<br />~... e~
<br />tender,! ure made tY2e
<br />hY?~Ld and G~cP,CE' E. KYA14T,
<br />part, and ~~1T~ESH ~~'Ad2FSS,
<br />i.h sect=,~d ;?art'.-.
<br />AAiT : C3F I2IGET C&' FdAY 8~ °'° h} ~ ~ ~ s
<br />u~~
<br />:..',-?~i, ,day caf , 1382, 4~etween ARNOLD C.
<br />husband end wife, part= cif the first
<br />INC. , a Ne6r~s;ca corpsratan, x3azty of
<br />Pert,' of the first. pdrt has acquired title as ±enants ir.
<br />_ .;:,:iron b',~ ~i~:ed o€ cony •~,asace frcam Turner. Gratin Company, LTD-: ,
<br />rco~rded :._ C+~•c.: ~30. bz-0027'64 to the South Ka if 4S )' of
<br />S^r.tior. x !`cY TcSwnship T:.tel,ve ;12) - rth, Ftanc}e Twelve (12)
<br />Ldes+, "c.sl. L,ur,~y, nxcep c3 part' ea t.ze ',southwest quarter (SW~ai
<br />a^d Yart ~: the . ~ rthwest quarter oS t"~_ 8ca~avheast- quarter
<br />(~wyS.+Ai c~a-+__ ~~~ariv descrihed ir. their deed €f cnnve_ranceand a
<br />~'at ~'` •.~;:ich _.-, attaehed hereto fer reference...
<br />. t r ~ _ v2:e .second .part I:as acquired title bp' deed flf
<br />canve;~arr:~ `r:.m ;~.zrrer E3raia Ccsr.~gany, L'["D. , recorded as Doc. '30.
<br />72-602642 ~ the Southeast. Quar!~r of the Northwest t~u;~rter
<br />~-
<br />~ S~'.°,ti~~~t i •zn,? *•~ '~c+ ...r:west Quarter = the ivortheast Q;arter
<br />SSSJ~i*:~.',? ~.::d ., ~7;a-r ~3art of't?te-S~ut,~west Quarter. (S~';a) .nr_ uart
<br />the .~ =hs..~- ` ~,u. ~~er of the Southeast Quarter (A~t.'xSn <)
<br />Sect'_~,n ~>.. ;5~ .,..n_aip ?'c~elvP (3.2) :3tirth, R,an~7e wake ' :';
<br />west, Exa~l C~JL;1~,<', et~-a., ~. vrhich--was excepte~3' fresm t'~4~ ~~_~ .-.
<br />the f~LSt "r' ..::;i ~a_t~ci:larlt, ..escrbed in the d~ara ..,~
<br />CC^\'~y dnC~' tG ..... _ ,'~c'c as~d: :.n t~1L. p~:at a3?iCt'A 15 ~ :ChC.C
<br />P er~'tG .OT fe YE: fQ:,^.CE'..
<br />lce,-~ss ~ ; h~ -c:a, st:*.te ~?cscrzb~d '_ . _h~_ eev ,rccnd
<br />party _ro^i the p::n,-ic :-~zd .-.. :u_=ate <~rxur :hi.^r_ _: ~3~ ~~r;ri-
<br />nates t '_he west ac~u:~c~x ~_ _~i~r, Si>: ,*,? - >s~Lr end acco~:;
<br />a ^crr.icn _." t;;e ~!~- --~~_+*_•_ _~rve~y~d __ .F:~ __rst wart, ._~:d
<br />.3Ea.ineated as _sozr.~ .- , . _~. c' _ _<~che . ~~_~~ -i.:d ;.rh~c:•:-t _ _vate
<br />roac' ~:o the .:p_.:;re.~~r,ts ... _aF _:~nc .~_qui ca _ i-_~. 3.
