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<br />82-'t'~ t~ 2 F3 3'7 <br />tt~' a S S SQNM SN T QF TItU ST DEED <br />J X:aDW ALL t~N BY THE°,E PRBSEtSTS, "Tha' saQeripr Mprtgager InC. a corporation. thy <br />party of the first part, in consideration of the sutra pf TWentY'- hree th4US$n$ dnC9 <br />no IaO----~_~.__~---------------- Dgllass, to it in hand paid-by'BANCO 2~RTGAGE <br />COMPJINY, P 0 Bcx ;66, Waterloo, 7nwa ~070A a Carporatan, the party of the second <br />pazt, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledg®d, has granted, assigned and transferred, <br />and, by these presents does grant, assign ans transfer untq its successors and <br />assigns, a certain Trust Deed, wlerein the said SZxpexior Mortgage, Inc. is <br />Beneficiary, kichard L. Lvc. :nd Shirlev M. Leon, husband. anc~ wife is <br />Truato;, and F;del?ty +:atienal ?Ttle InSura^-~a fomPa}ty Trustee, wYoich Trust <br />Deed was dated the 30th day of rune 19 82 , ana recorded <br />the '3GZf~ _ day o£ Jure 19 ~2 , doccunent A ~g-AO'67i~ _ <br />of the Kortgage Recprds of Ha71 County, ':ebraska, and all its <br />right, title and interest to the property descries d, as follows, tc-wit: <br />Lot Twn X21, in Block ih€rty ~iyht (38y to 2;,ssel Wheeler'; 4ddition <br />to the city of ;rand Ts'.and, Hal? ,ounty, Nebraska <br />Togathtt with tY:e promissory note therein d~sczibed, and the rr~nr-.y due or to become <br />due thereunder, including intrzes*_ thezecasi~ sub~zct only to the provisions <br />of said Treat Deed therein contained. <br />IN WI3'S~SS WIiERSOF, T?;e Sup.~tior Mortgage, Inc, a co.:z,oratian, has cased this <br />Aasignseat of Treat Deed tc to executed ~y its tYcsident, and attested by its <br />Vice President, and its corporate seal to he Yerrunto affixttd this 2n i <br />day of ?uly Ig ?~ <br />~UPEStI6R FOATGAC;~, 3+IC. <br />~4i 1j <br />iJ ~ ~ <br />~ vy: s <br />-T ~ Lr ~ <br />-~ ~ % James 5. Ree PrP~ _sident <br />Attest: ~ C~ ~•-}~.` <br />R, S. Lancaster, Vice President <br />STASH -~ 1t~115d1- <br />SS. <br />QOL~I7 O! B11LT. <br />~ this 2nd day of J!ilq 19~, before me a <br />nptarf public duly cosmRisaioned and q•.ialifi~in and for said r_ointy and state, <br />pazspcsal2y case the above named Janes S. Reed, President, and R. S. Lancaster, <br />Vice ?rssideat of 9u¢=rioz Mortgage, Ine. who are personally known, to coe *_o k~ <br />t!u id~tical persL"a whuee naaes rare affixod to the above Assignment of Trust <br />Dowd as the President and L"co President of said corporation and thef acknowledge <br />t'-s inartrment to be their voluntary act and Seed and the LQiu.•etary act and domed <br />pf acid epzpnration. <br />iII'L7iF'~S sy Rand and official seal, at Graced Zsland, in said county, the da*_e <br />af+vresaid. <br />~~tlM t .: , , . _~ <br />Nctary I~aoiic <br />~ caswissi~. ~ire~s: Rur.ust :i 13U"•~ <br />,~sturn tq: ~,g~asipr. tfort9a4e. Inc. <br />P n epx ;~ a <br />t°trand is;.and, tin^. 6A201 <br />