<br />Ct1NTi2ACF 1'OR DEED ~~ """ !l ~f ~ Fj G
<br />iHTS A6R~EM~t1'!`, made and entered into this 9th day of June, 1882 by
<br />and betxeen C & N Properties, a partner5hi~ under the Taws of floe State of
<br />Minnesota, party of the first part, and Gary R. Mi'ck1e, a sin5le person,
<br />party of the second part,
<br />rJITNESSFTH, that tht> said-party of the first part in consideration of
<br />the covenants and ,:gr-eesaentt ,,P said party of the second part, hereinafter con-
<br />stained, hereby se „ s and agree, to convey unto ~~id partyaf the second part,
<br />.his heirs and ass#~ns, by a Warranty Deed, accompanied by an Abstract e:~idencincg
<br />good title n Dotty of the first part at the date hereof, upoh the pranpt and
<br />''ull perfor-^rance ay >a;d part~r of the second part, of his part of this agree+nent,
<br />the traot crf fund, lying and being in the: County pf Ha1T and State of Nebraska,
<br />des: iced s_: follows, LQ-wit
<br />;.~;t, ~?ne, 'w;, Three, four and Five, Block Eighteen, Bik'er's
<br />~dG#t;nn ~o t:he City Uf Grand island, Hall Count,, -debr~ska.
<br />~udecttr, reservations, restrietians an~i easernPr.*_v of retard,
<br />.f any.
<br />And sa4d rartY tsf the second Dart, a Con;? r ir~~ ,+ *he premises,
<br />hereby agrees to pay said part,{. o+ the ^~rst vast, at r u'e ~,, ,~rterlachen 'ark,
<br />~,lexanGria, Mianesota,pr at Suthnther pT~a~e 95 they may fr,vn brae totime
<br />designate i^ writing, as anQ,fQr~`thez purchase pric^ rat ;aid crernises, the sun
<br />Uf Two Hundred .`or±y '~:p,:sand'artd DDfI+~~ i$2~Q,#li1p.~~0+ ~o;iars in canner and at
<br />.irres .'oll~irinc~, to-wat:
<br />S1.JJ Ca,h pa,d, rec:int ref which ~s her•C*try aekri~rTedged;
<br />S:i~1,992.5c ',y assur„~r.•g anti agreeing tcs pap adeordfng eo its terms
<br />t'?at certain f4rse -rur-tyage, roar crf rr~rUrd ~n the ori9ina' ant~unt of
<br />bi;0,r.~:30.?0, laced AugJSt 2S. :4,~~.~, and f11ed September 12, 19?9,as
<br />~ocur~ent `+o. £-i1GrS99n;
<br />32G,<~0(' t1G ay asu,Tinc ano ac~rw~i~,y '-~ pay acCOrdrng L^ 9tS t@rrrs
<br />that rertair .t~cond r'tESr°tyagc~, row Y'rf r-etLtrd ~ thr r~ri3ir,aT ar~unl of
<br />t
<br />3;F0,rJflU.>>0, Fated s7rCO'~er i .9Iu tin,~i f~tie3 1lctobF~r 1,7, ~.5?8as Drrc~a~nt
<br />Ito. 7E;-00&5?;
<br />$i.9,00f.4# ~ayahle i r*it:rr,hi~ n::tailments `~3r interest an*J pri~r<:i_
<br />pal, to ccmnenee ar. July i5, 19bt ~ ~~ do ,e Cain; :_n or befflre he t5tr ,, 3y
<br />Gf @aCh d71d every (7lQnth tAeCE•af ter -'ntli :une L`;, ~i 984r at whiC h. tt,llr the
<br />principal ba-]mace r~aininrg unpeid tU,;etw,er .rich any interest ou.^ ther6i;n
<br />Shall be d+Ie and payable. Said ,ntlnthly payment-; to inc?u3einterest fa ~~
<br />the date her?af at the rate o: nine ~:!1Cj aeac~nt pYr ,~annua+ ~~r, ^~ontbly
<br />halances. Saic rr.«ntH;y payments shall y,F n the araUr.nt rt ~~ne iho+~sard
<br />-three =iundred s=ift} acrd r~/ICItJ s3i,350.?tJ, Dollars duriry tfae ^n~nths cf
<br />May through "ctober, and in the arwuni ..^,f "trot Hr:ndret7 Fjfty and fJJ/IC1Q
<br />(5450.00) Dollars dGrTny the months =?f kov~r~er ti;raugr, ;:.fr#T. ~lotwit!~-
<br />standing aayihing to the contrary ci~ntainec: herein raid -~orthiy payments.
<br />shall increase at the tseginning of eaih contract Year ty ten (1!?%j rercent
<br />o{ the amount duE Bath rtrUnth ~n the prior contract year. each CUntrdCt
<br />Year shall commence 4ith the pa;/r;rent due Ur, ,July T.Sth anG conclude ~Nith fire -
<br />pay~oent due on June 15th. ,'s an exaapl?, the pa;rnents ~'ue cluriny the months.
<br />of May through f3ct~ber, 1983 shall 5e in the anount of 'i.I,4HS,(JJ, xhil2
<br />those ca+mFencing in ;lovert;ber, 19&3, and continuing tiar,~,ugn April, 1'?8G,
<br />shall be is the arnourrt of 5495.v~J. Pay rent, ;hall de appli<_d `irsL Ce
<br />accrued interESt and only then to tha reduction of "he printiNai. par-#y
<br />of the seccn~: part reserve; r_he right to gay this ~.:ontr3ci~ i`~r ~eedi;n-
<br />ful l or in part ^,ricr tu` r,!aLUr i ty r<# thout penalty.
<br />,aic par. y Uf *_he second part farther cavFrrants acid r e2, ~s fdtTr~tr,;
<br />to pay all taxes ave and payable in the year :gb2, and defcr_ t.e_r,al'-.b attached
<br />'here` '~ }-
<br />-~
<br />~o, ~,, ~uz4, ore and payable ;r, suvsequen year a.,c~ 1 ~ -:•<r , ra _s cuss-
<br />menu her eta'vre '~r rerea`ter 1tvied9 apse Lh„' ,.a,y ti ~l..a r;u nr- 7 rpe ,,y z:R~,~•;
<br />.nr~ C i ~a.d land, ~ r :rhi;:h ~hiil l '?ere8, tar ;>F er4?Cti~~ N ~ goad r liar n igr~r.^,,
<br />Sha t !fit ~ Y~LV~ th8_r~"YfX~, ~~~t iC:di} `u8 ~,'PE ''fA:u r .F ~ ,~.. - f1?a? p,;r t:;)+
<br />of he rr^cT ;part -.tntil this C6ALrdCt ~ha3l '.~~ fU'"t ', w4~r"nrr^;;tc_ ~ ~~ i,r~ 7n'tY of
<br />the EC '3U part, t9}i:J dt hl~; tHki"! eXpen$e, `tQ kf PC :t 1?e iH+i i:j;1'i-.^s=. 6: Ct 5~1.a ", r•+.,. ,$~~.
<br />