<br />~2-- i~U28t5~?
<br />I'?JDIFICATIOe~i ANL7 F~iTF.~YSICh'~T AGFiF~7!+~'
<br />Herturt ~. Roesex and I:.a.~vita It Rawer, H4zst>$nd and Wife, whether one
<br />cr rmre, herein c~.lled the !~irrt~arr and The C)ver2and National Bank"of Grand
<br />Island, Grand i~Iand, xsatl Craunty, Nebraska., herein called the ~{ortee; ::ereby
<br />agree as fo13o~;s:
<br />1. ~klrt{zagor; k' ~ exc~2itcc•. ~:rd dc:l i ver~c{ . a ' a~z`t~a~~~ •~ F:irsi real
<br />estate !Ix~rt~age dated F~h'cua1~' 1, , 1981, and Iwcorded Februaz^t" 2; . 1:?81. .~s
<br />Lkx:~.anent Nc>_ °1-OOQ;}'L3 ir. the Office o7 thf~ _. ris+,Er of 'lords, H:~U Cr~Lmty,
<br />~ehtaska, in coru-i.d?ration of tize ~Yhrt~aa~-~>.'~ czrrtain rc>rtF*,ab;F: ante for
<br />~9;Op0.00, 4vhich is a valid subsisting cibligaTion of the 1lorrk;a~~r, <znd I.hat
<br />I7&kT[Y'[!t o± the rc~ia.incier o~f the priraipal a.~td accrued intel-est therein w~.11
<br />be due accx~rdi.ng to ttae te3zsts of the aforc3nezitione<9 first. real estate mort~tage,
<br />crzli.fier: and payable in the ~c~21Uw1ng mar2nex:
<br />"='!ze Iinpaid nrincipai balance of ~4G630.3&, «11i tx> re*~aid
<br />on I]ec:~er 2! . I982, with intez'es'C clue and pa~~at~-ie rn~nthl}~
<br />on the 27th ~~f evert•monthb~iraein~;July3;. 1982, and at
<br />rntui~it~, at the rare ~oY" 12.0°x,frcm .Ie~ne 29. ]98?.
<br />2, a21 :;ther terns and: aOndit:icazzs c~iztair_ed ir. the car^.~Tinsl :first
<br />real estate riort~ze dated Febrvarv 17, 7~3, shall :~r~iie the same, and this
<br />Modificaticx rand E:+ctension :1gre°~ntris r!rade" a fart of the +_~ri~i.nal first
<br />real estate rrorttzage by rnSercnce and sh-a1T inure to a,;l succesvc~rs and
<br />assigns and their heirs.
<br />i,
<br />3tiated t:h3s 29t}; da~~ of Jul, . ~32~ ~ ~ / J
<br />;:
<br />,f~ ' ,/ ,
<br />--
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<br />~"x.F t~~:Pi z~'jl;:~AT I(Yv~AL T ~'"71iOF('}2tiyi)~~LA^'
<br />`G~.~' rs+--+- ,jam/
<br />Sl:al'i; OF '~Ff#2~~.4 )
<br />> »_
<br />c~f.^d1Y OF HALL )
<br />}3efore icc=., a rxx:~z-:~ }~.sbtic q;zalifieci ,''car said c~4unt5. j.~rsc.nal?v
<br />caneHert~rt ~i~. Rc~~er yrd I:atlita K. ~~~r, Husi~arfd and itiife, Y7xwn to :ne~ to
<br />bN the ident.icat p~i;xins' wtx~ sigzzed tt~. for~~~in~ instt7g;rrt and ach,~owled~;ed
<br />the execution thert'trf to i~ his azx3 he'r vr~lil.>}C.aTC €=,ct and deed.
<br />Viitness ;rc i~nd ~d notarial seal on July L9, 19fi~.
<br />~r-Mns'r-wr r w.~r
<br />MOfAM Q ~LONC >
<br />`'~Ltiib ~ _ _--
<br />;;.~
<br />Z7Jt1"iI'Y QF ll4Lt~ +.
<br />HeiCr r(' ;;~. a not ~[G' C7liTJ: ~ - ,i .I . Fra ,`C1I `~~L7. _ ~ilfl ~'; f~"KinJ.l L'
<br />c~a-ne Cfa.il Er:in:nind, inati+r t:c: ^~ :.c~ 'e'`*hc Kr,tir Ll t~,?~~ n ;:ix~ ~~-'Il-xi Ckli'
<br />`o;t'.go~s:~ i.tst,~rz~nt at<3 :zc};r~nhl~r~~>d r.:ie ~~ c u[ t~ z i,r:;•~~,I t: tY hi s
<br />Z~lL~t~~ aii and c~~et3.
<br />#4'it'~ctis a,y t><in@ at2u ~cr,:::. i ~~,a' x~ I~L'_~~ ... _i>ti~S1'.
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