<br />-the owmers, as tenants-in corunon, of the following described
<br />real property:
<br />1. An undivided one-half interest in and to the South-
<br />xalf of the P_pt_heast ¢uarter {SASE,} and'ahe Eas
<br />13aIf of the Souhwest Quarter yf the..Southwest ¢uarter'
<br />(E~SSE;SW~}, both. Section Twenty-three- (23), Township
<br />- Eleven (11); North, Range Nine (,9) , West of the 6`th
<br />~. '~., Ha11 County, Nehraska, containing eighty two
<br />i82i acres, more or less, excluding, the property "
<br />conveyed in the following described<deeds: - {1} War-
<br />ranty Deed recorded 3j18/74 in Baok'174 at Page 234
<br />as amended. by Corrective Warranty Deed recorded 4j19/74
<br />in Baok 174 a Page-475 {2} Warzanty Deed recorded
<br />12/31/79 ir. Book i?7 at Page 32;: (3J '+~arranty Deed
<br />recor~ed 12J31J?4 in Book_la7 at Page 32; {4) Warranty
<br />..Deed recorded 12/31/74 in Book 17? at Page 33t (5}
<br />Warranty, Deed:recorded :1'jbj69 in Bcck ~~° at Pag@,
<br />I14; (6} Warranty Deed recorded 3j25j?', as 7ocumient
<br />77-p01479; (7)_ Corrective ¢uitclaim Deed retarded,
<br />July ";`1984,:as Document-80-00329!1 and excluding'
<br />all easements, rights-of-way and roadways o* record,
<br />and
<br />2. 1n undivrded one-half (lj2) interest in the North
<br />Half (hk} of;Section Five {S}, Township Twenty-three
<br />(231 North and the Southwest Quarter 'of the Southeast
<br />Quar*_er CSw~tSE~i) SectionThirty-two (32),TOwnship
<br />'I`~renty-Four (24) North, both in Range Six (6) , Flest
<br />of the 5th F. M., Tintelope County, and
<br />WNER£AS, the parties hereto have ~uzchaser3, as tenants in
<br />common, the remaining one-half interest in and to the-`first
<br />above described property situated in 8a 11 .County, Nebraska under
<br />Contraot dated March i, 1980 and have purchased `the remaining
<br />undivided one-half interest in and ro the property described as
<br />Items above, lor.att~d in Antelope County, by Cor.*ract c?ated
<br />January 23, 1980, anti
<br />WHEREAS, r_he abo~~re described Contracr_5 z~r~~ c•n an installment
<br />basis calling for annual t>ayments wir_h Ualloon :payments on both
<br />Contracts due on March 1, 1990, and
<br />WHEREAS, it is the intention and 3 sire ~~~ the parties that
<br />the ownership and control of said `arras be ;rait;tsined solely by
<br />the parties hereta and that said properties re,nain dnencumbered,
<br />non-assignable and non-transferable, as more partir-~larly here-
<br />after set forth, "
<br />NOW, THr,RErOr2E in cor.sideraticn of Ten Bol'_ars (510.!)01, the:
<br />mutual promises of the par*_ies, and other good and valuable cor.sd-
<br />eration, the parties- aq-ee as follows:
<br />1_ F3cth parties hereto ac:r~,F~ not to mortgage, %lr.cige, sssgn,
<br /><?r enc:imber, w} tho~:t the writteze consent of .the other, .:i:e un-
<br />d_•.~i.cied interest that each parry owns in the property ti.tlcd in the
<br />naztx of each, as above set forth, and each furthez agr.ce5 nc~t to`
<br />assign. pledge, riortgage, transfer ar encumber any intezest,that
<br />teach tray have ' n and Lo the install;tsent Sales: ^iar.tract by which
<br />*--hey have purchased an uneivrdec one-half'iztcexast sn artd to'the
<br />above; described rccperties locates: in Antelope ~bunty and Ha 31
<br />1 Cn;.nty, ?dnbrasF:a.
<br />