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<br />82w. t~tJ2F346 <br />G U.z1:~ANTY <br />2. Richard L. Alderson, joined ~"rity wife, sharon L, Alderson, t~reby-request Five <br />lints Bank, l~reiraafter called the "Barak" to give and contfl.nue to give cz'edit to <br />Must ratings, Irc. and in cansideration of all aru3 any stix;h creca.t given, I <br />hereby unconditionally guarantee arcanpt payment to the Barilc when due, of any and <br />all :rtes at any made ix said debtor to said bank and any realewal ar xenewa2s <br />thereof, together with any other ikedness {row existing ar hereafter ncurre3) <br />of said debtor t, said Bank arising fxcm bozznwirags ovezdrafts, notes dismounted <br />' or otherwise. The Bank shall. rrt be ,required bo first P against the;deberar on <br />any cost due obligation, this f ranty being atasolute -in r~stx~ct to- psr~nPt 'AaYni=nt- <br />~tny and all rerae++als, ex~~ensions, anodificatans, n- alterat?;ons of any indebtedness <br />or obligatior, of the Guaranteed ~ the Sank, are e~ressly mar3e t~Cn the faith arx3 <br />edit of this Gl3arant}', and are tr,e oonsideratian far the extension of this Guaranty. <br />`'~' Lability raerein sha11 rot exceed 'T'hree Htux~red Thousand Ibllars {S3QC,(~04.00) , <br />although the *xntes, ~->c?ebtedness or liability of said ciebtx~r'to the r7~ink may exceed <br />said armunt; a:xl the 3anic ^aay,wi.thautraotice ~ me elc~--t ttae specific r:ctes, indebt- <br />ed-aess or liability this Guaranty shall apply to ard,fztun time ~c r~cie :ray change its <br />election. <br />I charge :ay .separate property which I now own aracl all whicY: I ray !t~reafter aa7uire <br />grad ail rry interest is_ all ca*me~zai.ty ;nzc7per~ty in which I now: bare or -ay haL-e a-a i.n- <br />terest or of which I '_~ave the macaaganent, ccintrol or disposition and.:ra:Ke this Guaranty <br />with referecxae ~ and or. t_}r_ `at3: anc3 crc~t of all :z;y separate 3r~ ca~arminity pr-cperty <br />which I now awn cr :;ay hereafter ac~aire grad. ncLudinq all procerty which I may own in <br />~mrota ar ,Joint "~nan."y and 4rith t1-ae .nterat to charge t2ae same with tte payment hereof. <br />Specifically, I ;-~r-~, assign as secrn^ity for: this Guaranty all of'the right, titre and <br />interest which I ha~~e ~.n and. ~ the real. estate set forth in the attached F~ab;_t y, <br />which is a photc~upy of an "Agee-~.nt and i3ption", to said f'i:ve Points Basic. L: the <br />event that Five Ebints Bank mixes d p~:rsaaant to: this C1~rahty, hc.n ` ~ - <br />then agree to ~i.rcise :ry option ts~ sell pursuant ~ said "Agreement' grad Option" and I <br />furtlLr assign tc said Fi.~e lints Basic 31.1 of the azet pmc~eds which I receive frcrl <br />sale of the real. property :?escri:k~ci iz: said !-~thibit .. <br />I hereby waive notice of the acceptance of this Guaranty and of the giving of credit <br />fruit tine to tine; arr3 consent b a:rv n,naF;er of ex~.,ensions car renewals o :iny ::ote, ir,- <br />debtec~aess or liability for any pericrly c.~itheut noric~ tc me, and waive notice of no7;- <br />i~Y~nt o£ the sane and :°ray resewa;.s tiacr~.f. <br />'t'he Bank is authorized to :rcxiif}~ any agrc-~re~tg collateral wi`.'tout Limita- <br />tion, and may sell, exctamge, cancel, release, su~rerxjer, realize upon ax otha_rwise <br />dE~ai mortis in any mariner and in any ordP~ ail or any i>ar; of the ~13aUeral, s~~c.~uity <br />and pLnperty pledged to secarc the L;_edness, and s~~cii r;ndifications of agrr_~merts <br />ar such dealings with collateral, securibf or pra~pe.:ty s:aa11 rot i.;par, :P.-Vanish or <br />affect in any manner the lability of the. :'•Y~rsigraed. The isank is ,-.a~'iea:^ no obligation <br />tD first resort ~ or extaaust its ramdiea. against the debtor or any other persc7ns, or <br />m resort ip ar exhaust its remedies agairis arty collateral. securit}' ar p.roper*_y <br />~rlatyoever. <br />'17ais ~saranty shall ~ntinve indeZinitely and nothing sl-,ali ;~f°~t my Arability <br />exa.'ept recezpt by r~ae Eiank of written> nptice from me of the discontinuance trereof, or <br />rotice of mf death, but ternainatian shall a~ot affect tiro existing obliga*ions, and <br />in the event of MY death, my aialigaticros Gtwl , mntirue is fu) 1 force and effect <br />against m!' estate; and my liability in respect r1-ieretn shall mntinue although such <br />notes, i.radebtecUaess or 2iabili*_y may, from time to tine, be ext~njeci or renewtci. <br />'I'bis GUazanty shall raol• be affected icy the death ar disability of'anY a~-gayarantnr <br />and th[a release by figs Bank of any yuanat~or from father liability tv the Back: ;-uxiez' <br />~.. <br />