<br />~ ~larcan#~ ~nm~tery Deed
<br />_ ST:~`Et~iENT AT7~1~HEq ._.IN_.
<br />~ wESw~s~ ~P ~~x 11N1r ltB~[O~I1[L 'PARK
<br />
<br />of and.Iaiaad, Nwbra~ka,
<br />s wmetery xssociatioa
<br />J U ~ 1 2 1$8? mcorposatad under th.
<br />~~~~ ~~ camekary Iawa of ~
<br />u'"'' ~~~~ 3ta1:~ of N~brasfca
<br />TFDa LwID)ch1'iZFR.~i.'l~tWe-ahlt__-"` ` pt---_--___s_,x~1G~S:--^--_-'---_----A. D., 19_ ~_.
<br />Eetwesn RTJ'7r.A~.WN tl[fafOtjAL FA~i:C"CiaRlEAYpF 6RANI-IRLADID.MLE~MRA,.'PYxat. party,
<br />and -___,`~.nu~.,~ F:~rai r"a~t7P. a.. ~!2is~e~7i:t ~'' ~_ .
<br />~. ~ _~_--
<br />----'"?-~ -?~_'~~:. ~~_,'~n,t.ti~ S._an.~_~_rto~ a_~? .t.~Tzya_cv_m_xzn,_w:t___-_-
<br />---- -- - --".t~u~,~~- -- -_---. ------- -°- ---.. -- -------~ Second Yarer•
<br />wL'rNreaaterH:. 'resat-PYtet Party. fdr acrd in coaeMderation of tAe sum. of<
<br />,.
<br />__ ur,~,R cia .trt2 ,:~ _ U i < e _ vcz.u~uv.t,e z~~ri~
<br />_--__ -__.~_--------- ------- ------------__----------D~Lt.Axs
<br />the Taotlpt ~'haenerd L hsretq sclknwie6[M, hra said and hY thnr present dop [rear, eloove7 affi confirm
<br />uatotlfr-fstaed Yang and. to ascwid Party's hairraadart[na .::.12i~_si?_~.''(~i~_",dZ_lu~u.
<br />p ~~ --_
<br />_,- rli~ -.2 .. ..t LR~.? &~ '.E:A 13tit'.YRi'.~, ~.a._lfj~'_,}QC~.LtS v ~'A(YCtrr3 -0
<br />r-n ___ _ _ __. -__- ..,-~________ ____...7.__.._._______~______.~___.____.
<br />__~~.....-___~__.____.._._ ________ _.,___._:.__ ______._______,:__Ct WL9'IZ.AWN:A[>CIIORIAL"PARK
<br />of Greed Liinul, NSDRaka..alUlated..ia Hilt t:atutty, NeDraaka, a ccateteryto De toad for tatermmt pur-
<br />P~:awty, Dsia~:so dedicated aeddeclarsd, tae: Pttat ot. audcemeierybetatB:reeordW.ta the..oftlcs of ttie
<br />Reyt~ of Deela o! Hail t?ounty Naeraekae
<br />'I7tY dW Lr wbjacl. to all taws of ttu State of ~Iv`.atsraaka, attd to all Dy-laws, rule eta! re[tiladons
<br />°! W'LlE.ALN~SM~tpRylti. PARt[.. CJLId`I'6RY o' (:raad:Ietand, Netrraaka,.and-:toany ctutejee in said
<br />laws 17hIwt0: Stir arei retWaa{1gya,
<br />Aay. itatrisr of Cttle at exyy parC o+, the aN:ae 4rp:rlMd property sAell nct..Dw valid tmtii ;the aamr
<br />tfae Min racerded ^paa the beOki of fht Ctret F"arty.
<br />tt'lST2.ARN MtE1lGR3;AI. PARK [.`~ryy>~'I'.6R I' <~F f...,.'„d3> I31..AND. N>LBRAa1G\. heretiy cove-
<br />nanta and a[reee to and wftfl the $ccetd l'arty..aad...wft11 :~• Zieln and aatlRns of the $e¢sssn6 Yarty, t7!at
<br />at IAS alms o[ the ezacutlon and .delivery of Sheae prcaenL 1[ L iawt-.ally seised of said premlas;.:that 1t has
<br />[nod rt[At and larrtui atttJiaciGy. W convey the atan,+g;..tAyi t1;ey ve Crer Irom encumbraeoa u1,d ?Ynt Party
<br />doss Iferely covsoant to rar[aatand delSnd SAe. pre'mtKaatC.ainat Nc iaw7W tlalma of atl MTeone whornecr-
<br />QYK.
<br />1t'1iTLAt~'Y YZ>ttORIAL PARK CC1[PTER Y' GY GRA:.'U IBLAS~D. :7CSRASKA. agrm to fur-
<br />nL8 perpetual care, adminLtrl clon and maintenaxe o! Chc above Jos.: ri[red prernfees as providM by iu bY-
<br />iawa.
<br />LY WITYla21 W'NiRlAI, The said WbBTI~AK'N HDl(]RIAL PARK f~IIM.1CT1.RY iJ Cr GR.t~YD
<br />Iu..tND, NiC6RA8KA, iue hertunto ta:ued its rorpun.tr xW t~ be aiflzed and theee preaenu to br alYneJ
<br />Ly Ira lireaidant Ne day and year tent abevs v,-rfttcr..
<br />M?YILAWN liSMOA,IAL /' C~(,?I~7~-a~F GItAIVD 11i1.A2iD. Nlll~Aal(A
<br />sy_______.-___.__ ,. ..- -~~y_~,,L~_____
<br />aTATi Ql NffiRAdICIti ~ -- ~~
<br />sa.
<br />C02?N1T Oa' IiAI.I. i
<br />pre tlr~.--^~g`'---asy of --_ - _. ~ ~,: ~~'.
<br />- - ~, - - -------_.__.___ - --~--, ta------,
<br />- ------
<br />Mtore me LAs urtderai[ned. • notary pn+talic, ire and for seta cnunl
<br />Y add aLte,. Deraawily. carne ___._____^_.___
<br />r
<br />. ~:~ ,a
<br />;'resLdwt at t>V~eaiiawn Yomoriat Park Ce etery rt rand L'yn4 tiebreaka, to me penaas•Iiy`k3toam to !M-
<br />[tis Prerldsat and LN tdeAtical person xhoee. name is aftt:.sid Cn. the abuwe eoevtyance, and ~,C7FTwNV3ad[I><l..
<br />CAS ttiecLtltar thar'soL to be his votunury ati and decd 4a soon atttcer ami LUe rnlemtary aCt .anddesd"ofthe
<br />said WeetJaYa Ysmoriai Park Csm,ctery n1 Crand Liana, NrDraeka, wnd that the corporate seai. of the acid
<br />WeNl-rrn Yeenurtat Park Crtnettrp at Grand Island. i«cbrrska, wu thereto aiftxe4 by`ita aatitodty:
<br />t417'1~l[tia my hand etid mtarlai seal the Lp tuna year sari above enrttttn-
<br />r~ ~/i
<br />-
<br />