<br />P.ccass tc t]_at portico .. tn.~ _~4*_hc -.' _ ~;aa ___ ,.. `.he
<br />Nor*_hEast ~;~~uazter (.G~-,^,L•.9 ~~:•: aG _<~s ~ _ _ ~ar~~ ,. - z.=e'~ ~» ~,~p~d
<br />ay 5ecand pazt- __ =~L~nq :.~ .o,t._ 'c t :_.- one. _.. ~ ~ t ~ Soi.th-
<br />east ~uarte_ (SEi'~} ,_ ,tz -r:.:.~_.. _. ,w~ec, _,p =_ ~, p.t~t~t,
<br />C OF.:,,'tC T_lC ~-C:Q 3t t.^.~ .~ 3t~ '-_n. [L ~'~~ `.' ~' _r7 _ l .._ -, P::1 ..CCi tip
<br />JE..+~Cn .'.dT't+ ..• t.1L ~_. _. _- t)c (Jt=) '~ .._: ,_C:. ~.... )ry '.a::1Ch
<br />~~C1P,t~~.:, .:jJ',-'. 07_7 t..GYti.i ~~GG.'_~ i`E'0t ~--a~i `_ _ ~^F_~ .?G'_Ct:W.~t` COSn~r--
<br />e
<br />of tt:E- -~uti, ??.1~ `,SLj ~ '~-cr:.o^ i.: t61 .rd ciznv~.~~~z a~:
<br />tc_^ess ~c ~._._ _ _~ica ,_ ~h+_ ~~_~::e3 1~3_ter ~gw a~) ~,-
<br />Sectic. _.. tai _.,r~zu5t .._ Twee.- rrax. .~w _~wn=~c `i~.;t
<br />~J1r _.S .. ar> d._~'l4 _ ._., ^Gi ~~'] GOL'a. ._ ~,.,.C _ _at': ~ ~'a _INast
<br />,, ,13 T_'u@T ~ i$h} ~Ot.'~E'L'C~^.~ dt ~1P vci ct _.-a.~ _TiC~ ~ 't1C `_r3C `. Oi
<br />.arc owner ;, _,~cond na ~.n _ -=,li^eate~~ ~. p .~ E =. -- tnc
<br />atta~.ner_' p1.~t. r~ra,.e ~~ ,.._ _art: _. - ~~::c: "art _; ~~s-rc: in
<br />?:ire So+~~~. c3at~ ES~1 ~.~ ..e~ticr? Eix i 1 ~.~~ _~., ~:zr`y to r_paoh
<br />aoa>,.. _a Xhruug^ ~ ate, ~r~i .,ra~._ ~., ,~n-_ t~, ~.. d.visior,
<br />~~*;c~ :,e*_i•een zh+~ _..~.~ . r;;ivey.- tc .._ ~; ._ t; .... itt:~ land
<br />_ _ ,
<br />., ~.•rei, tc >eccn~ rrr :rn_ ~a~~ _._ ~c_~_s ;prr~..~.-rite..p
<br />~G~ f~_et :vest cr_ ~~e .-~~t~riv bCUi1G3 _ _;:e .-3ad 1< ~ _w,d ~.n
<br />t?~e ~c•tt, .?a? ~ {S~) n~ Sectica _.. e, r .e~~~ -d __ ~ ~o-d c.a:rty.
<br />:70~, _:it:l. ~~3 r~, '_t?18 _..,--~J. .:_ ,._.. ~... _. -i _ .c'. t. .... 'Ji -. ..a:'. .: E'
<br />_ wi'i a. .- ~:.5"rPt.LEi.?.,_ ..,1 .....-. ..._-.:y 111f'r ': T_~. .. ~~._ _..~ :"Ut.~7.. .("13n._~.
<br />-~ + x ,
<br />_ . .. 9,. ~.s - =',~ t,~ .__ .. _ = z . _ ~D~ F :F t'--i -_8 ~f'!'gC 11 t.
<br />-Lt.;r. _.- ..fur. a.. .,..~. ._~ .: , ~ _, _F,.:. __ t: .- .._. _-4t F ,i.. ...._ -~<
<br />_~~
<br />