<br />MpRTGAGE ~~" $s~r'~87
<br />TH1S 1~°DENT{; RE, made clvn _._..~fl~
<br />_ _ l9 by end txYwcon
<br />_ DAYiR_L,__l,~N~V~;,_ aiv,;_ ,2~CHELLE F? {ENNEL~_HUSBAND A?iD :FE
<br />-- __ r~;
<br />~ - -~`~"~--- - ~t ° ["' ~ r qad r -- .._-G ~, and Home Federal Sating- x 3 L >an Asaeoation of Grand tslard, a mrppration
<br />c rganized W zlning ur der the Iaws n. [he L n.cd S,a. c• of America rth iCS ?!ri[vpaf ofCitt sod P'aer of bunneca at Grand Lsland. Nebraska, as
<br />:nOrt`Il,tt;
<br />K'IT"lESSE'i"{t: 1T• t sarid rnnrlgagor ~. and ioo xf atino of h m f-
<br />_-_-
<br />SEVc"3 I HOUSANu V'E ~t{; :z~RFD /1 I ; -T IP_c DCLL KRS .A t "' ^`' ~- __- -
<br />_ _ -- --- ---e,~
<br />- -----Della l3-. ---- - -------',
<br />the receipt .~r -.:rich is Jureby zckrrtnelHdped, do_ _ ______...__. bV its, Cresents m_nrtg~Fe xnd warrant un[o wd mort;igcC; its xucccssory and a_a;igns.
<br />Core •~ , :I7 z^.x 7oilow•ind tleccribrfl •cai estate, ~ituatcd in :ho Ceun±y of ' i d ~I
<br />and Srare of Nebraska. [n-w~r ------_----_-_. ______-_._____
<br />LUi N;~,~E7';'-?;vC ~9~'' "[ l.Uca'.+4'~, l3D',r] C'fJ> A.~ ~nG::;~lh TO iHf GiTY OF`,;Ri~ND
<br />r,.''tv\~ ~'`
<br />Tugethev with nil hr ring mr condFaonYyy;, Sghtmg;~an>+ PWm6ing „qurpmcrc ar. fixtures. metudmr: s ._ ownin •v e terns
<br />dome. and wiroiow eb-dta or birnd,~. uead on or ter cpnncet..u ° "`'"° ~ icio ws and
<br />n with acid prt yertv. » Msi Yeer the axn:e arc nau~ !. ~atrd o.~ uid property or nrr!-u:[rr
<br />Pla<ad cixrevn.
<br />It) h 1~'E A!v`7 i "f'O H(iLD 7'HE Sn.'N k; inget:e~: «ith all a.d
<br />rVru!ar 6M L: neraen is ~: i t mr ry app t ctti .}
<br />iun~ng, or m anwLw app vt~utq louver, aad »teTartt the crtlr :~ Ihn mare '~bjd nor [w h,>
<br />Kag~ '~- 5 ..v cavnu rat .v'ch srui
<br />mrvtb'yl.~ riot. ___fi.6e Y. _dt' cL_. ac inr de4,:Wry- hector tSe 'aw:ul owner ;.. e.re pn~m - n.ey ~sl ar I .acnu.d-
<br />'~-- -~ rP _ »nd of a go-xi aad iodu(eu pie astwir r t urhnritrnce tP 'min f >.; ctr ~ ~ 1 u r`ornnc.•.. ,xt r
<br />w-arrest end defend [?w ci[ln cher«tc. fwwcr agunae cne c.urne anti deaanas ~,! a !>`s ns wmrn~r:rver. [' - _ .x _ .. i,.
<br />PR6V1llED ALtYA15 end the rnatrumr t .. r.-uu.i aw ddrv ! u~ w-..u h .~ ~ f he , t: r -
<br />SEYF_!Y_TrLQ!l~~fY JY~ y!>iRDR~4 FCRT(-°Nt~FE OL 4:`S 1". ~ j; -
<br />,_:,~bllan:
<br />with forefoot t:larceun, to~et her wilF aur]r chsrgrr and usi. en.en as mr. 'tee du., rani F, k. w ,tire -.. ,
<br />n><,rtga~.ro unw:r t t ems an[' uinn~
<br />'. ~ 8a pevnuaaory rn~tt uF even dare Mnwith ate! eecur,~tJ ere e~y, ~eeeu ta+t', by eaid ug l,c o ~ru 3 _
<br />rcKxg :rile ~
<br />rn °aa• Nd w ~+scan tLa perfnrrsuyoe of all the orris anu axdnecu>, eonw ik...reur i'ie ,erns a said noee~ r - mreoy t ~, p, ra,c i
<br />beraia by Chia ra(aretue.
