<br />$2 ° iJ C~ ~'$ 3
<br />In con ideration of Teri Dollars {514.44), the exchange of
<br />property and other valu~cble consideration, receipt of-which is
<br />hereby ackrowiedged, BZ:NFIELI3 Ct512PORAT20N, a Nebraska Corpora-
<br />: Lion, Grantor, does .hereby grant, bargain, sell and; convey unto
<br />non-profit`corporation (°Grantee"), a perpetual easement over
<br />and upon the following-described real estate:
<br />TRACT I
<br />Lot One (I)sland,. in the Nortt±easfi Quarter (P:E~),
<br />Section Sixteen {Zg}; Lots drze, (1) Two (2), and
<br />Three (3) island, Se~cti:an Fifteen tls); Lot Two (2)
<br />Island, {sometimes referred to as the Southeast'
<br />Quarter of the Sautheast'Quarter (SE~SE~Z),-.Section
<br />Ten (1D); the Northwest ~uartes of-the Northeast
<br />Quarter {1~W~NE~f1, and Lats One::{2). Two (2), Three:
<br />13), Faur (4), rive {),;Six' f5) and Seven' (7?:
<br />Section Eleven (11), All Township .nine (9) 1Vq:rth,
<br />Range Eleven (Il-, and also that Part of the°East
<br />Salf (EIS) of Sec~ion Ten {14) and Part of the'
<br />Southeast Quarter. fSE:) of Section Two (2), and
<br />Part of the Northwest Quarter '.{NWT) of Section Eleven
<br />(11), All Township Nine (°2. North, Rar.ge Eleven
<br />fll), West of the 5th P.M., Hall. ~.'+unty, Nebraska,
<br />mare particularly described as:fcy,.ao:s:
<br />A21 that Part of the East Hat= fE~) of
<br />Section Ten (10), the North~.:est Quarter
<br />(NWT) of. Section Eleven (11), ar.d the
<br />Southeast Quarter (SE's) of Section- Two
<br />t2), lying South of a line which com-
<br />mences 1,976.25 ft. South of the 'vor.th-
<br />west Quarter of the wortheast Quarter
<br />(NW~NE~) of said Sectior. Ter. (lEi) thence<'~
<br />running Northeasterly along a Line which
<br />forms an angle in ti7e !northeast quadrant
<br />of 57°44';07" a distance or 5,45-.u4 r"t.
<br />to a mint an the South line of Sectior.
<br />Two (2}; thence Easterly along and npo:z
<br />_ the South line of sai3 Srcctior ."wo (7.},
<br />a distance of 232.95 ft. to the South
<br />Quarter (S~) corner of the Southeast
<br />Quarter (SE~a) of said Section 'Iwo f2};
<br />thence proceeding .~',asteriy along the
<br />South line of Section Twc (21 a distance
<br />of 425.29 ft., thence deflecting left
<br />41°li7'33" and r~;nnirg in a ?3ortheasteriy
<br />direction a ~'istance of ,0?8.45 ft. *_o a
<br />r~oint ~n the East .-tine of Section 'rwr~ f2),
<br />-11 Township '+ice f9) North, Range. Eie4-en-
<br />(11 hest of the 5t}: P.:K. , Hall Coun .y,
<br />Nebraska, as shown on plat of 8enjarrin s
<br />Associates dated 3!19%82 hereto attached,
<br />;l:a rkZL r:f t11~'J ~.L a .~.nd I~3Cle a :`-1Yt ??e T'FUf.
<br />