<br />53-A-nEAt. EST'.AT~ MQgTGAGE-With Tax Clause ~Z..~ l~ ~...~ ~ (~ ~ Huf!^ran :tent FeEtun & Wulf, Walton.. Ne, 68463..
<br />KSVOW ALi..blEN &YTfIESEPRF:b"FNTS: TN.AT Arthur Niedfelt and "Mary Lee Niedfelt, ~
<br />j husband and wife
<br />I (Mortgagor , ~~.
<br />of Heal County, and State of 1+'ehra8ka ,. in con_gideratinn nt the sum of
<br />• ,finery thousand & No/IDQ----~-------.-~-_~~„_~____~,_'---______-----.~ )COLLARS !
<br />j in hand Paid, do hereby SELL arid`CONVEY onto- ' I
<br />~ E?ba State Bank
<br />I (Mortgagee
<br />? of 8owsrd County, and State of tiebr8ska the following described Premises
<br />j s~tnatca ,n Ball County, and St-atr of I~tebraska to-wit: The West Half of '
<br />! the Northeast Quarter of Sectio• shirtg Five (35) in Township Eleven (11}.North Range
<br />Nine <9} West of the 6th P.,f. excepting that porti~*n thereof deeded to the State of
<br />"iebrasica 'lore part3cularlq described as<foliows: __d inningg at the Northwest corner of '
<br />said t"htartcr Section; thence Easterly a distance o.f 13Ffi.48'feet slang the North line
<br />of said !}starter Section to a paint on the east line of the property owned by the
<br />. Mortgagors; thence Southerly deflecting G$$ degrees, 19 minutes right a distance of
<br />I assistance ufo1~24a76 feet~tohence G'esterly :ieflec~in~, G9I degrees, 2>~ minutes right,
<br />point on the west in'e o. said Quarter section- Thence
<br />Northerly deflecting G$7 degrees, l5 minutes sight a distance of 7G. G9 feet along-,the
<br />West line o.` said Qttacter section to the point of ~reginning'containing 2,GS acres, mare
<br />or leas, which inciud2s<1.37 acres, more or less previously oceuped,as publ c highway.
<br />Open End *4ortgage: '"his mortgage is slap to 6e'and continue to he-.from tLae to tine
<br />security for the paymertt of such loan of sums pf mon'ev as the mortgagee stray £ram Lime
<br />to time in the future advance to the mortgagee as evidenced by a supplemental note or
<br />' notes beet Pat to exceed the total of $9G,OOG.GG except for the advances that may 6e
<br />~ made to protect the security in accordance with the tezms of the mortgage.
<br />~ I
<br />"I'hc intvnhan being to c~tntN~~ h.•rt±by art abscstuty title in fee s'smpla.inctuding.. all the righ Gs of homestead :and dower. ~
<br />TO HATE A`.L Trr HOL~tbe premises'aM d~~crib w{..: with a8 the appureeaances thereunti beion3,~n~ unto the j
<br />~ .guts mortGar<-e a d fo iCs ~ C~+raya3as Or
<br />s-. ~: .: cn~•r, ~rovidrd always, and.. these E~rc sea ~~ are ~IH_ tt • express
<br />I coca rcioc that if Ur a(. -said mo ngageer £~1eiI het
<br />ra. execu tars, administrators nr :uxvigns ehati ~-ay c r a,rec to ~
<br />pars to the said m tgat;ee its ~~~~$u~C aSQLa
<br />or asaigos. thesum at
<br />€ Ninety thousand b `lo(lOG--------~~~ t
<br />^~'-~ ----~--~----SYAIaw;priy able as follows, to-wit.