<br />_ h u tlxt ~es~~ n aady[nearrect trf die pu-tiro hereto C uc r3va nwrciP(~ ehrt! else secanr any {ucure ad ru,~a roar. a sntd mur ,.
<br />by said mur _ A K
<br />tg+il~, and any aril v', fru4:b[ rinrr~ in a.kirb, t },r a c cnr: a uvr .hrr_t _g K f t ^.
<br />evd rr'r+rVPY~, !nw..ver avitlanced whethtr h ~ nu e book a t nc . uthera. Lse :"his m.rtg 8c ~,uL r. r furl ..(f., 1,. tna~
<br />the f~an..ica lrareW and their heirs scrod wrs any aksi r n .
<br />Par rep:~nrutivr.,. a gn5. -~u ^tfi at e. i,.rcu .vim rod h~•rr ncluo rr; f~,;tu n~
<br />wvnncaa, are paid :ri rul: wi[h inirrest. uccr,.. 'cu -r. .
<br />'CM aortgagor}_-... '+erei v atsylo _..... to ai .,o;tKygre all cents ant? rru~
<br />r'ls c ~u J c s f I p y e i ~ s•
<br />luny auttiurity. soul ruortgaQee ur rte agrnz at 4 .rcn. n detauli w F: .~ nrd
<br />=W cxR h r ~" C.. s y oll~r t
<br />ibaefrom and apPip nc~ xme w cht paymr t r ttraa n r
<br />prnc •p¢ ~a P ms. z5t7 c
<br />naimMSS W keep aai,~! property ra taoannub4 ~vnd»-wr~ nr to trier barges.. Pal rrxnca rot-ided f Se e: r n 7 - t h ima
<br />rent ar3ignnoent aFn11 cocrinur un force snail the un 'd ~us]a cx• ;f se - I t ,
<br />Per - - tS cwa. .., f,:;1: pa id_ Phe [axe f, .ut twsu.~ c herru ,:-r..~1~ r },'~
<br />Fuev~t or retard aaxt rwrrtga~e :n chr aol4cibn of xwd =_ams ray forn,iosnre o: uth~ -ice.. r.~rr.r.
<br />is
<br />Ilk faiitrrp of the vtgagve rn eaaerL auy cf rc.. -~, .is hereunder a ~ tr:rx enah not. tr c r.t [ ~ - of y `ri
<br />xamc a[ ari utdr trine. and to insect upsa a~ ,.c ,,. .n t w ~ K~ c . --rc rho ~S
<br />- mp.vanc t n al' th c s ar,d p ~:. n: arl.~ro. a. n u of tni. -i~..-„.~f..
<br />L srid nnutgafir%r5 shall cause m l>H W>a w a _.Ragee cha C ~ u ~ t unu
<br />of saed rite frerreby ws~r(d, L-rc future ad na-r, n•~+ t2 .,° f ~.
<br />s tudmR ate} ea temu c. err rcn 1 ~ -vf ,;r~. u - [ -, 4 -r f
<br />[bavrroi, and d surl m.xtgyfor -5.._. shah cortiPly wzLS .~;[ :he prow :cross rit sain no.., end of c.'v .owe ~~ £i
<br />orgy then .h _se prx :..n„, twl .r. ~ sJ. S~
<br />otherrur to remain in fia7i force and etfeci, and vid morgagcY =6a1! bee c clew! 4~ Lr N1s c:±x>: of L - sa u prt. f re ~. -e,t ~
<br />t4cLrre tLe r;>a4 of sa.d r~rx and aL' indebtwii.em, repr.::wlit~d thereby t be :mr:u '' ,:.. ;:
<br />c+r [wke asp rotb~;'e6~ arkicn rq ptctiucY Its right Appruxr.eni rui+, cd. ~~' ~n- e }>Hyahl• .n., i. ..rn the raKe. ii
<br />~lxiM :rxrrtyrgc shx~' ik bindutg axA .ynd ahak} ecure to the L+eneLR c.f chr_ 6.•ire
<br />.ccor~ im.n,.~._.;a
<br />rc~.. -:~~~t>s--.~ ~,,w ~ .t. _~ _» _ a~.~ ~ _,.: it
<br />:: :4 T^: Y;SV \4NEkE-J1=, sarl Jlortgayr",r. S.. 'm v° Yrervz r• ., e~-w;r)E
<br />,av~ l ~~ ~: r r`., t~~laL `~ t`` L _, t;
<br />'k' -F
<br />