f:.=~~. :rd1
<br />{~~ i ~ y ~"
<br />~er+- i^r~,-ie~ 45~
<br />-_~u- i
<br />'u~is .~ r~~s~.,er ~,a
<br />STATE v" ?iE3t2r1$iG~ t
<br />) G '~
<br />. Ca,;`2i Y L, L~1i.~, }
<br />F}E r,r4, ~, a actaz`~~ Pn~Ii~ =or s3`d ;~ ~.~ai~•
<br />. ; ...
<br />J~e. J~x.'1 v _). ,.~P]i 'f''.~ ]RC ~L`:.S ... ,..h 'a~f`tt~~ fi~ > ':..[S.,d". . _7e _: ~°.
<br />C~3 C7 ':1 s Z~? .: tam .-~. ~C __1C3 .'E'Z':7 .;:iS Sv'} .:J
<br />~ - - L 1.. ~ ~ L L
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<br />'cil•,_,^t~r_ :~r+ ~fn,. era` . - ~._ ~ _ ~ . ... _
<br />.; ha d k:~..~ ~. a- ~
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