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<br />- g2-c) t~ 2 8,3 <br />2I°30'30" and running Southwestarly, a <br />distance of Five Thousand cFour Hundred <br />Fifty-Seven and Four 'Hundredths (5,457,04} <br />feet to the West`Lne of the Northeast' <br />- Quarter {NE<) of said Section Ten. {10) <br />thence Northerly along the west line of <br />said Noz'-:heart 4uarter {NEa), a: distance <br />- of One ~...yusand Nine Hundred Seventy-Six <br />and Twenty-Five Hundred'-`; (1,976.25) feet <br />to the oiace of begnning'and containing <br />X49.193 acres-more or Less, together with <br />alt accretions to the above-described <br />pzemises, said`keal estate and a1i accre- <br />bons thereto rbeinq referred to -as "Tract <br />ZS") <br />''B. Fn addi ion td the uses permitted on Tract I, the <br />Grantor may occupy and use Tract IS'for production of agricultural <br />props and animal husbandry. <br />C. Permissible crap management practices on Tract ZI <br />shall be those customarily used ir¢ agricultural crop production, <br />including but not limited to plowing; dscing;,chemical fertil.iza- <br />tion; chemical Wiest and need control; and irritation. <br />U. Permissible ani.:ital husbandry practices on Tract II <br />shall be those customarily used in the husbandry of sY:eeu, cattle <br />and hods, or such othar livestock ciner,tions that the Grantor may <br />wish tc pursue, except that the size ~f such o_~erations ~n~ili not <br />unreasonably inter£c-re, as determined <`,~y the grantee, with the <br />easement rights on Tract I. For purposes of establishing a scale <br />of permitted animal husbandry operations on Tract II, the Grantor <br />- may establish an cper, lot cattle feeding operation of u,~ to Five <br />Hundred (500) head or a hog cperaticn of Sixty (60) sows, and/ar. <br />one Thousand Five Hundred {1,00) feeder hags. The above 1_ivestac;c <br />numbers may be exceeded if the livestock involved are confined to <br />bui,idings that dc> not occupy more than Two anti Or.e-Hai_* (2~) acres <br />of real esta*_e. <br />E. The construction and rnaintenancs c*" residences and <br />other buii.dings, structures and _`acii-ivies necessar~~ Ycr the per- <br />~;.itted agricultural ocerat.ic:ns on Tracts I anc+ II snail he permitted. <br />s`,n addition .., the main farm: residence, a total of net more than <br />£ive (5) residences may be constructed and mdi.^,taiirad or. g}a<~ <br />fo2lc~:i^g-*3e,c~ibed :ea z~~tate: <br />