<br />ninety thousand S Yo/IOG----_ Dol3ara.,n the 4th ~day nE October :3 g2
<br />Ik>-.step .the dav~nf
<br />19
<br />_ DoH_rn~mth" davof
<br />L3
<br />I Lktit.,r ,.,~ tkc dxyof l:f
<br />' Dolls n t ~ ~ d.{v !tf 1H
<br />i with in!eresi thereon at 17 )ter .tent p=r ant r _, naval ;e aanuatt• at
<br />RllaZter 1 setrordtng 'a the bsnor and cliect of
<br />~ a certain pn:xm csurv natc•.,f wi(d Arthur 'V iedf GJ,L and :Nary Leo 2~1ed£e1C
<br />I i
<br />or advgncea made in sccordan e with the Oper, °nd ?tort^ape clausei
<br />I cearurg r>.•en date rih thv=r pr ;e-n t~ r•~d •hal3 I It tas ~ aocf nv,~e m is ~rtad ut:vn rid cal e.ta te, and al! o~her taxes,
<br />1e~ies and +uarenmentx retired uf><m thir; mcrtgagr -r tar note which thw mrmgagc iv ,~rven Lo ecure, before [he name txvrme»
<br />i de:inquent. Peal ke.rp rite build k.. on wad p .,...t ~ f. t}- .u ~ 8 :f arty, payable to
<br />[he rzaid mortgagee, then tin = prr;:«~n r. to t.• vv d, ntnrr.~i _ rc be and e¢min in full force. sr
<br />IT 15 F'U RTHEK AGREED (1) Chat it the c rid mortgu f,or x?tall f.mil to pe such taxer; or pracu to such insruunce, t}re ~~
<br />said mortgagee r+~Y pax +uch ta: as and p oeu re -.b man an -:: acaj the -um s. ai-nnced, with interest at ~
<br />shall be pc;r cent ,
<br />paid br tars mortgagor and tl nortgaw I art ot%and :ut snz. Sv G;r the ianw. .2) That a failnro to pr..y any of kid r
<br />I money, eit}rer grin ;pal or m r vt xhen .hc ~mc cx•.arnee due, ar a ar r e to cr n ,,la with any of the faregcring agreements,
<br />- shat cause the wh-la sum of m rti hc•r-m area red a ~
<br />r
<br />n 3.tecome due. no .y~tlt=ctibtt t once at the oyyGpn of the mortgagee.
<br />~_ ( Signed this 2nd day cf July td $
<br />In pretence of
<br />I y~~ ._._.... . .. .... ....___ _. .__..
<br />I C ~~~ i
<br />I ,
<br />F STATE OF ..._..... Nebraska c'r,u ' R .yard ~.
<br />Befn re me, a notary Laub is qualified for said cprzRLy, pemnn.a3lgcame ~ ~t ~:; ~ ,
<br />v...'.!~ .il
<br />1 Arthur Niedfelt ant' Hary ~. Nredfelt - ---
<br />known to me tote the identr$l xrs~,1 or Irersorz4 w•ho signed the foreg~inginsirument andaelrnt. -+dacd t}e esecaiun ~.
<br />fhereo( to !r~ hie, her or their voluntary act std drY•d_ .
<br />i
<br />:'. t li itneaR my head and Parapet xat mr .7u! ;* 2, ,q,?
<br />'+ .C - ~ i - -" -.-i
<br />j 3iy curarnSssian e>rprrr~s_._.__. ., _. ~- / ~. 9-.
<br />-~ _. - ~ __ _ _ ,:eltutary I'ubltc
<br />__""
<br />~ 1':ntz re•a,` sn nun , r cat index rind $.!ea ~. rrc .nt
<br />Ca.unty ..__._..__. _. __. _ ~ -inthE ire>iae.r ,t ~:e~dsL}It;.x of aak3Caunr; 1.6c
<br />... _. _ da;~ of .. ty at•..., „......... ..G•GZ(kK wed
<br />. .. ~.~.
<br />':~ am;l raxor:Ird in l,~'x. _..._._~ .. .:.. __, cf_. ....._. _........,(:ai t>age... :
<br />.. ,. <: ;
<br />