<br />$2-"~; i1.2 ~33:~
<br />ASSIG~8T~7T OF` MORTGAGE - cbrsxozation
<br />tCNQw ~ MSN HX TI3ESE PRESENTS. That Staperiar Mnrt9age, Inc. a corporation,
<br />~Ye party of the first part, in consigeration of the snn of Forty Four'Thousand nine
<br />hundred and No/1t70---~----_•..______ Oallars larcfiii money of the United 9tr~tes of
<br />America, to it in hand paid by BANGO MORTGAGE CANY', F, O, Hox 780 waterloo;
<br />Irwa, ,07Q4, a Corpnratianthe party of the second part,atorbefore the
<br />ensealing and delivery of these presents-xeceipt wisereof'zs hereby acknowledged,
<br />has grant ad, bargained, sold., assigned, transferrer}, and<set over, and, by these
<br />presents, does grant, bargain, sell, assig±;; transfer, transferred,-and sat osier,
<br />unto trie said tarty of the second gart, itssnccessors and assigns, a certain
<br />I.IDENTT&2E OF M]ATGAGE, Bear3 date' 15t of July: , i9$C , Recorded
<br />Acicunent R d2-X02695 , of the Mortgage Records of Hall muntY,
<br />t~braska .and rode by :,il[ard E, fdeCarthyatra nc3na I: ~'1C Car~hy; husband and wife
<br />to 3iperior Mortgage, Enc. and all its right, title and.iryterast to the preadses
<br />.herein desoribed, as fol2aws, to-wft:
<br />"he SoutE~ H~1` ~_1 ;'" Lots `hi~ee (J) .end Four (+) in $Teck 'hirty Three (3.',) in
<br />~arrbert's i.ddition to t::e caty ,_;f .;ran~1 island, Mall ~^,unt~, ?;ebraska
<br />Together with the anti therein described, and the coney due or to becone due
<br />*_hereunder, incl;~ing Lntcrest thereon, Tp HT~m A!$1 TO HOLD the same ~mto the
<br />said party of the accond part, its succeGsors and assigns forever, subject only
<br />to the previsions of said It1i)I,~TSgRE OF MORTGAGE tt.erein contained.
<br />And the party of the first part dote hereby make.. constitute and appoint
<br />the said party of the second part, its true :end lavrfvl attorney, irrewcable,
<br />in its ;~aTC, or othezxiae, but at their awn proper costs and charges, t_o have,
<br />~FSe, arod take alI Iarful ways and ^+exns for the recovery of the said ~zoney
<br />and .interest, and, in case cf paynr_nt, to discharge the same as the party of
<br />the first part unght, or~wld dn, if these ~~resents +rere not :;ads.
<br />IN wITlEFSS V1FiFZ2EOF, 3~pnrior ~~_.___~~, ,__ s ;orporation of the utate o£
<br />Nebraska has chased this Aasic~ment of .yortc~<:ge ~.o hs- executed by its President
<br />and attested by its vice rx-eaident :xnd it:-. `.arFx,rate :,dal to be hereunto. affixed
<br />the 2nC da}• of ,lui_~ ir. *_he year 19 82 ,
<br />' S~3YY1t10R ^DRTGAGE, INC,
<br />~i
<br />i ~ ,~
<br />lames S. Reed, S~FSi~nt~-
<br />'l ~,..
<br />..Attest _• k--.. ~~ ±?-v.,-~C~n,;1
<br />R. S, i. an caster, 4ice I~eaide~nt
<br />stale oP tiehrasKa
<br />3 ss.
<br />runty of Hall 1
<br />€sn t'_:is 2r.d dap of. July 19 8: before uc~, a l~kstary:
<br />?ublic, duty ~omuissione3 and quaiifiedin anti for said Comb anr7 °tate, Personally
<br />taros the above namkxl 3ames :s Reed, President, and R. &. Lancaster, Vice r7esident,
<br />of the 3npesiar Mortgage, Inc, who arc personally known to me to 1`e the
<br />ittentina3 persons v_*:cs2 names arm affixed fio the abo=re assignmentof Wortyage
<br />as the Ptesiciert and slice EYOSident of saih =~r~lrat3on, ~dth~ ~~n~y~Q,~
<br />.•
<br />*_tte instrument to be their vol;ritary ,act ~..~: 3 -c-:;,, ~uZd the vtrltntary. act and. d~ag{j
<br />of the said ~orForat_ton.
<br />i+`I"rNESa ray hand acid offic.ia: sr<tal, in Grand Island, ixt said craunty, the
<br />,::at.~: aforesad. ,.....1
<br />~~~
<br />. , ~ - - -" iSor_ary E'lirtliC ...__.,.J._.._
<br />:.ty r~crti ng$ on n~p4r.>_•s a r ~ ~ ~ 1 , lw,w
<br />~..'.:.r'1 tt?-; "ilr Z,~}_f:r ?,±,rri_".jm3 f+~
<br />~-ec_
<br />Fora . .
<br />