<br />82- ~i~2~3~'4
<br />~ Ularran#~ ~emeterg Deed
<br />~eN~D
<br />riT ~~ -I N-
<br />S-,a-c~'~~~ JL~Ir' Dt~~ORf1[L F188
<br />~~~~$ AMIP'fAX of Carand Ialaad; Nebraska,; .
<br />,~lkL 12 ~98Z` Inca ~tezy asfocietton
<br />=pozated under tlse
<br />~E~y~~-=-- ofinetrq iaws of ~e
<br />' ~ St~t~ of Nebraska pp
<br />TIl7f 3NDiidTilRl:.:]Made thY___~,a.~1..:day at______ M ____:.__.._A. D., 19_.3,t_~._,
<br />betwMn WRtll AWN ][ElfD~iAL lARi. GS1R19C~Y:01~'diRAND YELAND. NiaiA~4 Fliat. Party,
<br />a ,
<br />uW' _ _ ~rrnnnr~ T~L[Z~YtJdZ2L'1712:i ~~°_~Z[1:X3~JC'"~tt___--___T______ __-----, 1------
<br />_z'$+?si+i~?-_-^~a~ -_¢eJ~.~.~ %Et2IDiX.i9 47l'tt1_'_lID.L ~' :~f:'Lr31Lc ~. .U2 [~7tJ3?7[?_n~_u__~_._..
<br />_-~~Q-r- ~1tuzVTi.vflRd~.,.[+3' -------, 9esbtW Party.
<br />NRRSi~S'H: 7]ut F1rrt :Party. foraAd' is consideration of the sam; of
<br />,ez~.•~ail nz-._--S -..-~*pn JLD,dit~i2.._L~LZG(`i~Pllll= ~iYnn -__-_.:___-'_'-___:DOLLARS.
<br />s~[~...~. -___-_
<br />tt1a. rrCUlDt 1lCtlererf Ir hereby ar:knawledted.: has .sold aAd. by thtat. prpertta does grNt; CoAVey and Conrirra.:
<br />wtto the 9acond Party astd to Second Party's..hdra sad: aaal~na ._02_ u7 'ZE_S.lL!} Gri'IC~ nAi11VC~~L3 -----
<br />--- o ~ ~2 d11lLY.Li~!p,11 U -~?A17r_~i2Qt+ezs LD~ : /t~~ }~?CPiJJ~~j--=~-r:C~i:t77t_ f_.y r~-.--- ---'
<br />______--______._ _______ __-_~__ _________ ______~_-___~___of WEB'Tf,AWN MEHORSAL PARK
<br />of (}rood faland.:VCDruka, sttttatedin hall:Cotstty, Nebruka, a cemeterytoM aardforinterment pur-
<br />poor aely. britt~ so dsdiuted anddtcLsed,'the Plat ofkaldceAEetery DCiA~:remMad to the. office of the
<br />R~ of Desdr o[ H~ii,...ouAtY,,YaDraakti:..
<br />T7fY lard 4 su6iactto ail iaNa oe the.8tate of 3~ebrarka, and to di.Dr-laws,.rutr andrrsulation,
<br />of WEti'1'i.AWN MZN'ORIAL PARK.C,.iCatETERY of Grand Islaad.. ReDraaka, sad. tp any. chanter L~ raid
<br />laws, Oy-:awe, rttiea .sod. raEtilatioaa; :
<br />Any trawler of tisieof wy..past. of ;„e.MVe. d~,~.-+L.lipt+operCY shall Hat be vaifd tmW:.Ne same
<br />by baett raoorMd upoA:the Dtwka. at, the First..Petty,:
<br />WEitTLAWN 1[E>t[ORSAL PARK CEME?ERY G>T GR1ftI3 iBi.AND, NEBRASKA, hcreDy cove-
<br />Hants sad asreea: to aadyvtth the Second Party and with tsu hclra;:andari~w of the:Becond..Party,-Uat
<br />u tip time ~ the erecutfon and deitvery aL these preeesta It b 1awfWIY seised of pld premiw; tort it has
<br />- a-~d ri~lt aatl h-wtu! wtbority to coAVSy the acme. chat they are tree from encumLefaFe aa6 p'lrst Z'•arfy..
<br />dl»a hwDY covatactt W warrant aAd detead the premises a`aUyt the iswtW claltAa afatl. prraau:.w6oynp_
<br />crer.
<br />KrldY'LAWN M99iORLiL PARKC$MEfERX OF Gf1APiD:IBLAND..P11T~t~;.SKA. a~reato fts-
<br />ntrh perpstad care,: sdminlalrition and tnalntenance of stir above describedprea¢Irea u-.provided.. by lta..Dy-
<br />laws
<br />ISLAND. NiBRABICA, nu nereltato uuard i0 corporate and to be attired an4 theaeprerert4 to De alened
<br />Dy its president the day sad year first aboa; written.
<br />WEtlT1.AWN 9~It10R1A~P.~ 6ItAND IYLAPPD. FTZtiERAB[A
<br />+~.i y^/ j
<br />STATE OF NE6R.AiIKA, ~
<br />as.
<br />COVNT7 OF Hwii
<br />before me the uadenisned, a notary pubitc, 9naud for wld: caan wttd a
<br />t-7 tats, pereoadiy came _____~_______
<br />President of Wratlawa Yemiuial Pant Cemetery o[ Grand Inland, Nebraelca,to rae pereonaiYy3mmvn tp'be
<br />tae Prridan.t and the idrnLfcal perann whose mane is atthced to. tLe above conveyaaca, sad rekaaWledgad
<br />_ Lhe aaaCLtiOA theraDf to 'b! hie Foiuntary -cC and deed ae aitCh otftCet and thevoit>oitary aCt aAd dMd 6t .tilt
<br />add WeWawv Yeraoriai Park Cemetery of Gruld Liiand,:. T3ehraaka, .and that the cospaaate aed of ttie said
<br />Wertlawn 1lsAwr:d Park Cemetery of C;rand IaLnd,Hebraaks, war; thveW afftred by;iL aLthority.
<br />WITNlBB my nand and notartai. art] the day and year fast above wrt[ten,
<br />L ,,,--~-~1~-
<br />~z-~,,.. _i. ^R ....
<br />v^
<br />